
It's all authentic flavor! Angang people teach you how to cook hometown dishes!

author:Anshan Iron and Steel Group

Sumptuous food on the Spring Festival table

It is a place of hope for the new year

Dishes prepared one after another

It's all an unforgettable memory for the taste buds

Xiaobian to the employees of each base of Anshan Iron and Steel Group

Recruited their specialty dishes

All of them are full of taste, good meaning, and easy to operate

Authentic flavors

The cooking steps are detailed

Friends can also do it at home during the Spring Festival

Braised meat segments

It's all authentic flavor! Angang people teach you how to cook hometown dishes!

The boiled pork section is a must-have Chinese New Year's Eve dish in the Northeast Chinese New Year's Eve meal, and is called "Chinese New Year's Eve Rice Double Hero" together with pot wrapped meat.


1. Cut the whole tenderloin into long strips and cut it into small pieces;

2. Slice carrots, green peppers, cucumbers, etc.;

3. Cut the green onion and garlic into chopped green onions and minced garlic respectively;

4. To make the marinade: soy sauce (1 tablespoon), salt (2 teaspoons), Sichuan pepper water (1 tablespoon);

5. Put the sliced meat into a bowl with the seasoning and mix with your hands. After grasping well, leave for 3 minutes;

6. During this process, you can start to mix the bowl juice: water (4 tablespoons), soy sauce (1 tablespoon), salt (2 teaspoons), sugar (4 tablespoons), monosodium glutamate (a little), starch (a little);

7. Mix an appropriate amount of starch, water and edible oil together to form a semi-dry and half-thin paste, and wrap the marinated meat;

8. Pour in half a pot of cooking oil. Turn on the heat until the oil is about 5 hot, and then pour the wrapped meat into the oil. After about 1-2 minutes, after the surface of the meat is golden brown, remove it. Put all the meat pieces into the pan and start frying them a second time, and then remove them when the meat pieces are jujube red. In pursuit of a crispy outside and a tender taste on the inside, you can fry it a third time in the pan and remove it in about half a minute;

9. Pour out the hot oil in the pot, add the cold oil again, put the onion and garlic and fry the fragrance, add the fried meat and carrot slices, green peppers, and cucumber slices to stir-fry a little at the same time, put the prepared bowl juice along the edge of the pot, and then stir-fry 5-6 times, and turn off the heat after the juice is completely wrapped on the surface of the meat section.

It's all authentic flavor! Angang people teach you how to cook hometown dishes!

Maker: Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. Cold Rolling Mill Gao Yueyang

Shredded pork in Kyoto sauce

It's all authentic flavor! Angang people teach you how to cook hometown dishes!

Shredded pork with Beijing sauce is a must-do dish for many families at Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, the dish is made with lean pork as the main ingredient, supplemented by sweet noodle sauce, green onion, ginger and other seasonings.


1. First cut the lean pork into thin slices, then cut into thin strips of uniform thickness, soak the excess blood in clean water and squeeze out the water for later use;

2. Put the processed shredded meat in a bowl, add a little salt, a little white pepper, a little cooking wine, then add an egg white and an appropriate amount of corn starch to grasp the sizing evenly, and finally seal a layer of cooking oil on the surface, marinate for 15 minutes and set aside;

3. Remove the green onion core and cut it into thin strips, in a large plate, and spread it into a bird's nest shape;

4. Sit in the pot and boil the oil temperature until it is about 40% hot, put the marinated shredded meat into the pot, quickly disperse it with chopsticks, and put the meat out after it is silky and cooked. The time for sliding the shredded meat is about 20-30 seconds, not too long;

5. Clean the pot and boil it dry, add an appropriate amount of sesame oil, the oil temperature is about 40 percent hot, put in about 30 grams of sweet noodle sauce, add a little cooking wine and 15 grams of sugar after stir-frying the sauce on low heat, add a little boiling water after the sugar is completely fried, keep the medium and low heat throughout the whole process, and burn the sauce to a viscous state;

6. After the sauce is burned to viscous, add the shredded meat that has been smoothed in advance, turn to high heat and stir-fry a few times, then pour a little sesame oil, and let the sauce evenly wrap on the shredded meat.

