
How to wear it inside the coat? These 3 combinations can be popular for ten years but will not go out of style!

author:Qingqing said the drama

Wearing a coat is a classic in the fashion industry, but how to match the coat in order to have both a sense of fashion and warmth?

How to wear it inside the coat? These 3 combinations can be popular for ten years but will not go out of style!


In the colder months, opt for a close-fitting sweater as an underlayer to keep you warm and show off an elegant vibe. Pair it with a pair of slim-fitting jeans to not only accentuate your waistline, but also make the overall look look neater.

How to wear it inside the coat? These 3 combinations can be popular for ten years but will not go out of style!

1.1 Choose the right sweater

When choosing a sweater, it is advisable to choose a style with a high neckline for better warmth. At the same time, the basic colors can be selected, such as black, white, and gray, which can be used with coats without losing a sense of solemnity and looking versatile.

How to wear it inside the coat? These 3 combinations can be popular for ten years but will not go out of style!

1.2 Selection and matching of jeans

Jeans are one of the classics in the fashion world, choose a pair of slim-fitting jeans and try to avoid styles that are too tight or too loose to stay comfortable and show off your curves. Opt for dark jeans to complement your sweater in a basic color.

How to wear it inside the coat? These 3 combinations can be popular for ten years but will not go out of style!

2. Knitted skirt + boots to create an elegant and intellectual atmosphere

If you're looking for a more feminine, intellectual side inside your coat, then a knitted skirt and boots are a great way to do it. This outfit not only has a sense of layering, but also highlights the leg line, and the overall look is more slender.

How to wear it inside the coat? These 3 combinations can be popular for ten years but will not go out of style!

2.1 Choose a knitted skirt of the right length

When choosing a knitted skirt, it's best to choose a knee-length or ankle-length style that is both warm and stylish. At the same time, you can choose a color that echoes the coat to create an overall harmonious color match.

How to wear it inside the coat? These 3 combinations can be popular for ten years but will not go out of style!

2.2 Selection and matching of boots

Boots are an indispensable item this season, and opting for an over-the-knee or knee-length pair of boots will keep you warm and layered your look. When matching, you can choose boots in a similar color to the knitted skirt to make the overall look more unified.

How to wear it inside the coat? These 3 combinations can be popular for ten years but will not go out of style!

3. Suit pants + white shirt to create a smart and neat workplace style

For those who are concerned about what to wear for the workplace, a combination of a coat with suit pants and a white shirt is definitely a no-brainer. It's a combination that looks professional and smart, and keeps you warm in the cold season.

How to wear it inside the coat? These 3 combinations can be popular for ten years but will not go out of style!

3.1 Choose the right suit pants

When choosing suit pants, it is advisable to choose a style with a slim fit, avoid being too loose or too tight, and maintain a decent feeling for the workplace. The color can be dark colors, such as dark blue and dark gray, which is both solemn and easy to match.

How to wear it inside the coat? These 3 combinations can be popular for ten years but will not go out of style!

3.2 The classic choice and matching of white shirts

White shirts are one of the classics in the workplace, choose a well-fitting white shirt with a neat neckline, which not only looks smart and neat, but also adds a sense of elegance to the overall look.

How to wear it inside the coat? These 3 combinations can be popular for ten years but will not go out of style!

Ending: Dressing tips + complimentary summary

When choosing an inner coat, you should not only pay attention to the sense of fashion, but also consider practicality and comfort. With the right combination, you can easily create different styles of styling that can not only meet the needs of daily life, but also show personality and taste.

How to wear it inside the coat? These 3 combinations can be popular for ten years but will not go out of style!

Whether it's casual fashion, elegant intellectuality or workplace neatness, the possibilities for wearing a coat underneath are endless. As long as you are good at getting creative and experimenting with different combinations, I believe you will definitely become the focus of street fashion in this cold season.

How to wear it inside the coat? These 3 combinations can be popular for ten years but will not go out of style!

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