
Big S shared a family photo with Wang Xiaofei, and showed affection with Gu Junye in a couple outfit, and Xiao S spoke up

author:Moe Kami Tree Tree

Wang Xiaofei and Da S, the former resentful couple, have started a new plot. Wang Xiaofei was sued by Big S for leaking her privacy, and then Wang Xiaofei revealed in court that Big S sent 2.7 million gifts to South Korea before the divorce, suggesting that Big S was cheating, which led to a series of mutual tears.

Big S shared a family photo with Wang Xiaofei, and showed affection with Gu Junye in a couple outfit, and Xiao S spoke up
Big S shared a family photo with Wang Xiaofei, and showed affection with Gu Junye in a couple outfit, and Xiao S spoke up

Wang Xiaofei hinted that Big S was cheating, which triggered a counterattack from Big S, she posted that it was Wang Xiaofei who cheated, and it was an act of anger to swipe his card after her divorce, and said that she had never used her ex-husband's card to buy anything for Gu Junye.

Big S shared a family photo with Wang Xiaofei, and showed affection with Gu Junye in a couple outfit, and Xiao S spoke up

Then, Wang Xiaofei was furious and started a Jedi counterattack, posting a series of evidence and screenshots, angrily accusing Big S of infringing on the right to reputation. Wang Xiaofei first sent out three pictures, indicating that the others were said in the court.

The first picture he posted was a gift courier order sent to South Korea by Big S before his divorce in August 2021 and a screenshot of the chat that Big S arranged for the driver to send out, which can be said to be very crucial.

Big S shared a family photo with Wang Xiaofei, and showed affection with Gu Junye in a couple outfit, and Xiao S spoke up

The place where Big S sent it was somewhere on Zhongxiao East Road in South Korea, and it was suspected that it was sent to Gu Junye.

Big S shared a family photo with Wang Xiaofei, and showed affection with Gu Junye in a couple outfit, and Xiao S spoke up

The remaining two pictures are suspected to be notarial deeds and mortgage expenditure details, and Wang Xiaofei used this to show that the house in Taiwan Province was purchased by herself, and the mortgage was also paid by herself, not as stated by Big S, and the house was purchased by Big S.

Big S shared a family photo with Wang Xiaofei, and showed affection with Gu Junye in a couple outfit, and Xiao S spoke up

Then comes the more critical content.

Wang Xiaofei posted a long article again, in response to Big S saying that he started to push down Xiao S, Wang Xiaofei denied it, saying that Big S was unwilling to go back to Beijing at that time, and continued to slander us, and Xiao S has been encouraging Big S to divorce, and he can't be angry. And not only did he not have domestic violence, but he was also subjected to domestic violence by Big S, saying that when Big S hallucinated, he behaved very crazy: "Hit me with a knife, a golf club, or a red wine bottle!" There is evidence, and there are witnesses, when you sober up, you said that you forgot, and you regarded me as your father, and I never said that you were wrong. ”

Big S shared a family photo with Wang Xiaofei, and showed affection with Gu Junye in a couple outfit, and Xiao S spoke up

Wang Xiaofei did not mention her cheating on Zhang Yingying. Instead, she posted the logistics list and time, and shouted that the big S people were watching the sky, and she contacted Gu Junye during the marriage: "I chose not to expose it, you kicked your nose in the face, you have already contacted him, don't admit it!"

Big S shared a family photo with Wang Xiaofei, and showed affection with Gu Junye in a couple outfit, and Xiao S spoke up
Big S shared a family photo with Wang Xiaofei, and showed affection with Gu Junye in a couple outfit, and Xiao S spoke up

In the end, Wang Xiaofei scolded Da S for not letting the child go back to Beijing, and angrily scolded her for transmitting improper thoughts to the child. I have tolerated it for too long, Big S always talks about privacy, but this time I was violated by Big S.

Wang Xiaofei didn't forget to mock Da S: "You are my child's mother, I respect you, but you have never respected me, I hope you don't say anything through other people's mouths in the future!"

Big S shared a family photo with Wang Xiaofei, and showed affection with Gu Junye in a couple outfit, and Xiao S spoke up

At the same time as the accompanying text, Wang Xiaofei also released the photos of Jiugongge as evidence, in addition to the express delivery bill and mortgage expenses mentioned above, there are also screenshots of the conversation with Da S himself.

The two discussed whether the child could go back to Beijing, Da S said that he could take the child abroad during the winter and summer vacations, but he didn't go to Beijing, because the child was afraid, and shouted not to let Zhang Lan see the child, Wang Xiaofei angrily scolded her for instilling bad thoughts, and Da S denied it. But when it is described as "going abroad", it is really strange to say that you can't go to Beijing.

Big S shared a family photo with Wang Xiaofei, and showed affection with Gu Junye in a couple outfit, and Xiao S spoke up
Big S shared a family photo with Wang Xiaofei, and showed affection with Gu Junye in a couple outfit, and Xiao S spoke up

There is also a photo of the big S child and Gu Junye, blessing Wang Xiaofei, and then blocking Wang Xiaofei. is very angry with Wang Xiaofei.

Big S shared a family photo with Wang Xiaofei, and showed affection with Gu Junye in a couple outfit, and Xiao S spoke up

Judging from the photos, Gu Junye and Da S spent the New Year together, and they were also wearing couple clothes, and the children and Gu Junye seemed to get along very well.

Big S shared a family photo with Wang Xiaofei, and showed affection with Gu Junye in a couple outfit, and Xiao S spoke up

Subsequently, in response to Big S's accusation that Wang Xiaofei pushed Xiao S, Xiao S himself responded, but he did not confirm it positively, nor did he deny it, but just expressed his gratitude for everyone's concern: "My sister has really worked hard in the past few years." ”

Big S shared a family photo with Wang Xiaofei, and showed affection with Gu Junye in a couple outfit, and Xiao S spoke up
Big S shared a family photo with Wang Xiaofei, and showed affection with Gu Junye in a couple outfit, and Xiao S spoke up
Big S shared a family photo with Wang Xiaofei, and showed affection with Gu Junye in a couple outfit, and Xiao S spoke up

So far, the situation can be described as ugly. I hope that the two can look at the children and have less-for-tat.

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