It's all authentic flavor! Angang people teach you how to cook hometown dishes!

Maker: Anshan Iron and Steel Coking Coking General Plant Western Coking Bao Huamin

Sweet and sour pork ribs

It's all authentic flavor! Angang people teach you how to cook hometown dishes!

Sweet and sour pork ribs originated in Wuxi, Jiangsu, and are now widely spread in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Sichuan cuisines, and belong to the representative works of boiled cuisine. Sweet and sour pork ribs is a more representative of sweet and sour dishes in a popular traditional dish, it uses fresh pork chops as ingredients, the meat is fresh and tender, the finished color is red and bright and oily, and the taste is crispy and sweet and sour, which is quite popular with eaters who love sweet and sour taste.


1. Cut the pork ribs into small pieces, add ginger, garlic, peppercorns, and water to the pot, blanch and remove them, put them in a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of cooking wine, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, stir well, and marinate for 15 minutes;

2. Remove the oil from the pan (the oil can be put a little more), put in the marinated pork ribs when the oil is hot, fry until the ribs turn brown, put out, and leave the oil in the pan;

3. Heat the oil pan slightly, add a small half bowl of water and 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar (if there is broth, it is better), boil until boiling, then add white sugar and brown sugar, cook over low heat until viscous, stir with chopsticks when cooking to prevent the sugar from sticking to the pan;

4. Reduce the heat to medium and pour in the ribs, so that the ribs are evenly coated with sweet and sour sauce, while stirring constantly. Pour in 1 spoonful of dark soy sauce and a little salt, stir-fry, and finally sprinkle some chicken essence to get out of the pot.

It's all authentic flavor! Angang people teach you how to cook hometown dishes!

Producer: Zhao Huamin, Reporter Department of Pangang Comprehensive Service Center

Braised prawns

It's all authentic flavor! Angang people teach you how to cook hometown dishes!

Braised prawns in oil is a Shandong dish, using the large prawns of Bohai Bay before the Qingming Dynasty, cooked with the unique oil stewing technique of Lu cuisine, the four flavors of fresh, fragrant, sweet and salty complement each other, and the aftertaste is endless.


1. Wash the shrimp and cut off the shrimp whiskers, and use a toothpick to pick off the shrimp line from the back;

2. Put it in a basin, pour in the cooking wine and mix well;

3. Mix 15 grams of seafood soy sauce (ordinary soy sauce is also acceptable), 5 grams of balsamic vinegar, 15 grams of sugar, half a bowl of water, and 2 grams of starch;

4. Cut the green onion into sections and slice the ginger;

5. Heat the pot and put vegetable oil, then heat again;

6. Enlarge the shrimp on both sides and fry them into a beautiful red color, and then put out the shrimp (gently press the shrimp with a spatula, and the red oil will come out more);

7. Put the green onion and ginger in the shrimp oil pan and stir-fry until fragrant;

8. Pour in the seasoning juice and stir-fry until fragrant;

9. Add the fried prawns, add salt to taste, cover the pot and simmer for 2 minutes;

10. Then reduce the juice over medium heat, a little thicker, be sure to leave more juice, the soup and the green onion bibimbap inside are very delicious.

It's all authentic flavor! Angang people teach you how to cook hometown dishes!

Maker: Anshan Iron and Steel Mining East Anshan Sintering Plant Ke Rui

White-cut chicken

It's all authentic flavor! Angang people teach you how to cook hometown dishes!

White-cut chicken is a traditional Cantonese dish known for its tender meat, crispy skin and smooth meat. Its characteristics are to retain the original flavor of the chicken, the skin is yellow and the meat is white, the maturity of the chicken is just right, the chicken bones are also a little bloodshot, the dipping sauce is just right to stimulate the taste buds, set off the deliciousness of the chicken, it is a special delicacy that is necessary for the New Year festival in Guangdong.


