
If you can't "open your mouth", remember 15 ways to praise your child, and see the psychology behind it

author:A little bit of internal drive

Children are not self-disciplined, adductive and unconfident, and have no motivation to cope with learning, and many parents cannot be "cured...... In fact, the root cause lies in internal drive and mental energy (click)!

I am an internal drive coach, using the "five senses of internal drive" to implement the internal drive, eliminate the common problem of "only know but can't do", so that children are self-confident and motivated. Verified to work!(Get: Culture Protocol)

If you can't "open your mouth", remember 15 ways to praise your child, and see the psychology behind it

The 2024 Spring Festival Gala sketch "Can't Open Your Mouth" reflects the common phenomenon of "not praising children".

The main reason why we want to raise this problem separately is because this problem is so important! It can be said that if you want to cultivate children's internal drive, this is an unavoidable and inevitable road, and it is 100% unavoidable.

On the "how", I would like to say it in two ways.

If you can't "open your mouth", remember 15 ways to praise your child, and see the psychology behind it


This is definitely not an isolated phenomenon

I said earlier that it was a "universal phenomenon".

"Universal" is the case with more than half of the thousands of families I have come into contact with in the six or seven years of homeschooling.

"Phenomena" can be divided into two types:

First, not wanting to praise (thinking unimportant, undeserved or unworthy, etc.)

Second, I don't know how to praise (I know how to praise, but I don't know how)

The father in the sketch finally "spoke" and said "you are awesome" to his son, but in fact, it is not so simple to do it in reality, especially if you continue to do it!

What to do?

Let's talk about each one separately (let's talk about the second one first, because this one is relatively simpler).


15 scientific ways to praise your child

This is to solve the second problem.

The second is the methodological level, which may refer to the following 15 methods.

If you can't "open your mouth", remember 15 ways to praise your child, and see the psychology behind it
If you can't "open your mouth", remember 15 ways to praise your child, and see the psychology behind it
If you can't "open your mouth", remember 15 ways to praise your child, and see the psychology behind it
If you can't "open your mouth", remember 15 ways to praise your child, and see the psychology behind it


"Psychological problems" that do not praise (important)

Now to the first question.

This is actually more critical and difficult, because it is often determined by the inner consciousness and energy of the parents.

Why? For example:

If a parent thinks that "praise makes the child proud" (and pride makes people lag behind), then she is likely not to praise the child;

If parents believe in "filial piety under the stick", then he is likely not to praise his children;

The most important thing is that if the parents themselves lack recognition, low value, and lack of love, she will not be able to really praise their children.

What does it mean, that is, some parents have grown up in criticism and whipping since childhood, or have rarely been recognized and affirmed by the outside world, or have a low sense of security due to various reasons, so they rarely have a sense of experience that is nourished by beauty.

Because of the lack of the experience of being recognized and loved (or too shallow), there is no energy to provide to the child (giving praise and recognition to the child is giving the child energy). It's like pouring something out of your own glass if you don't have water in it, right?

In this way, on the basis of further understanding of yourself, I will give you two more methods - please click on "Really do a good job in these two words, children's internal motivation is almost 100% improved, but unfortunately few people do it" and read carefully.

I hope that every parent will be aware and know how to praise their children.

Again, this is a 100% unavoidable way to cultivate children's internal drive (note: to praise does not mean that you can only praise, nor does it mean that you can't criticize and ask children, in fact, you need both, but there is a problem of "degree" in practice).

Happy New Year 2024! May every family be harmonious and warm, and may every child be nourished by love!


For more ways to improve internal motivation, please read the following article, I use one-on-one follow-up to help you land and "do" (not just "know")

[These 2 must-read]

1. Three steps to cultivate internal drive, I am a "person who has come over": After contacting more than 2,000 children, I have summed up a set of methods to ensure that the children's internal drive is improved!

2. "Five Senses Internal Drive" Landing Solution: I use the "Five Senses" method to help you solve the problem of internal drive, so that children are self-disciplined and motivated

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Original | A little teacher

Internal Motivation Consultant, Healthy Heart Coach. Love to see the essence, like to talk about the system, and strive for practical results. Follow and practice together.