
Prevention of tuberculosis These aspects need to be mastered →

author:Jianyang TV


Jianyang People's Hospital held an outpatient square in the hospital

"World Tuberculosis Day" free clinic activities

Further raise the public's health awareness of tuberculosis prevention and treatment

Prevention of tuberculosis These aspects need to be mastered →
Prevention of tuberculosis These aspects need to be mastered →

At the event, the doctor explained in detail the common symptoms of tuberculosis to the residents, including a mild dry cough or a small amount of mucus sputum at the beginning, as well as irritating cough. Experts point out that long-term low-grade fever, night sweats, chest pain in fixed areas, blood in the sputum, fatigue and weakness, loss of appetite, and body emaciation are also common manifestations of tuberculosis.

Prevention of tuberculosis These aspects need to be mastered →

The activity popularized the knowledge of tuberculosis prevention and control to residents through various methods such as hanging banners, putting up popular science display boards, and distributing publicity materials. For patients who come for consultation, TB specialists provide personalized treatment recommendations based on the specific situation of each TB patient.

What is tuberculosis?

What are the symptoms of tuberculosis?

How can it be prevented?

Let's find out

Prevention of tuberculosis These aspects need to be mastered →

Reporter | Xiao Bin

Part of the source | CCTV News

Edit | Zheng Yuelan

Editor-in-charge | Cao Liqin

Audit | Li Yanmin

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