1. Prepare the chicken: Wash the chicken, remove the internal organs and remaining feathers, and apply a small amount of salt evenly to the chicken. Prepare a deep cauldron, add enough water to the pot to submerge the whole chicken, add ginger slices and green onion knots, and bring to a boil over high heat;

2. Boil/steam chicken: After the water is boiled, put the whole chicken vertically into the boiling water for about 5-10 seconds, lift it for the same time, repeat three times of hot and cold alternating "three lifts and three puts", immerse it in the pot, boil over medium heat, turn to low heat, and cook for about 30-40 minutes according to the size and weight of the chicken. During this period, the chicken body should be gently turned several times to make it evenly heated. If the chicken is relatively small, you can choose to use a steamer to steam it, which can better maintain the original flavor of the chicken;

3. Check the doneness: Insert chopsticks into the root of the chicken thigh, if the juice flowing out is clear, there is no blood and water;

4. Overcooled river: Take out the cooked chicken and immediately soak it in ice water for 30 seconds, so that the chicken skin and chicken will be instantly tightened, and the chicken skin will be more elastic and the meat will be more tender;

5. Cutting: After the chicken is cool, cut it into pieces or slices of appropriate size and put them on a plate;

6. Mix the dipping sauce: Mix an appropriate amount of minced ginger, minced shallots, a pinch of salt, chicken fat and soy sauce as a dipping sauce.

It's all authentic flavor! Angang people teach you how to cook hometown dishes!

Maker: He Liqin, Human Resources Department of Angang Lianzhong Company

Old-fashioned buckle meat

It's all authentic flavor! Angang people teach you how to cook hometown dishes!

Old-fashioned button meat is an indispensable dish on the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner table in Chaoyang, Liaoning, which is made of special roast meat, the meat is smooth, fragrant but not greasy, and is the childhood taste in memory.


1. Prepare a pound of pork belly, honey, tempeh, ginger, garlic, peppercorns, ingredients, soy sauce, and thirteen spices;

2. Cut the pork belly into the size of tofu pieces, soak it in cold water for half an hour, put green onions, ginger slices, peppercorns, and ingredients in the pot with cold water, cook until cooked thoroughly (use chopsticks to pierce the meat skin), remove it, wipe off the surface moisture, and coat the surface of the pork belly with honey;

3. The oil temperature is 60% hot, fry the meat pieces until caramel color and remove them, soak them in the original soup to avoid the separation of meat skin;

4. Wait for the pork belly to soak until the surface of the meat skin is blistered, remove it, and the roast meat is completed;

5. After the meat has cooled, cut it into thin slices of about 2 mm. Add tempeh and soy sauce to the bottom of the bowl, and arrange the sliced meat skin side down in the bowl. Add ginger and garlic slices between the meat slices, then drizzle the surface with tempeh and add a small amount of thirteen spices. Steam the basket for half an hour to 40 minutes, and then put the meat in the bowl into the plate after the fire is stopped.

It's all authentic flavor! Angang people teach you how to cook hometown dishes!

Maker: Chaoyang Iron and Steel Xu Guijuan

Putian Red Regiment

It's all authentic flavor! Angang people teach you how to cook hometown dishes!

The production skills of Putian Red Tuan began in the Tang Dynasty and have been inherited for thousands of years, and it is a provincial intangible cultural heritage project. There are many kinds of red cakes, and each cake is engraved with the words "Fu", "Lu", "Longevity", "Happiness" or "Double Children", "Celebrating a Harvest" and other patterns, expressing people's good wishes and blessings.


1. Make a red dough from glutinous rice flour and beetroot juice or carrot juice;

2. Fillings with glutinous rice, mung beans, mushrooms, lean meat, seafood and other ingredients with sweet or salty tastes;

3. Wrap the red skin in the filling, knead it into a ball, put it into the red ball cake printing mold, and emboss it into shape;

4. Put on the banana leaves, cook and steam in the pot;

5. Arrange neatly after removing from the pot.

It's all authentic flavor! Angang people teach you how to cook hometown dishes!

Maker: Anshan Iron and Steel Cold Rolled Steel Plate (Putian) Co., Ltd. Xu Binbin

Organized by the news and media center of Anshan Iron and Steel Group

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