
Talking about the comparison between the present and the past of the workshop director of the basic railway station

author:Lang Tao Sha 7765


Talking about the comparison between the present and the past of the workshop director of the basic railway station
Talking about the comparison between the present and the past of the workshop director of the basic railway station

In the railway base station section, the workshop is a very important management organization, composed of a number of sections, work areas and production teams, equipped with certain production personnel, technical personnel and management personnel, is the enterprise in the production process to complete a process or a separate production of a product unit. 而‬车间主任‬作为整个‬‬车间‬‬的‬第一管理者‬,在站段领导与作业人员之间发挥着承上启下的纽带作用。 套用‬人们‬的口头语‬来说‬,就是‬组织‬大家‬一起干活‬的。

Why do people often habitually refer to the workshop director as the chief director? Do you know the mystery? Chinese culture is broad and profound, and all words, words, and sentences have profound meanings. "副"字,顾名思义,就是次要‬和‬非正的,主要‬区别于“正”或“主”。 对于‬职务而言‬,当然是‬辅助或辅佐性质‬的,如‬副手、副‬职、副主任‬等‬。 In order to show respect for the deputy directors of the workshop, people often omit the word "deputy" in their daily titles, and call them all directors directly. But in this way, how can the prominent position of the director be revealed? The last thing that is lacking in real life is the method. As a result, adding a bright and bright "big" word in front of the workshop director, so as to strictly distinguish and distinguish it from the deputy directors, it has become a traditional habit of people.

In the long history of several decades, people have gradually found that in the current railway grassroots station section, whether it is the nature of work, or management methods and many other situations have undergone very obvious changes compared with the past. Among them, the workshop director, as one of the very important direct managers in the railway workforce, is particularly prominent.

Talking about the comparison between the present and the past of the workshop director of the basic railway station

One, the number of people is increasing.

Before the 70s of the last century, there was only one director in the general workshop, who was responsible for all the management of the entire workshop. From directing production, assigning tasks, and deploying personnel, to technical guidance, inspection and acceptance, and coping with the work inspection of higher-level departments, they are basically all handled by themselves.

Later, with the strengthening of management work, one or two deputy directors were gradually added to assist the workshop director. At present, there are generally four deputy directors, who are specifically responsible for the management of transportation, personnel, equipment and safety according to their respective division of labor.

In this way, the work of one person has been reduced to a task undertaken by five people. Despite this, many workshop directors and deputy directors often complain that their workload is too large, and often violate the regulations and transfer some front-line personnel to serve themselves. The increase in the number of people does not mean an increase in work efficiency, but rather a sharp contrast between the situation and the situation of many years ago.

I remember that there was only one director in a locomotive depot application workshop, and the first thing the workshop director did after going to work was to go to the operation duty room to check the operation diagram and fully understand the use of operators and locomotives and various problems in the work in the past night. Then call in the locomotive captains, instructors and attendants to plan the day's work concisely and concisely. Then, after handling the sick and personal leave of the relevant employees, he hurriedly ran to the section chief's office to report his work. In addition, it is necessary to communicate the business situation with the technical room, acceptance room, laboratory, statistics room, education room, maintenance workshop, maintenance workshop, equipment workshop and other departments in a timely manner as needed. The normal working procedures are backward, and it is necessary to take time to fill in various management accounts, guide drivers to analyze and evaluate, and summarize the work of the workshop. Every once in a while, the public bicycle used by the class caller to ride every day should be carefully maintained and repaired.

Talking about the comparison between the present and the past of the workshop director of the basic railway station

Second, the income is getting higher and higher.

Before the 80s and 90s of the last century, the wage income of almost all grassroots railway stations was inclined to the front-line workers. Not to mention the workshop director, even the income of the station section chief is far less than that of the main types of work on the front line. Taking the locomotive depot as an example, the upper limit of the basic salary of locomotive drivers was 99 yuan for grade 8 workers, which was the same as that of the director of the railway bureau at that time. The upper limit of the salary of the head of the locomotive section at the main department level is 84.5 yuan for the seventh-level worker, and 72.3 yuan for the sixth-level worker for the workshop director. At that time, the locomotive crews, running captains, conductors, and vehicle crews were exclusively entitled to various production subsidies such as crew fees, trip awards, coal saving awards, and post allowances, and management cadres such as section chiefs and directors were not involved at all. At that time, the popular language was "If you want to be idle, you can be a cadre, and if you want to make money, you can run a car." ", which best sums up the actual situation of the year. Later, with the continuous reform of the income distribution system of enterprises, the income of the management personnel of the grassroots railway station increased geometrically, and soon formed a huge gap with the front-line workers. At present, the management cadres above the department level of the railway are all paid more than hundreds of thousands of yuan per year, and there are generous year-end cash bonuses, while the monthly income of ordinary employees is only a few thousand yuan. Roughly converted, the same as the station section chief and workshop director positions, the current compared with the eighties and nineties of the last century, conservative estimates, basically about 5-10 times higher.

Talking about the comparison between the present and the past of the workshop director of the basic railway station

Third, the ability is getting worse and worse.

