
Cultural heritage blooms with a new rhyme of the times

author:Shandong Provincial Association for Science and Technology

Cultural heritage blooms with a new rhyme of the times

Shandong has strengthened the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage, so that cultural heritage can be better integrated into modern life

Zhao Zhuangyuan of the Ming Dynasty would not know that his scroll can still be particularly popular today! This is the only palace examination paper of Zhao Bingzhong, the champion of the Ming Dynasty, which has been handed down to future generations, is the "treasure of the town hall" of the Qingzhou Museum, and through the application of digital technology, the multimedia interaction next to the champion scroll reproduces the evolution of the imperial examination system in Chinese history, so that the cultural relics can "dialogue" with the audience in real time. Yang Huasheng, deputy director of the Qingzhou Museum, said that digital technology has broken through the limitations of time and space, making cultural relics come alive and become more vivid.

Not only this champion scroll, Shandong is an important birthplace of Chinese civilization, the birthplace of Confucian culture, and a rich cultural heritage, like a bright star. In recent years, our province has solidly promoted the construction of national cultural parks and major cultural areas, deepened the research on the "Chinese Civilization Exploration Project" and "Archaeological China" in Shandong, and continuously activated the cultural heritage gene in the cultural "two creations", so that the cultural heritage can be brought to life and glow with the brilliance of the new era.

Strengthen the protection of the system and guard the bottom line of cultural heritage security

In Shandong, a fertile land of humanities, the collection of ancient books is rich and heavy, cultural relics and ruins are lined with mountains and seas, with Mount Tai, Qufu "Three Holes", the Great Wall of Qi, the Grand Canal four world cultural heritage sites, 226 national key cultural relics protection units, 1,968 provincial cultural relics protection units, ranking first in the country, 671 state-owned movable cultural relics collection units, a total of more than 2.86 million pieces of cultural relics/sets, the actual number of more than 5.58 million pieces, ranking third in the country; There are 8 items on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and 186 items on the national list, ranking second in the country.

Historical and cultural heritage is a non-renewable and irreplaceable precious resource, and protection must always be given top priority. Our province has always put the work of cultural relics in an important position, done a good job in top-level design, and implemented top-level protection. Policy documents such as "Several Measures for Further Strengthening the Protection and Utilization of Cultural Relics", "Implementation Plan for the "Ten Major Projects" for the Protection and Utilization of Cultural Relics, and Action Plan for Bringing Cultural Relics to Life and Expanding the Influence of Chinese Culture have been successively issued and implemented, and the cultural relics work has been incorporated into the national economic and social development plan, into the assessment system of leading groups and leading cadres, and into the comprehensive performance evaluation indicators of high-quality development, so as to build a cultural relics work pattern led by the party committee, responsible for the government, coordinated by departments, and participated by the society.

Since 2022, 16 cities have been comprehensively promoted to improve the construction of the supporting system of "archaeology first, then transfer". The National Demonstration Zone for the Protection and Utilization of Modern Buildings in the Old Town of Qingdao was selected into the list of the second batch of national demonstration zones for the protection and utilization of cultural relics, and the pilot work of preventive protection of modern buildings in Qufu Confucius Temple, Confucius Mansion and Qingdao Badaguan has achieved remarkable results. The protection and management of cultural relics have been comprehensively strengthened, and the bottom line of cultural relics safety has been more firmly guarded.

In order to strengthen the systematic protection of intangible cultural heritage, our province has successively promulgated and implemented the "Regulations on Intangible Cultural Heritage of Shandong Province" and the "Implementation Plan of Shandong Province Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance and Development Project", and the top-level design, four beams and eight pillars of intangible cultural heritage protection have been continuously established and improved. Qilu Cultural (Weifang) Ecological Reserve has become one of the first seven national cultural and ecological reserves in the country that have passed the acceptance and been officially named. Qingdao City and Dongying City were selected as 8 pilot cities of "intangible cultural heritage in the community" in the country, and 5 communities in the province were selected as typical cases of the national "intangible cultural heritage in the community" pilot case, ranking first in the country.

Explore the source of Chinese civilization and polish the brand of "Haidai Archaeology".

