
In the new year, maintain a state of high energy


At the beginning of the new year, there is a hot discussion on Zhihu: What is the best state in the new year?

There is a hot comment that is thought-provoking: high-energy state.

Looking back on the past, some people are depressed because of their work, and some people are sentimental because of their lives...... Little by little, the energy is depleted.

However, the past cannot be traced, whether regretful or unbearable, it is a thing of the past.

In the world of adults, we must learn to recharge ourselves and be full of energy, so that we can be fearless of wind and rain.

In the new year, inject energy into yourself to have a high-quality life.

In the new year, maintain a state of high energy

Source: Panoramic Vision

In the new year, maintain a state of high energy

High-quality rest

There is such a fable:

The three caterpillars heard that there was a picturesque place, and they were ready to make a home there.

After climbing for a long time, a river blocked their way.

One of the caterpillars advocated finding the bridge first and climbing over the bridge as soon as possible to grab the honey flowers, one thought that each should send a boat to float over the water faster, and the last one said, "I'm too tired after climbing for so long, so I might as well rest for two days to recuperate." ”

When the other two caterpillars heard this, they were furious: "We have been working day and night for our homeland, and now there are few good places left, but you want to sleep!"

With that, the two caterpillars angrily set off towards the other side.

The other caterpillar silently found a good spot and lay down next to a leaf.

It listened to the sound of tinkling water, observed the shadows of the trees, and everything in heaven and earth seemed to be still at this moment.

He enjoyed everything he was doing, and he gradually let go of his tiredness and soon fell asleep.

After some time, it woke up and found that it had turned into a butterfly.

It stretched its light wings and flew easily across the river with just a few flapps.

It desperately wanted to find its companion, but it flew through the flowers and couldn't find it, so one was exhausted on the road and the other was swept away by the water.

These three caterpillars are like a portrayal of life: if you overdraft for the sake of your goals, you may end up with more gains than you lose, and if you know how to relax and be moderate, you often get twice the result with half the effort.

However, in a high-intensity, fast-paced society, many people can't help but speed up their pace, but working in a row, seemingly efficient, is actually overdrawing their lives.

After walking for half a life, I have become more and more aware that if you blindly consume energy, the final outcome can only be overdraft and shut down.

High-intensity hard work, it is better to rest with high quality and recuperate, which is the best way to make money.

As Lenin said: "Only those who can rest will work." ”

I believe that working hard is not the embodiment of ability, and taking breaks is the key to improving efficiency.

The body is stretched, the soul is precipitated, and it is not helpful to record life and reflect on growth in the blank space.

When you're tired, give yourself a vacation: watch a movie while you're busy, take a trip on a holiday, or have a hearty meal with your family.

Knowing how to save energy for yourself, why not wait for the day when you break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly.

In the new year, maintain a state of high energy

Source: Panoramic Vision

In the new year, maintain a state of high energy

High-intensity focus

When Bill Gates and Warren Buffett met for the first time, they were asked what the secret of success was, and they both gave the same answer: focus on one thing.

No matter who you are, if you can focus on one area and do the best, you will be successful.

Cartoonist Cai Zhizhong has practiced this truth with his life.

When he was 15 years old, he received an invitation from a publishing house and resolutely gave up the opportunity to enter a key high school and started the road of professional cartoonist.

Engaging in the career he loves is only the first step towards success, and he has been extremely focused and dedicated to it for more than 50 years.

He once sat in a chair for 58 hours for a four-minute TV title, did not open the door for 42 days to study famous books, and spent four years in Japan drawing 40 comics for the sake of a hundred schools of thought.

This dedication is due to a good habit when he paints: once he starts, he never leaves the table until he finishes 10 paintings. His highest record was to draw 34 small paintings of 23 cm × 23 cm in a single sitting down.

In 2014 alone, he painted 2,450 ink paintings and sold as many as 2,100 of them, which some painters cannot finish in a lifetime.

In order to avoid distraction, until now he still does not use his mobile phone or watch, and devotes all his time and energy to comics and studying.

