
Battle of the Gates in 1952: The Portuguese blacks provoked a conflict, and the Chinese side repeatedly retreated

author:The bright moon in the south of the Yangtze River shines on Wu Hook

Introduction: On July 15, 1952, near the cordon between the two sides of the border gate between Zhuhai and Macao on the mainland, a Portuguese black man suddenly opened fire on the PLA soldiers who were more than 10 meters away! Why did this happen? How did China respond?

Battle of the Gates in 1952: The Portuguese blacks provoked a conflict, and the Chinese side repeatedly retreated

Black GIs in Portugal

At that time, the liberation had just begun, and the Chinese people thought that they could forge swords into plowshares and begin to enjoy a peaceful and happy life.

But the reality is always cruel, and the United States has started a war of aggression against North Korea again, burning the flames of war to China's borders. China then had to launch a hard-fought war of self-defense.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Portugal, a small country, right?

However, the Portuguese government did not see it that way, and it saw the Korean War as a great opportunity to take advantage of China's defeat, so it gathered 1,500 black soldiers from the Portuguese colonies in Africa and went to the island of Macao, ready to wait for the opportunity.

Battle of the Gates in 1952: The Portuguese blacks provoked a conflict, and the Chinese side repeatedly retreated

Border gates

1. China is a great country with a big heart and a big heart, and it does not want to turn against Portugal, but Portugal has provoked and slapped a big country 49 times in 2 months.

Portugal increased its troops in Macao at the outbreak of the Korean War, which is well known to everyone in Sima Zhao's heart. However, at that time, the Chinese government's focus was on the Korean battlefield, so it ignored it.

Battle of the Gates in 1952: The Portuguese blacks provoked a conflict, and the Chinese side repeatedly retreated

Location in Portugal

Portugal has a lot of troops, so naturally they want to do something, and at the same time, they also want its master, the United States, to see: although I, Xiaolu, did not go to the Korean Peninsula, I was not idle.

1. The black soldiers in Portugal began to run in front of the soldiers at our sentry posts every morning, spitting and whistling, and did not treat our liberation fighters as human beings at all.

The soldiers of the People's Liberation Army did not stand still in the face of provocation, because they had long been ordered not to act rashly.

The Portuguese were depressed: Why don't you have the same fire as the mud bodhisattva? No, you have to escalate your provocation!

On July 15, 1952, a black GI suddenly ran in front of the Chinese soldiers, took off his pants and shot!

How high the quality of the PLA soldiers is, they can't help but laugh when they see its low-level behavior.

The PLA soldier smiled, and the black soldier immediately felt insulted, scolded at the PLA, and aimed the rifle in his hand at the PLA.

The People's Liberation Army did not think about the conflict, so it asked an English-speaking soldier to apologize to the black man in English, explaining that we did not mean to laugh at him or look down on him.

But the black soldier still looked unrelenting, and approached the border line step by step with his gun in hand.

Then, he fired the first shot!

Battle of the Gates in 1952: The Portuguese blacks provoked a conflict, and the Chinese side repeatedly retreated

Black Portuguese soldiers

2. The PLA soldiers began to defend themselves, and they subdued the tall black man to the ground with three strokes and five divisions!

The PLA fighters are not bloodless, they were just suppressed before.

Hearing the gunshots, they immediately jumped up and swarmed the black soldier to the ground.

At this time, an officer from the Portuguese side ran over, and the Chinese soldiers returned the black man to them, and the two sides stopped.

Second, the Chinese side thought that this matter would be settled in this way, but the Portuguese did not think so. After planning, the Portuguese launched the "Border War" against China.

1. On July 25, 1952, a black soldier suddenly walked near the cordon between the two sides and pushed the wooden horse on the cordon several meters towards the mainland.

This is a blatant occupation of Chinese territory!

Soon, nine more black soldiers came running, pushed the Trojan horse in a larger area, pushed it to the side of the Chinese side, and advanced more than 1 meter.

The PLA soldiers still tolerated as ordered, and sent several fighters to dissuade them.

