
Li Jianyi, who played the eunuch "professional household", played Wu Lei's teacher in "In the Blizzard".

author:Timber land

Recently, Wu Lei starred in the TV series "In the Blizzard", in which Lin Yiyang, played by Wu Lei, has a mentor and cares for Lin Yiyang like a father.

Li Jianyi, who played the eunuch "professional household", played Wu Lei's teacher in "In the Blizzard".

Lin Yiyang's parents died when he was a child, and he lived and learned to play billiards at the home of his teacher He Wenfeng.

It took eleven years to return to China, and he knew the teacher's intentions, and Lin Yiyang also felt sorry for the teacher, but the teacher was old and in poor health, and finally passed away, which made Lin Yiyang very sad and sad, and regretted that he did not return to China earlier to accompany the teacher.

Li Jianyi, who played the eunuch "professional household", played Wu Lei's teacher in "In the Blizzard".

In this paragraph, many viewers cried for this teacher, feeling that this teacher was too good, and felt that he died before he could live well. can touch the hearts of the audience, which means that this actor has good acting skills.

If someone has watched Li Jianyi play the famous eunuch Li Lianying in history in "Yuhuazi" in 1996, they will ask, this teacher is the eunuch?

A eunuch who does bad things, is weird and sissy, and his three-point performance makes him the best choice for "eunuch" in the eyes of the audience. The eunuch he played was yin and yin in his gestures, and the audience didn't show any drama, as if he was really a eunuch.

Just because of his good acting, he can't wait to become a professional eunuch. Sure enough, in 2003, Li Jianyi played the important role of "Great Eunuch Wu Liangfu" in "Young Son of Heaven", which won him wide acclaim, and the title of "The First Eunuch in the World" also followed.

Li Jianyi, who played the eunuch "professional household", played Wu Lei's teacher in "In the Blizzard".

However, Li Jianyi was not happy with this evaluation, he said: "I'm just an actor. ”

Immediately after 2005, Cao Zhengchun, the eunuch in "The First in the World", was born, and the "First Eunuch in the World" went to the next level.

But later, after Li Jianyi played the role of five eunuchs in film and television dramas one after another, he slowly felt that his acting path might be narrowed, and it was impossible to return to play eunuchs. So when he received this kind of script, he chose to push it if he could.

In recent years, Li Jianyi has participated in "In the Name of the People" one after another, playing Ji Changming, a prosecutor general. played such a character who follows the rules and is cautious.

There are also the old cadres in "The World", Ji Ze in "Hurricane", Ji Ze he portrayed, in three or two sentences, he showed the image of a knife hidden in a smile, and his calm and highly layered performance was amazing.

Mr. Li Jianyi not only used his excellent acting skills to show his appearance outside the "eunuch", proving that he is not a powerful person who can only play eunuchs.

Whether it is "In the Name of the People" or "Hurricane", he has conquered every audience with his natural and unpretentious acting skills, watching his performance in these dramas, who would have thought that his role as Cao Zhengchun in "The First in the World" is so unforgettable!

In 1994, Li Jianyi was invited to play the role of Chen Gong in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", in the crew, he not only acted, but also dubbed more than 20 characters in the play, including Hua Tuo, Lu Su, Yuan Shao and other celebrities of the Three Kingdoms.

One person has the voices of more than 20 characters, and the audience not only did not play, but also felt that it was very suitable for the characters, and this opportunity made Li Jianyi famous in the dubbing circle.

I didn't expect that it seemed to be mediocre, but its acting skills were really powerful.

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