
【Health Knowledge】【Twenty-four Solar Terms】The spring equinox is at the right time for health preservation

author:Two or three miles of information

【Introduction】The word "fen" in the vernal equinox shows the boundary between day and night, half of cold and half of summer. "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" says: "Spring and March...... Heaven and earth are born, and all things are glorious. "During the spring equinox, the grass and trees germinate, and the human hormone is also at a relative peak. Li Yan, director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation Department of the Sixth Municipal Hospital, reminded that the vernal equinox is an important time to adjust the balance of yin and yang in the human body, reconcile qi and blood, and at the same time, it is also necessary to be vigilant against the nuisance of the recurrence of old diseases.

【Health Knowledge】【Twenty-four Solar Terms】The spring equinox is at the right time for health preservation

1. Regulate emotions and generate yang energy

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver belongs to the wood, and the joy is tiaoda, which corresponds to the yang energy that rises in spring. If you don't pay attention to emotional regulation, the liver qi will be depressed, and many diseases will be born. Therefore, spring should follow the natural law of yang qi rising, so that the liver qi can reach smoothly. This requires learning to self-regulate emotions, learn to guard against anger and anger, cultivate an optimistic and cheerful personality, and have more hobbies. You can often take a moment to close your eyes and recuperate, breathe and relax, or you can plant flowers and grasses, raise fish and birds, etc., to cultivate temperament and eliminate spring sleepiness, so as to facilitate "spring and summer yang".

2. Wake up early and go to bed early, and conform to nature

"Lie down at night and get up early, and walk in the court...... This spring should be the way to maintain health. If you do not, it will hurt the liver." After the beginning of spring, the natural world is full of vitality, and all things are thriving, at this time, people should conform to the vigorous scene of the natural world, go to bed early and get up early, go for a walk in the morning, relax the body, and make the mood with the spring and not violate it, which is the health preservation method to adapt to spring. If this method is violated, the liver will be damaged, which is the basis of spring health.

3. Beware of recurrence of old diseases

As the old proverb goes: "When a hundred grasses sprout, old diseases sprout." "It can be seen that after the beginning of spring is the season of frequent diseases. In spring, there are frequent diseases such as pneumonia, hepatitis, encephalitis, measles, mumps, allergic asthma, myocardial infarction, and mental illness. Therefore, for patients with hepatitis, allergic asthma, myocardial infarction, etc., special attention should be paid to recuperation and prevention.

Fourth, "spring cover", don't reduce clothes too early

"Spring does not reduce clothes, autumn does not wear hats". In spring, when it is warm and cold, and the temperature changes greatly, it is difficult to adapt to the winter clothes if you lose your winter clothes too early, and once the temperature drops, it will be difficult to adapt, which will reduce the body's resistance. Germs attack the body by weakness, easy to cause various respiratory diseases and winter and spring infectious diseases, it is best to increase or decrease clothes with the change of temperature, take a thick coat in hand, take off when it is hot, and put it on when it is cold.

Fifth, comb your hair 100 times, and reach yang energy

"The Theory of Health Maintenance" says: "In spring and March, comb your hair one or two hundred times a day." Combing your hair every day in spring is a good way to maintain health, and at this time, the body's yang energy also conforms to nature, and has the characteristics of rising upwards and outwards, which is manifested as the gradual stretching of pores, vigorous metabolism, and rapid growth. Therefore, combing hair in spring is in line with the requirements of this spring health preservation, and has an important role in promoting stagnation, soothing qi and blood, and reaching yang qi.

[Main Ideas and Data Sources]


Spring Equinox Health Care Guide - Spring Health - 天下健康网 (

【Experts of this issue】

【Health Knowledge】【Twenty-four Solar Terms】The spring equinox is at the right time for health preservation

Li Yan

Chief TCM physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation, Shenyang Sixth People's Hospital

Graduated from Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, majoring in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Areas of expertise: Engaged in clinical work of traditional Chinese medicine for 28 years, has rich experience and deep attainments in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of liver diseases, and has accumulated rich clinical experience in the integrated treatment of fatty liver, various types of hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, ascites, jaundice and other liver diseases; It also has a good effect on insomnia, cough, diarrhea, abdominal distention, indigestion, liver depression, dizziness, menstrual irregularities, excessive sweating, infertility and other miscellaneous medical syndromes.

He is also a member of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a standing member of the Liver Disease Branch of the Liaoning Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a member of the Liver Disease Professional Committee of the Liaoning Association of Integrative Traditional and Western Medicine, a member of the Professional Committee of the Construction of Traditional Chinese Medicine Specialties of the General Hospital of the Liaoning Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

(Ersanli edited by Luo Qi)

【Health Knowledge】【Twenty-four Solar Terms】The spring equinox is at the right time for health preservation

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