With this high level of dedication, he has not only won numerous awards in the comic industry, but also reinvented traditional Chinese philosophy and literature.

Cai Zhizhong once shared his experience:

"A man has two eyes, but can only focus on one point, a man has two legs, can only walk one way, and each person has only one heart, and can only do one thing with one heart. ”

It is true that the opportunities are infinite, but a person's time, energy and talent are limited.

No matter how strong the light is, it can't penetrate a thin piece of paper, and the laser is weak, but it can penetrate a steel plate.

On the stage of life, the lights are scattered, and only when you stand in the spotlight is it the most dazzling.

The rest of your life is not long, concentrate on one place, and cultivate it to the extreme, you will definitely find that fun accompanies you and achievements are wonderful.

In the new year, maintain a state of high energy

High-value output

To prove how much the human brain values output, someone did this experiment:

The 4 teams memorized the same 40 Swahili words and took the test, taking the following measures if they made mistakes:

1 group re-memorizes all the words and repeats the previous test, 2 groups memorize only the wrong words and repeat the previous test, 3 groups memorize all the words and only test the wrong parts, and 4 groups only memorize the wrong words and only test the incorrect parts.

This is repeated until each group has a perfect score.

Some people guessed that 1 group had the best memory effect, while others thought that 4 groups were the best, but the results were surprising: the number of memories in each group was the same.

However, the results of the re-exam a week later were again surprising:

Groups 1 and 2 scored around 80 points, while groups 3 and 4 averaged only 35 points.

It is not difficult to see from this that if you only memorize and do not detect, the knowledge that is consolidated will gradually fade away.

The input is the source of the memory, and the output is the consolidator of the memory.

Only by frequently retrieving the information in the memory can the hippocampus in the brain realize the importance of the information and store it.

The "Feynman Method" once pointed out that the essence of learning is output, not input.

Applying what you have learned and taking action is the key to testing what you have learned and transforming your wealth.

My friend Aaron had an unstable job and a mediocre income a few years ago, but just the year before last, he partnered to start a business and made a turnaround.

It turned out that in a class reunion, he heard someone share the secret of entrepreneurship - partnership plus horse racing mechanism, and it only took a few salesmen to achieve annual sales of 100 million.

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional, and afterwards Aaron began to understand and learn this mechanism, and he wanted to use this concept to try to start his own business.

After making sufficient preparations, Aaron devoted himself to practical work, and he tried to turn the procurement of his own industry into a partner through a set of profit distribution models, forming a community of interests.

His strategy and direction proved to be correct, and in the first year, he realized millions in profits.

Later, he used this mechanism to the extreme, and in just 2 years, his company gained a firm foothold.

This is in line with Krylov's words: "Reality is this shore, ideal is the other shore, separated by a rushing river, and action is a bridge over the river." ”

If you don't output, you don't know the depth of ability, and if you don't act, it will be difficult to reach the other side of the ideal.

Everything in the world is accustomed to inertia, and the less the brain thinks, the less it outputs, and it will only be easy to take refuge in trouble.

The warriors of life have always been knowledge to make ships, practice to be pulp, to test the effectiveness of sails on the vast sea, to repair them in time, and gradually become bigger and stronger.

Real learning must be tested by the output, and the output can be used to force the input, so as to realize the closed-loop flow of energy and the charging and battery life of life.

In the new year, maintain a state of high energy

Source: Panoramic Vision

In the new year, maintain a state of high energy

Write at the end

Professor Zeng Shiqiang once said: "A person's lifelong efforts are to make their energy bigger." ”

Life is a game of high and low energy.

Only by maintaining a high-energy state can we be independent in the noisy world.

The best way to store energy is: scientific and reasonable rest, high concentration on input, and continuous effective output.

In the new year, accumulate strength for yourself and let life energy burst.

In the new year, maintain a state of high energy

Author: Jin Li, lifelong reading practitioner. He loves to write, writes with his pen, gazes at his heart with words, and washes his life with reason.