The Haidai region, centered on Shandong, is an important area in the development pattern of ancient civilization in mainland China. As a major cultural province and cultural relics province, Shandong has the foundation, ability and conditions to demonstrate its responsibility in building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

"The paleolithic culture, Houli culture, Beixin culture, Dawenkou culture, Longshan culture, as well as the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties and other cultures found in our province, constitute a complete cultural lineage, cultural heritage, and climax of the development chain, and become an important evidence of the mainland's million-year human history, 10,000-year cultural history, and more than 5,000-year civilization history. The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism said.

In recent years, Shandong has deepened archaeological research by polishing the brand of "Haidai Archaeology", done a good job in the research and interpretation of the origin of Chinese civilization, and major archaeological excavation projects have continuously achieved new results. The Xuyao site of Zhaojia in Linzi, Shandong Province was selected as one of the "Top Ten New Archaeological Discoveries in China" in 2022, and since 1990, Shandong has been selected as one of the "Top Ten New Archaeological Discoveries in China" 21 times and 24 projects.

With the continuous deepening of the Chinese civilization exploration project and the research of "Archaeological China" in Shandong, the archaeological excavation of the ruins of the ancient city of Yiguo and the Jiawu shipwreck site in Weiwan Bay was selected for the progress conference of the major project of "Archaeological China". Significant progress has been made in Paleolithic archaeology, and the excavation and investigation of the Bashan ruins centered on the Bashan and Shuiquanyu ruins have basically established an archaeological sequence of 100,000 to 10,000 years ago.

"With the gradual increase of new archaeological explorations and archaeological materials, not only Shandong scholars, but also Henan scholars have become more and more aware of the profound influence of Haidai culture on the Central Plains. Sun Bo, president of the Shandong Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, and research librarian, said.

Highlight the revitalization and utilization, and integrate cultural heritage into modern life

Focusing on making cultural relics come alive, our province has strengthened excavation and utilization, innovated transformation methods, and incorporated a large number of cultural preservation units, ruins, cultural and museum venues, and ancient towns and villages into tourism routes, which has promoted the mutual empowerment of cultural heritage and tourism industry. At present, the province has opened 1,180 cultural relics protection units above the provincial level to the outside world, of which 620 have been built and opened.

During the Spring Festival, Shandong Museum planned and launched a series of wonderful exhibitions and rich cultural experience activities, attracting a large number of visitors to the museum to celebrate the New Year. Among the many exhibitions, "Haidai Rixin - Shandong History and Culture Exhibition" is very popular. The integration of art and technology allows the exhibition to realize the diversified communication of information, and improves the visibility and interactivity of the exhibition. According to statistics, from the first day of the first lunar month to the seventh day of the first lunar month, the total number of visitors to the Shandong Museum was nearly 150,000, ranking among the top ten domestic museums during the Spring Festival holiday.

It is also the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon, and traveling in Hanfu has become a trend among young people. It is reported that the sales of Caoxian Hanfu industry during the Spring Festival were as high as 300 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of more than 50%. The shadow puppet became a horse-faced skirt pattern, Caoxian willow was made into Hanfu accessories, and the woodcarving technique was used to make Hanfu hairpins...... Integrating into the intangible cultural heritage culture has become the unique romance of Caoxian Hanfu. With the help of Hanfu carrier, intangible cultural heritage has entered the public eye, and the details show the sense of identity and pride of Cao County people in their hometown. Fu Min, deputy director of the Party History Research Center of the Caoxian County Party Committee, said.

It is understood that at present, there are more than 1.2 million intangible cultural heritage enterprises and business households in our province, with an annual output value of 160 billion yuan, nearly 4 million direct employees, 60 typical towns (streets) named at the provincial level of "intangible cultural heritage to help alleviate poverty and promote rural revitalization", and 20 provincial cultural and ecological villages and towns.

Touching the historical context in the ancient city, using AI technology to restore cultural relics, "new Chinese style" and "national trend" into fashionable life, cultural relics and historic sites and modern cities coexist in harmony, and intangible cultural heritage handicraft empowers people to get rich...... As our province continues to promote the cultural "two creations", the cultural heritage with a heavy background is blooming on the land of Qilu with a new rhyme of the times.

Source: Popular Daily

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