
Do you know seborrheic dermatitis? There are 3 causes of it, treat it as soon as possible and suffer less!

author:Dr. Jiro

  In daily life, many people will have some yellow-white patches on their heads, faces and other parts, and there will be some greasy scales on the patches, accompanied by different degrees of itching, and even some erosions and oozing in severe cases.

  The reason for this condition is generally related to seborrheic dermatitis. So, what exactly is seborrheic dermatitis?

Do you know seborrheic dermatitis? There are 3 causes of it, treat it as soon as possible and suffer less!

  What is seborrheic dermatitis?

  1. Definition of disease

  Seborrheic dermatitis, also known as seborrheic eczema, is a very common chronic inflammatory skin condition that generally occurs in some parts of the seborrhea.

  For example, the head, face, or chest, as well as the back, and even the perineum. It is more common in infants and adults, so seborrheic dermatitis is also divided into adult and infantile seborrheic dermatitis.

Do you know seborrheic dermatitis? There are 3 causes of it, treat it as soon as possible and suffer less!

  2. Disease symptoms

  If the baby has seborrheic dermatitis, then there will be some red patches on the baby's cheeks, eyebrow arch, armpits, and the area where the diaper is used, and it will be covered with a layer of scales, and in severe cases, symptoms such as erosion or oozing will appear. Generally, the onset of the disease will occur after 3~4 weeks of birth, and it will be cured within 3 months.

Do you know seborrheic dermatitis? There are 3 causes of it, treat it as soon as possible and suffer less!

  If you have adult-type seborrheic dermatitis, there will be some yellowish-white scales on the scalp, armpits, presternal area, and groin, and there will be some scaling, accompanied by obvious itching.

  If the condition is severe, the affected skin may also experience diffuse swelling, infiltration, and scaling. If it is not treated early, or the skin lesions are scratched by the patient, erosive ulcers and cracked skin may even occur.

Do you know seborrheic dermatitis? There are 3 causes of it, treat it as soon as possible and suffer less!

  So, what are the causes of seborrheic dermatitis?

  I. Endocrine disruption

  The cause of seborrheic dermatitis is not very clear, but it is generally believed that it is related to some bad lifestyle habits that lead to endocrine disorders. Especially for people who stay up late for a long time and are too stressed, the probability of suffering from seborrheic dermatitis will be particularly high.

  Because when there are some bad lifestyles, the hormone levels in the human body will be abnormal, which will cause a large amount of sebum secretion in the sebaceous glands, and the flora in the hair follicles will also multiply, which is easy to change the chemical composition of the sebum, which will cause the hair follicles and skin to be violated, thereby inducing the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis.

Do you know seborrheic dermatitis? There are 3 causes of it, treat it as soon as possible and suffer less!

  2. Dietary factors

  If you like to eat some high-sugar, high-fat foods for a long time, and reduce the intake of plant foods such as fruits and vegetables, it will also induce the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis.

  Because eating these foods for a long time will increase the fat content in the body, and the skin will produce a lot of oil, and a large amount of lipids will be retained in the skin, which can easily cause the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis.

  In addition, if you eat some spicy and irritating foods for a long time, such as chili, coffee, strong tea, and alcohol-rich drinks, it will lead to endocrine disorders and skin irritation, thereby inducing the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis.

Do you know seborrheic dermatitis? There are 3 causes of it, treat it as soon as possible and suffer less!

  3. Health factors

  Long-term failure to do a good job of personal hygiene is another major cause of seborrheic dermatitis. For example, if the air in the environment is too dry, or if you don't wash your face every day and don't do a good job of moisturizing your skin, it will make your skin too dry and it is easy to cause seborrheic dermatitis.

Do you know seborrheic dermatitis? There are 3 causes of it, treat it as soon as possible and suffer less!

  In summary, seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition that causes some skin lesions and itching to occur at any of the seborrhea sites in the patient.

  The causes of this skin disease are generally related to the above three factors. If long-term acne, rosacea, and psoriasis are not actively treated, seborrheic dermatitis can also induce the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis.

  Therefore, if you want to avoid seborrheic dermatitis, you must have a healthy lifestyle. In addition, once you get sick, you must treat it with medication under the guidance of a doctor and do a good job of daily care to maintain skin health to the greatest extent.

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