
Qianyang County: Build a strong awareness of fire protection and build a safe community

author:Sanqin's things

In order to further help the construction of a "safe" community, promote the construction of community safety, implement it in detail, focus on results, and work together to build a safe and peaceful home. 近日,千‬阳‬县‬城关镇东城社区严格遵照全镇安全生产工作整体部署主动作为,多措并举,多方施策,促成平安建设常规长效常态,有章有法有序有为大幅提升居民安全感,幸福感,满意度。

Qianyang County: Build a strong awareness of fire protection and build a safe community

Spread the word and create an atmosphere. Dongcheng Community, Chengguan Town, through the large screen to play safety and fire short videos, post posters of fire and risk elimination, distribute more than 1,000 leaflets of fire knowledge, the community under its jurisdiction recorded and played safety and prevention audio, WeChat group fire and rescue, emergency escape short video and other flexible and diverse forms to build a strong sense of safety and prevention, so that people do their duty, all parties work together, group prevention and treatment, prevention first, prevention before it happens, build a solid safety fire wall, weave a dense prevention and risk elimination network, to ensure that the construction of a safe urban area is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the landing is effective, and the alarm bell rings.

Qianyang County: Build a strong awareness of fire protection and build a safe community

Improve the system and take a multi-pronged approach. The backbone of the county fire brigade has been specially invited for many times to effectively carry out fire training, enhance residents' fire safety concepts, enhance residents' awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation, enrich the people's daily fire prevention and disaster reduction knowledge and on-site security self-defense capabilities, and eradicate potential safety hazards from the source and heart, and further improve the level of early disposal and rapid rescue in response to emergencies. Regularly carry out fire drills to improve residents' emergency avoidance, escape and self-rescue skills, improve fire fighting positions, prepare for the construction of fire stations with special personnel and special management, set up emergency fire fighting teams, be familiar with the use of fire fighting equipment, and complete the standing common fire emergency materials, so as to achieve the integration of civil air defense technology and physical defense, and the four defenses, be prepared, and ensure that the construction of safety is always unremitting, grasping, and the awareness is eternal.

Strong investigation, strict prevention and strict management. Give full play to the leading role of party building, integrate the resources of the jurisdiction, and make use of the advantages of the four-level grid management system, the grid chief, the grid team leader, the grid member, and the building chief do their duty, and make multi-directional efforts to form an indestructible security force. Supervise and urge the property to strengthen the management and service of the nerve endings of the residents, consolidate the responsibility, fulfill the safety responsibility of the veto, increase the supervision of property service enterprises, and at the end of the year, through the property company, grid staff evaluation, model point management, property red and black list publicity and other target assessment and incentive mechanisms, urge the property and grid staff to do a good job in the safety and sanitation of residents, consolidate the main responsibility and regulatory responsibility, and ensure that the safety and disaster prevention work is implemented, implemented effectively, and has a plan, is effective and promising.

Qianyang County: Build a strong awareness of fire protection and build a safe community

All parties work together to build together. Make full use of the director of the "double registration" governance service mechanism and the "four-level grid" governance system and the building guarantee unit to submit a reminder of safe co-construction, give full play to the joint efforts of the police and the people in the new era, and unite the fire brigade, the town police station, and the property office to carry out joint law enforcement, Christmas night patrol and other safety and stability maintenance and safety protection work, and go deep into the community after the shift to check the flying line charging, and publicize and popularize the "three clearances and three customs" , safe use of electricity, fire and gas, inspection of the property with fire-fighting equipment, on-site inventory of private cars parked indiscriminately, private occupation of fire passages and other chaos, so that prevention and control are combined, prepared, prevention before it happens, and the Chengguan Town Judicial Office has resolved neighborhood disputes many times, so that it can be dealt with in a timely and effective manner, the contradictions are not sublimated and not intensified, the social security is civilized and orderly, and the social order is stable and harmonious. Everyone abides by public order and good customs, and forms a good social trend of advocating virtue and goodness, and helping each other. Multi-head participation, people fulfill their responsibilities, and achieve the long-term effect of all parties working together to co-build, co-govern and co-manage, create and share, prevent and treat the masses, prevent and treat together, and combine prevention and control.

Qianyang County: Build a strong awareness of fire protection and build a safe community

消防责任重于山,长鸣不懈百姓安,下一步,千‬阳‬县‬城关镇东城社区持续作为、并向发力,群策群力,一如既往,以“四型”社区建设为己任,筑牢安全防患底线思维、用情用心用力确保群众人财安全,凝聚四级网格化治理体系合力,扎实开展双报到共治之策,盘活辖区资源,多防联动,未雨绸缪,防治并举,全员参与,进一步增强灾害预警防患、应急处置、 Rescue and rescue capabilities to ensure that the construction of a safe home is not missed, and it has become a common practice, and there is no danger, no accident, no disaster, and no disaster to promote the normalization and long-term mechanism of safe construction. (‬城关镇东城社区张虎林供‬稿‬)‬

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