Battle of the Gates in 1952: The Portuguese blacks provoked a conflict, and the Chinese side repeatedly retreated

PLA soldiers

Just as our soldiers stepped forward to stop them, three black soldiers unexpectedly showed their bayonets and stabbed our soldiers! The other blacks pulled the bolts of their guns and prepared to shoot.

I can't bear it, I don't need to endure it anymore!

More PLA fighters immediately rushed forward and punched and kicked them, and within 3 minutes, the 10 black barbarians were cleanly subdued.

As is customary, the Portuguese officer ran over again and demanded the 10 blacks back.

When they wanted to return people, the Portuguese side immediately bit back, saying that the PLA soldiers had crossed the border first.

Beginning that night, Portuguese soldiers smashed all street lamps near the cordon with rifles and wantonly destroyed all kinds of infrastructure;

The Portuguese artillery began to fire in the direction of Zhuhai, killing and wounding many of our border people.

The incident was quickly reported to Beijing.

At that time, the country's attention was on the Korean battlefield, and the central government decided to be lenient with Portugal's crimes, only to issue a warning to Portugal.

However, Portugal did not understand China's good intentions, but thought that China was cowardly, and that China had always been cowardly and miscreety.

On the evening of 26 July, the Portuguese army began to carry out machine-gun fire on the border of Zhuhai and China, and the provocation escalated again.

Battle of the Gates in 1952: The Portuguese blacks provoked a conflict, and the Chinese side repeatedly retreated

The blacks machine-gun fire in the direction of Zhuhai

2. The Central Committee ordered: Resolutely destroy all invading enemies!

The battle of the gate has started in full swing!

Over the course of five days, the Portuguese army fired more than 500 shells in the direction of Zhuhai, damaging more than 10 civilian houses, killing three PLA fighters and wounding another 32.

Battle of the Gates in 1952: The Portuguese blacks provoked a conflict, and the Chinese side repeatedly retreated

The fallen fighters were commemorated

The PLA's counterattack was mainly carried out in two aspects: First, it directly cut off food and water to Macao. Seeing that this trick was not effective, on the night of July 31, 120 large-caliber howitzers were mobilized and bombarded the Portuguese army in Macao.

Battle of the Gates in 1952: The Portuguese blacks provoked a conflict, and the Chinese side repeatedly retreated

PLA 120mm artillery group

How many people died in the Portuguese? The Portuguese didn't say, and we don't know.

3. The aftermath of the war: Although the Portuguese stopped the exchange of guns and artillery with the PLA, it was not yet fully convinced.

On the one hand, Portugal began to create public opinion in the international community that the Chinese first provoked disputes, and then began to draw Western countries to "besiege" China.

Britain was the first to jump out and freeze all the assets of Chinese airlines in Hong Kong. France immediately began to accuse China of being irresponsible and of bullying small countries by big countries. The Americans were the most direct and sent warships directly to the sea of Hong Kong and Macao.

The Western powers may have thought that the new China was the second Qing government.

The central government has finally figured out that if you reason with a group of robbers, you will never be able to explain it clearly. So the central government ordered: Macao is strictly blocked, and not a grain of rice and a drop of water are allowed to enter Macao by land and sea!

This trick is really powerful, because Macao does not grow grain and vegetables, and other materials, including water, have to be imported from the mainland. There's nothing else to boil, and there's not enough water to drink urine.

The masses of Macao also rose up, and everyone was indignant, accusing the Portuguese government of messing around and the inaction of the governor of Macao. As a result, the Portuguese immediately invited Ma Wanqi, Ho Xian, and others of the Chinese merchant leaders in Macao, and asked him to come forward to negotiate a compromise with our army.

Battle of the Gates in 1952: The Portuguese blacks provoked a conflict, and the Chinese side repeatedly retreated

Conclusion: After this war, the Portuguese finally recognized the reality, publicly apologized to the mainland, compensated 440 million yuan of old Portuguese currency, and removed the cordon by 50 meters on August 23, and evacuated all the black soldiers stationed in Macao to return to their hometown in Africa. Sometimes dignity is not something that can be obtained by bragging and singing high-pitched songs every day, but by the power of cannons. From then on, the Portuguese became more honest in Macau, until December 20, 1999, when they left Macau by car.

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