
"2024 Soul Casting Qingming Festival Heroes" activity proposal

author:Jianyang TV

Dear relatives of martyrs, veterans and people from all walks of life,

The spring breeze warms up, and it is clear again. The 2024 Qingming Festival is coming, in this traditional festival of remembering the martyrs, paying tribute to the ancestors, and expressing sorrows, in order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the work of martyrs, better inherit and carry forward the spirit of martyrs, carry out the activities of martyrs during the Qingming Festival, and lead the good social customs of advocating, defending, and learning from the martyrs, we are now issuing an initiative to carry out the "2024 Soul Casting and Qingming Festival of Heroes" activity.

1. Civilized sacrifice, green sacrifice. On this year's Qingming Festival, Jianyang City will adopt a combination of online and offline sacrifices to commemorate the martyrs and comfort the heroes. It is recommended that citizens adhere to green and civilized sacrifices, and adopt methods such as offering flowers, planting trees, hanging ribbons, reciting memorial texts, online memorials, and family memorials to express their grief, so as to make the traditional customs of worshiping the deceased more green, healthy, and low-carbon civilization, and promote the construction of ecological civilization and spiritual civilization.

Second, staggered peak travel, safe sacrifice sweep. During the Qingming Festival, the people and vehicles traveling to worship and sweep are more concentrated, please arrange the time of the sacrifice and sweep reasonably, make an appointment to register in advance, advocate staggered peak worship and sweeping, give priority to the choice of green travel mode, obey the on-site command and guidance, reduce personnel and vehicle congestion, and consciously abide by the management regulations of the martyrs' cemetery such as burning incense and burning paper, throwing dead coins, and setting off firecrackers, so as to jointly create a safe, harmonious, civilized and orderly atmosphere of sacrifice and sweeping.

3. Inherit the virtues and sweep the red sacrifice. Heroes and martyrs are the backbone of the nation, and the Qingming Festival is an important opportunity to promote the spirit of patriotism. Advocate party and government organs at all levels, schools, enterprises and institutions, troops stationed in Chengdu and the broad masses of the people, actively organize cadres and workers, young people, teachers and students in schools to visit martyrs' cemeteries and other patriotic education bases, and hold themed party day, regimental day, and team day activities to commemorate the heroes' great achievements, inherit the red gene, continue the red blood, enhance national pride, and use practical actions to build a civilized and harmonious Jianyang.

Jianyang Veterans Affairs Bureau

March 21, 2024

"2024 Soul Casting Qingming Festival Heroes" activity proposal

Friends from all walks of life and the general public in the city:

The Qingming Festival is approaching, and the number of people who come to Jianyang Martyrs Cemetery to carry out educational and commemorative activities such as martyrs' sacrifice and remembrance of martyrs is increasing. In order to maintain the solemn atmosphere of the martyrs' cemetery, create a good environment, and ensure the safe and orderly development of memorial services, education, and commemorative activities, in accordance with the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs", "Measures for the Management of Martyrs' Memorial Facilities", "Regulations on the Praise of Martyrs" and other relevant provisions, the following warm reminders are hereby made:

1. On-site sacrifice sweeping

(1) Arrangement of the time for sacrificial sweeping.

From now until April 4, there will be 7 festivals every day, 9:00-10:00, 10:00-11:00, 11:00-12:00, 13:00-14:00, 14:00-15:00, 15:00-16:00, 16:00-17:00.

(2) Reservation requirements.

Units (teams) and social organizations (more than 10 people) need to make an appointment by phone 2 days in advance. The appointment time is: 9:00-12:00 a.m., 13:00-17:00 p.m [email protected]. on weekdays;

(Jianyang City Martyrs Cemetery Visit (Activity) Table)

(3) Sacrificial sweeping requirements.

1. Please abide by the regulations on the prohibition of fireworks and firecrackers, consciously resist feudal superstition, choose to offer flowers, flower baskets, bows, silent mourning and other environmentally friendly and simple ways to sacrifice and sweep, flower baskets and ribbon text should be reported to the city martyrs cemetery management office for review before offering.

2. All units and individuals must strictly implement the provisions of the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs", and must not carry out activities unrelated to the commemoration of martyrs, patriotism education, national defense education, and so forth in the Jianyang City Martyrs' Cemetery.

3. Please do not bring all kinds of prohibited items and pets into the park, do not climb the martyrs' memorial buildings, destroy the martyrs' memorial facilities, prohibit uncivilized behaviors such as loud noise, running at will, playing and playing, lying in the monument square, take care of the environment in the park, and do not litter.

4. Participants in the martyrs' memorial activities should be solemn and decent, if there are people with reduced mobility or special circumstances, please contact the Municipal Martyrs Cemetery Management Office in advance, and the on-site staff will assist in the memorial sweep.

5. Obey the guidance and management of the on-site staff, and do not enter the area that is not open to the public without permission.

Second, on behalf of the sacrificial sweep

The bereaved families of martyrs living outside the city limits of Jianyang City can make an appointment by telephone to entrust the staff of the Jianyang Martyrs Cemetery Management Office to perform the memorial service on their behalf, and we can feedback the photos of the memorial service on their behalf.

(1) Offering flowers on behalf of others. Family members can order flowers online and deliver them to the Municipal Martyrs Cemetery, or the staff of the Municipal Martyrs Cemetery Management Office will assist in contacting the flower shop, and the family members will purchase according to their needs. It was dedicated to the tomb by the staff of the Municipal Martyrs Cemetery Management Office.

(2) Reading sacrificial words or family letters on behalf of others. The family members can form a written manuscript of what they want to say to the martyrs and send it to the staff of the Municipal Martyrs' Cemetery Management Office, who will read it in front of the tomb on behalf of the family.

(3) Bow on behalf of others. The staff of the Municipal Martyrs' Cemetery Management Office bowed to the martyrs' tombs on behalf of their families.

3. Online sacrifice sweeping

The national, provincial and municipal online memorial platforms have been opened, as an important position and way to carry out praise and commemoration activities such as memorial to the martyrs, to provide high-quality services for all walks of life and all kinds of memorial objects to commemorate the martyrs online, and to express feelings to the martyrs by offering flowers, sacrificing wine, lighting candles, blessings, etc.

China Heroes Network:

Sichuan Yingli Network:

Chengdu Heroes:

4. Precautions

Respecting heroes and remembering martyrs is the spiritual force of a nation to remember history and move towards the future, and it is the conscience and conscious pursuit that a nation should have.

The Martyrs' Cemetery is a solemn place, and we ask for your understanding, support and cooperation!

Jianyang City Martyrs Cemetery Address: Renyi Village, Xinshi Street, Jianyang City;

Contact number (reservation): 028-27613871

Part of the source | Jianyang Veterans Affairs Bureau

Edit | Zheng Yuelan

Editor-in-charge | Cao Liqin

Audit | Li Yanmin

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