
"I'm going to touch other people's cheese again", Zhang Xuefeng shouted to ordinary parents, don't try it if you have money

author:Bailey Institute

On this day, education expert Zhang Xuefeng conducted a high-profile webcast, live broadcast getargs are very important, Zhang Xuefeng's face is full of seriousness. He said that revealing the truth behind some international undergraduate majors in some prestigious universities today may touch the sensitive nerves of many parents.

However, in order for the majority of candidates to be able to make the right choice, these potential risks must be clearly stated.

"I'm going to touch other people's cheese again", Zhang Xuefeng shouted to ordinary parents, don't try it if you have money

Zhang Xuefeng first said slowly that many children from ordinary families dream of going to a good university and studying a famous major. Parents also hope that their children will have a good life in the future and will not worry about eating and drinking. There is nothing wrong with these expectations in themselves.

But in terms of specific choices, we should not be hot-headed and blind. Some things that look beautiful on the surface actually hide a lot of hidden dangers.

As a veteran education expert, Zhang Xuefeng said he has a responsibility to tell everyone the truth. Some prestigious universities offer international undergraduate programs that nominally belong to that university, but are in essence different from formal undergraduate education.

If candidates and parents do not choose correctly, they may not only waste time and money, but also misjudge their own way out.

"I'm going to touch other people's cheese again", Zhang Xuefeng shouted to ordinary parents, don't try it if you have money

Therefore, Zhang Xuefeng decided to point out the potential risks of international undergraduate through this live broadcast and remind ordinary families not to be confused by the label of a prestigious university. He hopes that students can open their eyes, think rationally, and make careful decisions when choosing their own paths.

For many ordinary parents, the future and fate of their children are on their shoulders, and the pressure can be imagined. Parents want their children to have a good life in the future and no longer have the same financial constraints as they do. Therefore, when it is time for their children to go to school, parents are trying to pave the way for their children.

For example, blindly choosing some popular majors from prestigious schools. These majors sound lofty, and the prospects seem good. But behind the scenes, there is actually a lot of difficulty, and the employment situation is not optimistic.

Such a major is actually very unfriendly to children from ordinary families. However, parents only see the glamorous appearance of prestigious universities and majors, and ignore the actual situation of their children.

"I'm going to touch other people's cheese again", Zhang Xuefeng shouted to ordinary parents, don't try it if you have money

There are also parents, even if their children's scores do not meet the requirements, they must let their children go to the prestigious school of their dreams. This is tantamount to putting a lot of pressure on the child. In fact, every child has their own strengths and interests, and there is not only one way to succeed.

However, the blind expectations of parents have made the children who could shine in their own suitable fields carry a heavy burden.

If these misunderstandings stem from the wrong perception and superstition of famous schools and majors, then the most important thing to pay attention to is still the child's interest and actual ability. Understanding your children and choosing the most suitable path for them, rather than just chasing fame and fortune, is the attitude that parents should have.

Zhang Xuefeng gave a real-life example to illustrate the dilemma that students may face when choosing an international bachelor's degree.

"I'm going to touch other people's cheese again", Zhang Xuefeng shouted to ordinary parents, don't try it if you have money

The boy in the story, Wang Qiang, is an ordinary senior high school student who yearns for the Beijing Institute of Technology and thinks that this school is grand and has a strong academic atmosphere. However, his college entrance examination score was very average and did not meet the admission standards of Beijing Institute of Technology. Wang Qiang was very disappointed for a while, feeling that he could not go to the ideal university, and his future was bleak.

Just when Wang Qiang was about to choose the second option, he found that Beijing Institute of Technology had opened an international undergraduate major, which could admit students with low scores. Wang Qiang instantly came to his senses and felt that this was a great opportunity for Shanghai Institute of Technology.

So he gave up the original Plan B of North University of China, and was determined to take a gamble and go to Beijing Institute of Technology, which he had dreamed of for a long time.

However, Zhang Xuefeng pointed out that Wang Qiang's thinking is very dangerous. This kind of international undergraduate does not give students a formal diploma of Beijing Institute of Technology, in fact, it is only a preparatory education. Wang Qiang disregards his actual situation, for the sake of a name for Beijing Institute of Technology, but may lose the normal undergraduate study opportunity.

