
The NBA announced! Clippers 2 heavy penalties!

The NBA announced! Clippers 2 heavy penalties!

On February 17, Beijing time, the NBA officially announced: Clippers coach Tyronn Lue was fined $35,000. The reason is simple: publicly criticize the referees and question the integrity of the game officials! The Clippers reversed the Warriors, and Tyronn Lue was ejected for questioning the penalty. He shouted outside the dressing room, "Where's the referee, I'm going to kick him in the mouth!"

The NBA announced! Clippers 2 heavy penalties!

Tyronn Lue also said: "The referees only cheat! They do this kind of thing!" The general criticism of the referee is a fine of $25,000, and Lu Gui is an aggravated punishment this time. It is worth mentioning that the last time Tyronn Lue was fined for angry refereeing was back in 2016, when the Cavaliers reversed the Warriors 4-3 in the finals and won the championship!

The NBA announced! Clippers 2 heavy penalties!

The last time Coach Lu criticized the referees was also against the Warriors. In the 2016 Finals G4, the Cavaliers lost to the Warriors 97-108 at home, with a total score of 1-3, and their fate hung by a thread. After the game, Tyronn Lue questioned the fairness of the referee, saying that James did not get enough whistles, and then the NBA announced that Tyronn Lue was fined $25,000, but the Cavaliers won 3 games in a row!

The NBA announced! Clippers 2 heavy penalties!

After eight years, Tyronn Lue got this buff again, can he lead the Clippers to win the championship this year? NBA official statement: Tucker was fined $75,000 by the league for publicly expressing his desire to be traded by the Clippers to another team. Wait, can't you apply for a transaction?

The NBA announced! Clippers 2 heavy penalties!

NBA officials explained that starting on February 6, Tucker asked the Clippers to trade him in public several times during the week. The sect leader checked and found that in 2019, Thick Eyebrows was fined $50,000 for publicly applying to leave the Pelicans. Is Tucker a maximum penalty of $150,000 for a public application transaction?

The NBA announced! Clippers 2 heavy penalties!

Tucker spoke to the media about his situation: "We've all talked about it, I'm going to sit on the bench until the Clippers trade me, and I accepted it. But they didn't trade me, I'm a professional footballer, and if I don't speak up for myself, who can help me? I want to go to a competitive team, I want to play. ”

The NBA announced! Clippers 2 heavy penalties!

In fact, Tucker just spoke for himself, without radical remarks, and the NBA's fine this time caused dissatisfaction among some fans. Tyronn Lue said Tucker will remain out of the rotation for some time to come: "Tucker has more than a year left on his contract, he's old and can enjoy life, but he still wants to play, and we'll help him get his down." ”

The NBA announced! Clippers 2 heavy penalties!

In the last 4 games, the Clippers have won 2-2 and their form has been up and down. If the Tucker incident is not handled well, it will be a destabilizing factor in the Clippers' locker room. Of course, what worries the Clippers the most is Xiaoka's injury. He suffered a left adductor strain and missed the last game against the Warriors. Whether Xiaoka can play in the All-Star has not yet been announced.

The NBA announced! Clippers 2 heavy penalties!

The Clippers originally had the opportunity to strengthen the front line, but Gallinari struggled with the Clippers and the Bucks for a long time, and finally chose to join the Bucks. Gallinari played for the Clippers, and his family likes to live in Los Angeles. But Gallinari decided to play for Rivers, who felt he could play a more important role with the Bucks than the Clippers.

The NBA announced! Clippers 2 heavy penalties!

The Clippers are currently 36-17 and third in the West. After the All-Star weekend, the Clippers have 29 games left this season, tied with the Warriors and Cavaliers for the most in the league. What do you think are the chances of the Clippers winning the championship this year?

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