
CCTV revealed: China Resources Beer "Li" inherits the secrets of millennium brewing

author:New Financial Review

Recently, CCTV's documentary masterpiece "Chinese Brewing" swept the Internet like a mellow wind, leading the audience across time and space to indulge in the broad and profound brewing world. The film combs the long history of the Chinese brewing industry from a unique perspective, and interprets the sweetness of rice wine, the saltiness of soy sauce, the sourness of vinegar, the richness of sauce, the fierceness of liquor, the elegance of wine, and the freshness of beer. Each brew is like a whisper of history, telling the wisdom and emotion of the Chinese nation.

CCTV revealed: China Resources Beer "Li" inherits the secrets of millennium brewing

In the seventh episode of "Gu Ya Several Degrees of Autumn", China Resources Beer Factory became the protagonist under the camera. The film crew went deep into this brewing hall and captured the selection of malt ingredients, the care of yeast, the ingenuity of the fermentation process, and the waiting time for the beer to mature. China Resources Beer's "Li" product has become the finishing touch of this episode, which is like a key, opening the historical treasure house of Chinese beer brewing culture, allowing the audience to feel the blend of ancient and modern, the collision of tradition and innovation in the taste.

This chapter is like a hymn to the brewing process, which not only shows the mellow taste and exquisite skills of Chinese beer, but also highlights the national spirit of the Chinese nation on the road of brewing and continuous innovation. Every drop of beer seems to be the crystallization of time, making people feel the profundity and vastness of Chinese civilization in tasting.

CCTV revealed: China Resources Beer "Li" inherits the secrets of millennium brewing

Gu Yun melts through the past and the present

The CCTV documentary "Brewing in China" shows a visual feast of brewing technology like magic, through the screen, we seem to be able to smell the aroma of rice wine, soy sauce, vinegar, sauce, liquor, wine and beer. This documentary uses its unique narrative charm to slowly unfold a magnificent picture of Chinese brewing for the audience.

Beer, a drink with a long history, was born as an unexpected romantic encounter between grain buds and microorganisms. Its story flows quietly in the mother of Chinese civilization, and from the natural fermentation of grains and wild mushrooms, we can get a glimpse of the original mystery of winemaking.

Although the popularity of Western beer has led many people to mistakenly think that it is a foreign product, "China Brewing" tells us with facts: China is the ancient homeland of beer. As early as the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the wise Chinese ancestors had mastered the art of brewing beer, and they gently called the sprouted grains "tiller", and then fermented it over time to brew a jade liquid called "liquor" - this is the prototype of Chinese beer.

In ancient times, wine was revered as a sacred elixir and was seen as a bridge between man and the gods. Li, a liquor that combines the essence of the five grains of China, is a precious offering to the gods during solemn rituals. Its mellow taste and aroma are overflowing, which can be called a brilliant treasure of ancient Chinese brewing art.

The origin of the Chinese nation's brewing is still shrouded in a fog. However, archaeological excavations have shed a light on us. Among the precious artifacts unearthed, traces of grain and honey have been found, as well as tartaric acid remaining in amphorae, which are silent testimonies of the brewing activities of the ancestors. Dating back 9,000 years, ancient humans have formed an indissoluble bond with brewing. In the dawn of civilization, the gift of nature lit the fire of wisdom of the ancestors. In order to treasure this hard-won grain, the original cultivators gradually turned into brewing masters.

Faced with the challenge of survival, the ancestors of China drew inspiration from the surrounding mountains and rivers and gradually explored the ancient secret recipe of brewing. The crystallization of these wisdom not only makes culture continue in daily life, but also makes the barren land bloom into abundant flowers. The splendid picture of Chinese civilization is painted by the spirit of mountains and rivers, the essence of grains and the dance of fire. In the long river of history, mountains and grains have jointly nurtured the unique charm of the Chinese land, and also carved out the unique life taste and taste of Chinese.

CCTV revealed: China Resources Beer "Li" inherits the secrets of millennium brewing

China Resources Beer reshapes the glory of Chinese beer culture

In CCTV's hit documentary "Brewing in China", the brewing giants of China Resources Beer Technology Research Institute appeared like bright stars. Rather than settling for the standardized processes of modern beer production, they have the courage to trace ancient brewing wisdom and overcome difficulties. With the fusion of extraordinary ingenuity and modern technology, they have successfully reproduced the thousand-year-old method of "qu method of brewing liquor, tillering method of brewing liquor", and named this treasure "liquor", announcing to the world the rebirth and inheritance of China's profound brewing culture.

In order to explore the deep historical and cultural roots behind Chinese beer, CR Beer has formed an elite team, each of whom performs their own duties and jointly excavates the mysteries of brewing in ancient books. Some people delve into ancient texts to explore the mystery of ancient wine-making raw materials and processes, and some people focus on the selection and cultivation of yeast, and finally find the most suitable yeast spirit through countless experiments. In addition, archaeologists are invited to provide authoritative historical annotations for research results, ensuring that every detail can restore the true face of history.

The documentary "Brewing in China" uses the "liquor" of China Resources Beer as the medium, like a gate of time, leading the audience to shuttle through the long river of history, explore the legendary story behind the beer, and appreciate the grandeur and profundity of Chinese brewing. This is not only a carnival for the taste buds, but also a spiritual journey to trace the origins of culture. CR Beer took this stage to show the pride and style of Chinese beer to the world, so that the Chinese people can more proudly inherit and promote their brewing art in the magnificent picture of the rise of a great power.

As a leader in the industry, CR Beer is deeply rooted in the rich soil of Chinese culture, always adheres to the corporate creed of active responsibility, and is committed to injecting innovative vitality into the inheritance, brewing beer with profound Chinese cultural heritage and loved by the Chinese people. "As a leading enterprise in China's beer industry, China Resources Beer has the responsibility and responsibility to carry the banner of Chinese beer culture promotion, take the road of inheritance and innovation, and tell the story of beer with Chinese elements and Chinese Chinese. This is the firm belief of Hou Xiaohai, Chairman of the Board of Directors of China Resources Beer, which is like a mainstay and leads the company forward.

Under the delicate brushstrokes of "Brewing in China", the "liquor" of China Resources Beer is like a window of magic, leading us to cross the boundaries of time and space, and indulge in exploring the thousand-year-old legend and brewing mystery behind the beer. Every drop of jade liquid embodies the magnificent scenery and rich history of the Chinese land, and vividly shows the unique charm and profundity of Chinese brewing. In the era of the take-off of this great country, we feel more and more the dazzling Chinese brewing culture, which is not only a precious heritage that the Chinese nation is proud of, but also an inexhaustible driving force for us to strengthen our self-confidence and move towards the future.