
Unemployment after graduation: the sad experience of 211 girls sparks heated discussions

author:There are few clouds

The 211 girl cried that "she was unemployed after graduation", and her experience was sad and helpless

Unemployment after graduation: the sad experience of 211 girls sparks heated discussions

A blogger, she is a graduate of 211 colleges. Recently, she bravely shared her unemployment experience, which caused heated discussions among the majority of netizens. The blogger actively participated in various activities during his university years, striving to improve his overall quality. However, one day, just two years later, she felt the cruelty of reality.

Unemployment after graduation: the sad experience of 211 girls sparks heated discussions

First of all, Professor Zhang Xuefeng believes that students with a middle and lower undergraduate degree and a college degree or above are in an awkward position in terms of employment. This point of view makes people think deeply. In a sense, this also shows that the current job market has higher requirements for highly educated job seekers, while ordinary undergraduate students are often overlooked.

Unemployment after graduation: the sad experience of 211 girls sparks heated discussions

Next, the blogger began to contact the spring recruitment in the second semester of his junior year, and sent his carefully prepared resume to various well-known companies. However, she received no response. At this time, the blogger began to feel very lost and helpless. She began to wonder if her college life over the past two years had made sense.

Unemployment after graduation: the sad experience of 211 girls sparks heated discussions

When the blogger finally received her first interview notice, she thought she had finally got her chance. However, shortly after the interview, she received a rejection letter. This failure made her more aware of her mediocrity.

Unemployment after graduation: the sad experience of 211 girls sparks heated discussions

In order to change the status quo, the blogger signed up for an emotional intelligence improvement course. Through this course, she hopes to make breakthroughs in interpersonal communication and emotional management. However, when preparing for an interview, bloggers are noted to have low emotional intelligence and much to improve.

Unemployment after graduation: the sad experience of 211 girls sparks heated discussions

At the same time, in society, the working environment and salary are not always perfectly matched. Some working conditions may be satisfactory but the pay level is low, while others may be relatively poor but well paid. This makes it more difficult to find an ideal job that meets both material needs and personal interests and room for development.

Unemployment after graduation: the sad experience of 211 girls sparks heated discussions

Seeing that the resume he had sent out did not respond, and that he had been rejected again after the rejection letter, the blogger began to wonder if he had made the right decision to complete his freshman and sophomore year assignments instead of going to an internship.

Unemployment after graduation: the sad experience of 211 girls sparks heated discussions

At the same time, it is regrettable that it is becoming more and more difficult for the average undergraduate graduate to find a dream job. In the past, we may have thought that only ordinary undergraduates would feel the pressure and frustration of employment, but now even 211 graduates cannot easily find satisfactory jobs.

Looking back on the whole process, we can see that the competition in society is now more fierce than anyone could have imagined in the past. Whether it is an ordinary undergraduate or a 211 graduate, they need to re-examine their strengths and weaknesses when facing the same confusion and challenges, and find a way to suit their development plan.

The question of whether it is easier to use the postgraduate entrance examination than the undergraduate has attracted much attention. We can think about this from a whole new perspective: graduate school does not necessarily lead to better job prospects or higher salaries. On the contrary, before deciding whether or not to go to graduate school, we need to fully consider our personal needs and goals, and choose the preparation method that best suits our own development direction.

It is normal to feel like struggling to find a way out of the current predicament, trying to pursue your dreams but constantly encountering failures and blows, and even feeling lost and helpless, doubting your self-worth. We all need to be brave enough to face adversity and believe that we will eventually come out of it.

As we have seen, "unemployment upon graduation" has become a real and concerning issue in the current society. We can't be defeated by setbacks, and staying on the path of pursuing our dreams is the only way we can make a choice.

Let's look forward to a society where there is fair competition, fair distribution of opportunities, and people can get opportunities and realize their self-worth because of their talents.

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