"I'm going to touch other people's cheese again", Zhang Xuefeng shouted to ordinary parents, don't try it if you have money

Zhang Xuefeng said that he can understand Wang Qiang's yearning for Beijing Institute of Technology very well, but too high self-expectations will also make people lose judgment. College is not the end of life, and it is more important to choose a school that suits your reality. Blindly pursuing famous brands may end up with nothing.

Zhang Xuefeng also expressed his insights on the impact of this type of international bachelor's degree on future employment. He said that employers in the job market have their own scoring standards and will not be easily confused by the label of a prestigious school.

In the case of foreign-owned companies, for example, they pay more attention to the real ability of the candidate, and do not give preferential treatment to someone just because they have graduated from an international bachelor's degree. The HR team of a foreign company is very professional and has a way to distinguish between the value of a student's learning experience.

If it's just a preparatory education from a prestigious school, they won't give it recognition.

"I'm going to touch other people's cheese again", Zhang Xuefeng shouted to ordinary parents, don't try it if you have money

On the contrary, if a student enters a prestigious university through normal means, completes the undergraduate course in its entirety, and obtains the school's official academic certificate, then it will naturally be favored when it comes to employment. However, an international undergraduate with a prestigious university in its name and an empty content does not have much advantage in the job market.

Zhang Xuefeng emphasized that students must understand this reality when choosing an international undergraduate major. Don't be under the illusion of getting a job opportunity through a prestigious university label. Spending time and energy on improving real talent is more beneficial to job hunting.

Choose rationally and take responsibility for your decisions.

When Zhang Xuefeng talked about international undergraduate issues, he took a more balanced attitude. He did not completely dismiss the significance of such projects, but made suggestions on a case-by-case basis.

"I'm going to touch other people's cheese again", Zhang Xuefeng shouted to ordinary parents, don't try it if you have money

For students whose college entrance examination scores do not reach the undergraduate line, choosing an international undergraduate is still a viable option. In this way, you can have the opportunity to enter a university to study and prepare for future studies or employment.

However, for students whose scores could have met the undergraduate requirements, Zhang Xuefeng does not recommend choosing an international bachelor's degree. Such students can enter undergraduate studies through the normal pathway and obtain the official graduation certificate of the school. Opting for an international bachelor's degree can cost you the opportunity to a regular bachelor's degree, and in the long run, the gains outweigh the losses.

For students from ordinary families, Zhang Xuefeng also reminded parents to look at it rationally. If there are no special needs, you need to be careful when choosing an international bachelor's degree. The high cost and the limited impact of the aura of a prestigious school need to be taken into account.

Parents should think about their children and not be confused by famous brands.

"I'm going to touch other people's cheese again", Zhang Xuefeng shouted to ordinary parents, don't try it if you have money

Zhang Xuefeng's suggestion is full of sincere care for the majority of candidates. He hopes that through his experience and insights, he can help every child make the most suitable choice for themselves at this critical juncture. Facing the new stage of life with a positive and rational attitude.

Through this live broadcast, Zhang Xuefeng really touched the sensitive nerves of many parents as he expected. But as a responsible educator, he still chooses to let the public know what he sees as the current state of international undergraduates.

It is true that the aura of a prestigious university is fascinating, but while pursuing a famous brand, it is also necessary to think rationally and not be hot-headed. Every student has a path forward that suits them best, and there is not only one possible way to succeed.

"I'm going to touch other people's cheese again", Zhang Xuefeng shouted to ordinary parents, don't try it if you have money

Zhang Xuefeng's suggestion gives ordinary families a chance to examine themselves. We need to think about our children, but we can't impose our expectations and paths on others. Sometimes, it is wisest to think from your child's point of view.

This live broadcast gave everyone a clearer and more comprehensive understanding of international undergraduates. It's not just the aura of the brand-name door, it's the essence that is the deciding factor. I hope that the students of Guangzhou University can judge the situation at this critical juncture and make their life choices carefully.

Zhang Xuefeng's kind reminder taught us a lesson. As parents, we need to use a more open-minded and responsible mindset to guide our children towards a bright future.

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