
Why do almost all pregnant women have constipation? 3 things are the main cause! Don't worry, learn these 3 tricks to stay away from constipation

author:Dr. Zhou Haibin

During the wonderful journey of pregnancy, many expectant mothers encounter an embarrassing and unspeakable problem – constipation. Imagine expecting your baby to arrive, but being upset by the small problem of constipation. Not only that, but long-term constipation can also affect your mood and daily life, preventing you from fully enjoying the joy of pregnancy during this special period.

Let's start with Ms. Lee's story. Ms. Li is a 32-year-old expectant mother who struggled with constipation almost every day during her pregnancy. At first, she thought it was just a minor issue during pregnancy, and it wasn't worth mentioning. But over time, constipation began to seriously affect her quality of life, and even her emotional and family relationships were affected as a result. By sharing Ms. Li's story, we hope to resonate with every reader and make more people realize that constipation during pregnancy is not a small problem that can be taken lightly.

So, why does almost every pregnant woman suffer from constipation, what causes it, and more importantly, how can we deal with it so that we can avoid constipation?

Why do almost all pregnant women have constipation? 3 things are the main cause! Don't worry, learn these 3 tricks to stay away from constipation

The main cause of constipation during pregnancy

Hormonal double-edged sword: intestinal laziness caused by increased progesterone

During pregnancy, a woman's progesterone levels increase significantly, a change that is essential for the proper development of the embryo, but also slows down intestinal motility and causes food debris to stay in the intestine for a longer time. Slowing down bowel movements not only reduces the frequency of bowel movements, but also increases the degree of dryness of the stool, which is a direct cause of constipation during pregnancy. Understanding this physiological change can help pregnant women take more targeted preventive measures.

Subtle changes in diet: nutrient requirements and inadequate dietary fiber intake

Eating habits of pregnant women tend to change, partly due to changes in appetite due to pregnancy reactions, and partly due to special attention to nutrient intake. However, in the pursuit of high nutrition, dietary fiber intake is often neglected. Dietary fiber is a key factor in promoting intestinal health, as it increases stool volume and promotes intestinal peristalsis. Therefore, insufficient dietary fiber in the diet during pregnancy can easily lead to constipation.

Why do almost all pregnant women have constipation? 3 things are the main cause! Don't worry, learn these 3 tricks to stay away from constipation

Decreased activity: exercise and intestinal viability during pregnancy

As the abdomen enlarges during pregnancy, many women reduce their daily physical activity, especially in the third trimester. However, moderate physical activity can effectively promote bowel movements and help prevent constipation. Lack of activity not only slows down intestinal peristalsis, but also affects the overall metabolic rate, further exacerbating the problem of constipation. Therefore, even a simple walk or yoga for pregnant women can help improve constipation during pregnancy to some extent.

Why do almost all pregnant women have constipation? 3 things are the main cause! Don't worry, learn these 3 tricks to stay away from constipation

Practical countermeasures and suggestions

High-fiber recipes: natural intestinal scavengers

Fiber is the key to preventing constipation during pregnancy. Fiber can increase stool volume, promote intestinal peristalsis, and help with bowel movements. It is recommended that pregnant women eat a diet that includes plenty of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. For example, you can choose oatmeal with a fresh fruit and vegetable salad for breakfast, and increase the proportion of leafy greens and whole grains for lunch and dinner. Such a diet is not only nutritious, but also effective in preventing constipation.

Energetic pace: the charm of moderate exercise during pregnancy

Moderate physical activity is essential to prevent constipation during pregnancy. Walking, yoga for pregnant women, and water exercise are not only safe, but also promote intestinal peristalsis and speed up metabolism. It is recommended that pregnant women schedule at least 30 minutes of light to moderate exercise every day, and adjust the intensity and duration of exercise according to their own conditions. Remember to be in a good mood by being active and relaxing before and after exercising.

Regularity: Develop healthy bowel habits

Establishing and maintaining regular bowel habits is important to prevent constipation. Try to have a bowel movement at the same time every day, and try to go to the bathroom at regular intervals even if you don't feel it. Avoid holding stool for long periods of time, which can make stools stay in the colon for too long and become harder and dryer. At the same time, maintaining adequate water intake, at least 8 glasses of water per day, can help soften stools and promote intestinal health.

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