
Chinese Canadians oppose the construction of drug injection sites in local hospitals, and white women shout: Go back to Hong Kong

author:The little lord of Lanlin


Chinese Canadians oppose the construction of drug injection sites in local hospitals, and white women shout: Go back to Hong Kong

Chinese Canadians opposed the construction of drug injection sites in local hospitals, and white women shouted: You don't belong here, go back to Hong Kong. You are Canada's mistakes.

Chinese Canadians oppose the construction of drug injection sites in local hospitals, and white women shout: Go back to Hong Kong

After seeing this video, some netizens said that drugs must be banned, so how can they be connived at? They also set up legal drug injection points, and I really don't know what the Canadian government departments are going to do? The Chinese people's worries and opposition are right, and drug use must be banned. Otherwise, the community they live in will be very unsafe, and they will attract more drug users because of the drug injection sites, and what about the Chinese children? Therefore, this kind of illegal thing is absolutely not legal, and the Canadian government department should strongly prohibit drug use. When you see this, you know how safe our country is. Be sure to ban drugs. It must not be indulged. Support the Chinese people's opposition to anti-drugs, but I wonder if their opposition has any effect?

Chinese Canadians oppose the construction of drug injection sites in local hospitals, and white women shout: Go back to Hong Kong

Some netizens also said that since they have immigrated, they should respect other people's cultural freedom and not interfere with other people's freedom to take drugs. Maybe drug use is also a human right. No interference. If people want to take drugs, let them take drugs, anyway, Chinese people resolutely don't take drugs.

I have to say that the harm of drugs to the body, people all over the world know that drug abuse can lead to the loss of immunity, mental malaise, hallucinations, memory loss, once you take drugs, you will develop a strong dependence on drugs, and so on. So, be sure to cherish life and stay away from drugs. The Chinese must ban drug use. As a Chinese, we must resolutely oppose the establishment of drug injection sites. No matter where they are, Chinese people must be confident, self-loving, and resolutely defend their rights and interests.

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Chinese Canadians oppose the construction of drug injection sites in local hospitals, and white women shout: Go back to Hong Kong

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