
The book has been read in vain! Openly denying the benefits of the demographic dividend is a fallacy and heresy supported by having enough to eat

author:Xingtan Golden Language

As we all know, our country has developed rapidly in recent decades and has become a bright spot and typical representative of world economic development. When it comes to the development of our country, it is often said that it benefits from the demographic dividend, that is, it provides a very large labor force population and cheap labor force.

Thanks to the demographic dividend, under the policy of reform and opening up, our country's economy has developed rapidly, the government and the people have money, the infrastructure has been built, and the masses have a better life. Therefore, I think that anyone with a little common sense will recognize the benefits of the demographic dividend for the country and the people.

But today, I saw a person, not young, with a shelf of books behind him, who actually "impassionedly", categorically, and completely denying the demographic dividend, saying: The demographic dividend is not the dividend of the common people, but the dividend of capital, and it is not beneficial to ordinary people.

The book has been read in vain! Openly denying the benefits of the demographic dividend is a fallacy and heresy supported by having enough to eat

I really don't know how many dead knots have been formed in his mind, how can he have such a ridiculous opinion, it seems that the book was read in vain (maybe it's just decoration), at such an age, he should know very well about the past of our country, how can he be so ignorant?

As we all know, the mainland was still quite backward before, the people's education level was not high, and most of them graduated from primary school and junior high school, so whether it was state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, or foreign enterprises, most of them were labor-intensive industries, and such enterprises not only drove a large number of jobs, but also matched the characteristics of the labor force.

Of course, such labor is indeed cheap. However, it is precisely because of the cheap labor force that domestic enterprises and private enterprises can afford to use it, and foreign-funded enterprises are willing to come in. And these enterprises have developed and grown, especially private enterprises, absorbing more labor, and the people have made money.

The book has been read in vain! Openly denying the benefits of the demographic dividend is a fallacy and heresy supported by having enough to eat

It is true that the demographic dividend is also the dividend of capital, and the capitalists earn a lot of money through cheap labor. But what if there is no capital? This old gentleman only knows how to hate capital, but he does not understand that without capital, there will be no employers, and the common people will have no jobs and no money to earn.

The old gentleman said that the demographic dividend is not good for ordinary people, and said, "We don't want this kind of demographic dividend", which is a typical full meal and confused brains. Imagine, without the demographic dividend, how can the country get rich and how can the people get rich?

Because of the demographic dividend, private enterprises have developed, and foreign-funded enterprises have come in, which is beneficial to the country and the people. First of all, the people have earned money, which is not a benefit? Second, the government has received taxes, and the development of science and technology, military, education, medical care, and infrastructure is not beneficial to the people.

The book has been read in vain! Openly denying the benefits of the demographic dividend is a fallacy and heresy supported by having enough to eat

In the past revolutionary years, the hatred of capital was due to the cruel exploitation of the capitalists, in order to overthrow capitalism, for the revolution, and for the establishment of New China. But now that the People's Republic of China has been founded, the country cannot develop without capital, so reform and opening up, encourage private enterprises, and introduce foreign investment.

At present, the government has formulated relevant laws and a reasonable distribution system to protect the interests of laborers, standardize enterprise management, limit the unreasonable exploitation of capital, and realize the common benefits of the government, workers and capital. So, it is time to hate capital blindly.

What good will it do to the common people if the capital is scared away and driven away? The peasants cannot collect a few dollars for farming, and they can no longer find a job when they go out, so how can they live? If the state cannot collect taxes, where will the money come from to engage in construction? Where will the money come from to improve the people's livelihood? While capital can find a new place to make money.

The book has been read in vain! Openly denying the benefits of the demographic dividend is a fallacy and heresy supported by having enough to eat

Among the government, workers, and capital, capital is the freest and has the most right to speak. Profit-seeking is the nature of capital, and where there is advantage, go where it goes. Therefore, capital is not afraid of hatred, but is afraid of unprofitability.

When there is a large outflow of capital, it is very detrimental to the economic development of the country. So now the state is trying to retain capital and introduce capital. However, some people brainlessly do something that makes capital afraid.

The current situation is that you don't want the demographic dividend anymore, China is now aging, the quality of the labor force is improving, and the wage level is increasing. This is one of the reasons for capital outflows. Now it's time to focus on the quality of the workforce.

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