
Everyone took turns to take care of Sasha at the airport, why?

author:Love to death tomatoes
Everyone took turns to take care of Sasha at the airport, why?

Most of the people didn't go to the competition, Liu Ding didn't go, so Sasha's brothers and sisters took turns to take care of Sasha! Why do they have to take special care of Sasha? Because Sasha has had the experience of getting lost at the airport, it is not lost, at most she is lost, in fact, she is not lost, but she just went around the airport a few times and entered the wrong waiting hall.

Everyone took turns to take care of Sasha at the airport, why?

Sasha only brought Mario on the little white bag this time, and the little shark stayed at home, after all, the big head didn't go to the game this time, and the little shark had to be left with the big head.

And now that the popularity of national table tennis is getting more and more, there are too many proxy auctions at the airport, and Sasha is embarrassed to say that it is so surrogate, no brother and sister look at Sasha, I am really afraid that something unexpected will happen!

Everyone took turns to take care of Sasha at the airport, why?

Sasha's popularity is really good, everyone didn't discuss, so they invariably took care of Sasha for the person who didn't come to the game!

At the beginning, Da Fat took on the responsibility of taking care of Sasha, after all, he is his own brother, and it is not natural to take care of his sister! Because Sasha is especially easy to get lost, especially in the winding airport.

Everyone took turns to take care of Sasha at the airport, why?

There are really a lot of Sasha fans, and when I was at the airport this time, a grandmother-level fan wanted to take a photo with Sasha, and Sasha immediately agreed generously, and immediately moved her suitcase to the side, took out the hand in her pocket, and then took a group photo!

Everyone took turns to take care of Sasha at the airport, why?

While waiting for the plane, Da Fat went to go through the registration formalities, and Sister Meng took up her post! Sasha stayed with Sister Meng, and the two of them were talking and laughing, were they talking about the Weibo they had posted a few days ago? A few days ago, Da Meng posted a photo of a photo taken by going out to play during the training in Wanning, Hainan.

Everyone took turns to take care of Sasha at the airport, why?

Sasha: Sister Meng'er, you look good in this pale green

Big Dream: Isn't it a little tender?

Sasha: How could it be? We are young and beautiful at the age of eighteen, how beautiful we are!

I have to say that Da Meng's temperament is really good, casually dressed in pale green yoga clothes, go to that station, click and shoot, it looks better than the advertisements shot by celebrities!

Everyone took turns to take care of Sasha at the airport, why?
Everyone took turns to take care of Sasha at the airport, why?

Next, the eel went to work! Under the sun, the seafood sisters, one in front of the other, one in light clothes and one in dark clothes, one with black hair and one with chestnut heads. Although the eel is only a year older than Sasha, she still looks like an older sister.

Everyone took turns to take care of Sasha at the airport, why?

Next, the Dragons are on duty! The team is wearing light down jackets and cool black hats.

Brother Long has experience in taking children, he is already a father of two children, a few days ago, some netizens met the dragon team in the park and waited for the child at the gate of the playground.

Everyone took turns to take care of Sasha at the airport, why?
Everyone took turns to take care of Sasha at the airport, why?

The temperament of the Dragons really doesn't have to say!

At the end of the article, the Incheon schedule is attached! Looking at the schedule, it's okay, it's quite benevolent, only singles, no both, you shouldn't be tired. Go for the national table tennis athletes! The champion is 1,000 points plus 15,000 US dollars!

Everyone took turns to take care of Sasha at the airport, why?

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