
Victory, victory, mountains and rivers are unharmed and magnificent

author:Gu is sad
Victory, victory, mountains and rivers are unharmed and magnificent

Victory, victory, mountains and rivers are unharmed and magnificent

1. Origin

On the road of chef career, I often think of an old saying: "Victory must win, mountains and rivers are unharmed, and China is strong". This sentence not only inspires me to strive for excellence in the kitchen, but also celebrates Chinese food culture. And I, as a chef, also hope to pass on this spirit through my culinary skills.

Second, the challenge of entering the kitchen

Looking back on the days when I first stepped into the kitchen, I can describe it as "ups and downs". I remember the first time I came into contact with the steaming heat of the kitchen and the sparkle of various knives, I was both excited and nervous. I was assigned to the stir-fry post, but I was so busy that I almost cut off my fingers. However, the chefs have been patiently guiding me, teaching me how to master the heat, how to season it, and how to handle the ingredients. Under their guidance, I slowly adapted to the working environment in the kitchen and gradually found my own rhythm.

3. The road to the improvement of culinary skills

Over the course of my years as a chef, I have always strived to improve my culinary skills. I know that to be a good chef, it's not enough to be familiar with kitchen operations. Therefore, I worked hard to learn about the ingredients, the characteristics of different ingredients, and how to mix them. I also participated in various cooking competitions and training classes to constantly push my limits. In the process, I have experienced countless failures and setbacks, but I have also gained countless successes and a sense of accomplishment. Every failure is a valuable experience that makes me more cautious about each dish.

Victory, victory, mountains and rivers are unharmed and magnificent

Fourth, the exquisite skill of the chef

As a chef, my biggest goal is to be able to bring out the original flavor of the ingredients. I like to use the simplest methods, the freshest ingredients, to make the most delicious dishes. I know that ingredients are the soul of a dish, and only by using high-quality ingredients can we cook delicious dishes. That's why I often go to the market to pick fresh vegetables and meats to ensure that each dish maintains the best taste and nutritional value. At the same time, I also pay attention to the training of cooking skills, and constantly improve my knife skills and fire mastery. Only by handling the ingredients properly can you cook dishes with rich flavor and clear layers.

5. Inherit the Chinese food culture

As a Chinese chef, I feel a great responsibility. Chinese food culture has a long history, rich history and profound heritage. I hope that through my own efforts, I will pass on the Chinese food culture and let more people appreciate the charm of Chinese cuisine. Therefore, I often study how traditional Chinese dishes are prepared and explore the mysteries. I also like to reinvent some traditional dishes and add some modern elements to make the dishes more in line with the taste of the times. In this way, I hope to attract more young people to pay attention to and love Chinese cuisine, so that Chinese food culture can be inherited and developed.

6. Tribute to the great chefs

Along the way of my career, I have met many excellent chefs whose cooking skills and charisma have deeply influenced me. They taught me how to cook, how to treat ingredients, and how to treat every customer with respect. They have interpreted the value of the profession of chef with their actions, which makes me full of respect and love for the profession of chef. Therefore, I would like to pay my deepest tribute to them for their guidance and support throughout my career.

7. Prospects for the future

Looking forward to the future, I am full of confidence and expectation for the profession of chef. I believe that as long as I continue to work hard and keep learning, I will be able to become an excellent chef and contribute to the inheritance and development of Chinese food culture. I will continue to maintain my love and dedication to cooking, and continue to strive for excellence, so that more people can taste my food and feel my passion and sincerity. This is my mission and responsibility as a Chinese chef, and it is also my outlook and expectation for the future.

Victory, victory, mountains and rivers are unharmed and magnificent

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