In the past, the workshop directors were basically the top business masters of each workshop, and they all had a very rich long-term work experience in the main front-line driving jobs such as station attendants, shunting officers, locomotive drivers, vehicle inspectors, linemen, and signal workers. It is very easy to deal with the daily realities and plays a very important and key role in the work of railway transportation. In addition, they are often able to fully arouse the enthusiasm of the broad masses of cadres and workers with strong ideological and political work. Everyone thinks together, works together, and devotes themselves to the work of railway transportation with enthusiasm.

However, in the past 20 years and more, the regression of the professional ability of some leading cadres is a practical problem that people have to face correctly. In some grassroots railway stations, many leading cadres are called "tape recorders that can breathe" by the vast number of front-line workers, and they do what they say above, and they lack the basic ability to analyze and solve problems. The phenomenon of not knowing how to drive, not understanding business, not understanding management, no experience, and layman leading insiders abounds.

Talking about the comparison between the present and the past of the workshop director of the basic railway station

Fourth, the prestige is getting lower and lower.

In the past, whenever the workshop directors were mentioned, many employees would give a thumbs up and list many distinctive features:

"Our director is really good, and he has won the first place in the technical exhibition competition of the locomotive driver branch twice. "

"Our director leads by example, and whenever there is a storm, heavy snow, and extremely cold weather, he always goes online and works with everyone. "

"Our director is so good, sometimes when employees encounter special difficulties and need to rest and the staff is insufficient, they would rather take the place themselves, but also create opportunities for the parties to rest and get things done. "

At present, in many grassroots stations, many workshop management cadres, including the director, have greatly reduced their image in people's minds and are often scoffed at. Problems such as corruption and bribery, buying and selling official positions, setting up false names, extortion, fraud, and bullying are not uncommon. As a result, it is regarded as the opposite of itself by many employees.

Talking about the comparison between the present and the past of the workshop director of the basic railway station

Fifth, the threshold is getting shorter and shorter.

In the past, the standard required for the promotion of workers to workshop management personnel was very high, and the lofty ideological realm, good mass foundation, excellent professional ability, solid work style, rich work experience, and excellent work performance were indispensable. It has gradually grown up after years of practical work. However, in the past 20 to 30 years, due to the influence of unhealthy social trends, as long as the relationship is in place and the money is in place, there is no problem with any ideas, knowledge, qualifications, abilities, levels, and experience. Pretend to be an errand and make a transition, simply go through the motions, and all problems are solved. As a result, a large number of opportunistic elements with low technical level, little work experience, poor management ability, many daily problems, and poor moral character have turned into management cadres who have risen to the top and are on top of the list.

Talking about the comparison between the present and the past of the workshop director of the basic railway station

Sixth, the party is getting more and more sufficient.

In the past, many railway leading cadres were simple and approachable, and there was basically no difference between them and front-line workers at the job site, if only from the appearance. At that time, the author's railway bureau had a deputy director Zhang in charge of locomotive work, who was responsible for the division of labor and guarantee of our railway branch, and almost every week had to spare one or two days to go deep into the relevant locomotive depot to engage in the "three sames". They put on work clothes, work hats, and yellow rubber shoes to eat, live, and work with the majority of locomotive crews. Especially when adding a steam locomotive, he actively helped the locomotive stoker to pick coal, burn the fire and clean the car. After finishing the crew, walk to the train apartment with the locomotive crew and sit together and munch on cornmeal flatbread with relish. Then he and the three brothers shared the same room, played poker together, drilled the table, played big mountains, joked, and finally took a bath and slept together.

Before the seventies and eighties of the last century, many workshop directors seemed to be the big stewards of the entire workshop, and they were real public servants of the workshop employees. Every morning is the time when all kinds of personnel find the workshop director to do the most, asking for leave, working in tandem, signing business trip certificates, and reporting work, one after another, in an endless stream. And at this time, the area around the open space near the outside of the workshop office is undoubtedly the only place where the workshop director can be found. The workshop director with gray sideburns often holds a wide bamboo broom, and while handling the work properly in an orderly manner, he uses the interval time to clean the area around the workplace and make it spotless. Whenever some employees are ready to help, the workshop director always refuses without hesitation: "You just came back from a trip and it was very hard." Hurry home and rest, and continue to work at night. "No, don't delay your work. Unlike when I'm an idler, I have time. "

Later, with the continuous increase of management personnel, the workshop office, the team learning room, the operation room and the surrounding workplace environment sanitation began to be listed as a sanitation sharing area, and all workshop management personnel took turns to be responsible for it according to the duty schedule.

Later, some workshop managers gradually "promoted to a long temper". On the one hand, they keep complaining about the shortage of front-line driving workers and the lack of fixed staff, but on the other hand, they do whatever they want and do whatever they want, and some of the main driving personnel are transferred down as full-time service personnel, specializing in boiling water, making tea, mopping the floor, wiping the table, cleaning the glass, cleaning, doing odd jobs and running errands to do private things for the workshop leaders.

The workshop is nothing but a railway section-level production department, and although some workshop directors are not of high rank and ability, their bureaucratic style is extremely serious. In many "remote workshops" far away from the location of the station headquarters, the workshop director is like a "soil emperor" who is far away from the emperor. Because of the firm grasp of the entire workshop personnel work allocation, job promotion, income distribution, rewards and punishments and other management powers, often arrogant, unstoppable, full of style.

Talking about the comparison between the present and the past of the workshop director of the basic railway station