
The Pinglu Canal is paved with stones, causing controversy! Destroying the environment, wasting resources? What is its purpose?

author:Xiao Chen's point of view xiaochen

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As a new transportation route in southern China, the Pinglu Canal has attracted much attention since the announcement of the start of construction. A recent aerial video that blew up the internet showing a thick layer of stone at the bottom of the canal sparked a public backlash.

Some people question whether this is a waste of resources and damage to the environment, while others are curious about the actual purpose of the move.

The strategic significance of the Pinglu Canal

In a region like Guangxi, where the inland is not directly connected to the sea, the construction of the Pinglu Canal is undoubtedly a strategic move. This is not just a simple engineering project, but a major decision related to the direction and speed of the economic development of the entire region.

The Pinglu Canal is paved with stones, causing controversy! Destroying the environment, wasting resources? What is its purpose?

In the past, if Liuzhou steel was to be transported to other places, it was necessary to travel long distances to Guigang by land, and then sail to Guangzhou, which was not only a high time cost, but also a high logistics cost.

Now, the newly opened canal will directly connect the inland and the sea, greatly shortening the distance between the production and consumption of goods, which not only improves the logistics efficiency of the Guangxi region, but also reduces the transportation cost of enterprises.

In today's globalized world, trade and logistics are the link that connects the world.

Having its own direct shipping channel means that Guangxi can participate more directly in international trade and is no longer subject to the port facilities of neighboring provinces, which is a milestone in improving the level of opening up and competitiveness of the entire region.

The economic impact of the Pinglu Canal

The economic impact is first and foremost reflected in the reduction of transportation costs. In the past, if Guangxi enterprises wanted to go overseas, they had to pay extra time and money, which increased the comprehensive cost of goods and reduced market competitiveness.

The Pinglu Canal is paved with stones, causing controversy! Destroying the environment, wasting resources? What is its purpose?

The passage of the Pinglu Canal will effectively shorten the transportation distance, reduce the transit links, and directly reduce the logistics cost of commodities going to sea.

In other words, Guangxi's products can reach consumers at lower prices and faster speeds, which has a direct role in promoting the development of local industries and promoting economic growth.

At the same time, after the completion of the canal, it will also drive the economic development of the surrounding area. On the one hand, the towns along the canal will attract more investment due to the improved transportation accessibility, which will lead to the diversification of the local economy, and on the other hand, the operation and maintenance of the canal will also require a large number of labor, providing employment opportunities for local residents.

In the long run, this will help improve the people's living standards and promote social stability and harmony.

Stone bottoming techniques and their necessity

When we talk about grand works, we often overlook the details that are hidden beneath the magnificent spectacle.

The Pinglu Canal is paved with stones, causing controversy! Destroying the environment, wasting resources? What is its purpose?

The construction of the Pinglu Canal is no exception. The laying of stones at the bottom of the fairway is not a simple paving job, but a well-planned engineering technique.

Its necessity is far from being superficial at a glance, but is hidden in the logic of engineering support.

First of all, the technique of laying the bottom of the stone is to prevent the erosion of the bottom of the canal by the water flow. When a large amount of water flows through the soft soil, the bottom of the water will inevitably be washed over time, causing the riverbed to sink or even leak, which will directly threaten the safety and service life of the canal.

The function of the stone lies in its hard texture to effectively protect the bottom of the river and reduce the impact and wear of the water on the river.

For example, in the construction of the Colorado River dam in the United States, this technology is widely used to protect the riverbed and ensure the long-term and stable operation of the dam.

The Pinglu Canal is paved with stones, causing controversy! Destroying the environment, wasting resources? What is its purpose?

This technique also helps to reduce water losses. In unlined natural channels, infiltration loss of water through the riverbed is a common phenomenon.

This is especially true in areas of drought or water scarcity. The lined canal reduces water leakage, thereby improving the efficiency of water use.

According to statistics, lining can reduce the water loss rate of the canal from as much as 60% to almost zero, which is of self-evident importance for the protection and full utilization of water resources.

Laying stones also contributes to water quality protection and ecological balance. Bare riverbeds are susceptible to silt contamination due to soil being carried away by water flows, which not only affects water quality, but can also damage the habitat of aquatic life.

The stone laying technology can effectively lock the soil and prevent the loss of fine particles with the water, thus maintaining the stability of the water ecology.

The Pinglu Canal is paved with stones, causing controversy! Destroying the environment, wasting resources? What is its purpose?

The green promise of the Pinglu Canal

In the development of the Pinglu Canal, environmental impact assessment has become an indispensable part of the project.

During the construction of the canal, from soil erosion to biodiversity conservation, each indicator is closely related to the continued health of the land.

Guangxi's mountains and rivers are crisscrossed by rivers and have a wide variety of biological species, and the ecological environment here is a precious natural asset.

During the excavation of the canal, strict environmental measures were put on the agenda to reduce disturbance and damage to the ecosystem.

During the planning phase of the canal, a detailed survey and assessment of the surrounding vegetation cover, fish habitat and water quality were carried out. These data not only provide feedback on the potential impact of the project on the environment, but also provide a scientific basis for the development of mitigation measures.

The Pinglu Canal is paved with stones, causing controversy! Destroying the environment, wasting resources? What is its purpose?

In addition, the design team of the Pinglu Canal is constantly exploring and adopting new technologies to reduce the negative impact on the environment during construction.

For example, with modern machinery, earthmoving can be done more efficiently without adding too much dust.

At the same time, for possible water pollution, the strict water treatment process ensures the purification of construction wastewater and prevents pollution of surrounding waters. This attention to detail exemplifies the green philosophy in engineering.

EIA not only focuses on the ecological balance during construction, but also strives to predict and assess the environmental impact of the canal once it is put into operation.

By simulating changes in water flow after the canal operates, the experts predict the possible impacts on downstream ecosystems and plan for appropriate adjustment measures in advance.

The Pinglu Canal is paved with stones, causing controversy! Destroying the environment, wasting resources? What is its purpose?

Scientific methods of watershed management, such as regular soil and water conservation and riparian vegetation restoration, are important links in ensuring the sustainable development of the canal.

In today's era of big data, environmental impact assessments can also be supported by more accurate data.

With the help of satellite remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS), the engineering team was able to monitor environmental changes in the construction area in real time and adjust construction strategies in a timely manner to minimize negative environmental impacts.

This data-driven assessment ensures the precise implementation of environmental protection measures and provides a large number of real-time data references for future canal management.

Public controversy and transparency

During the construction of the Pinglu Canal, many questions and controversies from the public seemed to rise to the wind. This is not only because the construction of a canal involves huge investment, but also because of the far-reaching impact of this major project on the future development of the region.

The Pinglu Canal is paved with stones, causing controversy! Destroying the environment, wasting resources? What is its purpose?

The focus of public interest is on whether there is overbuilding and whether such projects are actually contributing to the local economy.

In this context, the transparency of information is particularly important, which is directly related to public trust and the smooth progress of the project.

The public questioned the rationality of laying stones at the bottom of the canal, but in fact questioned the logic and cost-effectiveness of the entire project.

Such a controversy may be alleviated if the authorities can provide detailed engineering rationale in a timely manner explaining that this is necessary to prevent leakage and ensure the long-term stability of the canal.

Similarly, if the public can understand that every penny of the canal construction has been spent, then there will naturally be less skepticism about the huge investment.

The Pinglu Canal is paved with stones, causing controversy! Destroying the environment, wasting resources? What is its purpose?

On the other hand, the disclosure of the progress of the project is also an effective means to improve information transparency and reduce public doubts.

At each stage of the project, if the public can see the real progress and the results achieved, then the trust in the whole project will naturally increase.

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