
In 1979, when he and Bo Yibo saw each other again after a 12-year absence, Marshal Ye Jianying was in tears: he suffered


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In 1979, when he and Bo Yibo saw each other again after a 12-year absence, Marshal Ye Jianying was in tears: he suffered

Text: Chenfang

Edited by Chen Fang


Bo Yibo's car walked away, and Ye Jianying still stood there and watched. In 1979, old friends who had been separated for 12 years met again, and Marshal Ye Jianying said in tears that he had "suffered".

The old hands of the two people were clasped tightly until Marshal Ye Jianying died, and Marshal Ye Jianying's children took out a pen and paper and asked Bo Yibo to write something.

As a friend for many years, Bo Yibo wrote such a paragraph, "He is benevolent to people, revealing a narrow sense of righteousness, and people show awe of him from their affection." ”

In 1979, when he and Bo Yibo saw each other again after a 12-year absence, Marshal Ye Jianying was in tears: he suffered

Thin wave

Among the revolutionary generals, Bo Yibo and Marshal Ye Jianying are veritable confidants, and the innocence of a confidant has firmly run through their lives, and has not faded from beginning to end.

But such confidants, they didn't get along for a long time, they only met in 1943, and they became confidants in a short time.

In 1979, when he and Bo Yibo saw each other again after a 12-year absence, Marshal Ye Jianying was in tears: he suffered


Bo Yibo and Ye Jianying hit it off at first sight. The place of first sight was in Yan'an, and the time of first meeting was 1943. That year, Bo Yibo went to Yan'an to attend the Seventh National Congress, although he joined the party earlier, but this time was the first time Bo Yibo came to the Party Central Committee.

The Seventh National Congress was postponed for some reason. This postponement also gave Bo Yibo and Ye Jianying a chance to meet by chance. Although the two have never met, Bo Yibo has always heard of Ye Jianying.

Bo Yibo admired the general who could fight well and deal with things decisively. I have been looking forward to seeing Ye Jianying in person.

In 1979, when he and Bo Yibo saw each other again after a 12-year absence, Marshal Ye Jianying was in tears: he suffered

In a cave, two people met, their hands clasped tightly, and after a conversation, they hit it off at first sight. There are fewer than a thousand cups of wine and confidants, and there is no doubt that the two of them are destined confidants.

Regarding the impression of the first meeting, Bo Yibo described it like this, Bo Yibo said that Ye Jianying was humble, elegant, well-behaved, and amiable.

Later, people repeatedly asked why the two met so late, but their relationship was so deep, Bo Yibo said. "Sooner or later, we meet as a group. As long as there is a common ideal, a common belief. There is a common revolutionary goal, in fact, it will always be the same at first sight. ”

And Marshal Ye Jianying also said about this: "Although we met relatively late, the depth of some feelings is not measured by the length of time. As the so-called like-minded, it is easy to be a good friend. ”

In 1979, when he and Bo Yibo saw each other again after a 12-year absence, Marshal Ye Jianying was in tears: he suffered

Marshal Ye Jianying turned Bo Yibo into a good friend, and Bo Yibo also classified Ye Jianying as a person with strong revolutionary beliefs. The friendship between the two is deep, stemming from like-mindedness and acquaintance at first sight.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, in October 1949, Marshal Ye Jianying was appointed chairman of Guangdong Province and went to his hometown of Guangdong, while Bo Yibo stayed in Beijing. The two were separated, and there was less time to see each other.

Bo Yibo was mainly responsible for the work of the Ministry of Finance in Beijing, and originally one was in the army and the other was in the leading group of the central government, and the two of them could not be regarded as eight poles, like two parallel lines, and there was almost no time to intersect, but the opportunity for the two to meet suddenly came.

In 1979, when he and Bo Yibo saw each other again after a 12-year absence, Marshal Ye Jianying was in tears: he suffered


In 1952, Bo Yibo was ordered to go to Guangzhou, Shanghai and other places to carry out investigations, and when he learned about the situation in Guangzhou, he found that some people claimed that Guangzhou had a tendency towards localism, because Ye Jianying used a large number of Guangzhong People's Party cadres, so it was suspected of being localism.

The rumors are getting bigger and bigger, like a snowball. Some people also began to rumor that Ye Jianying was the backstage of regionalism.

Bo Yibo carried out an investigation and did business for business. After learning of this situation, he quickly intervened to understand, and after the investigation, he had a conversation with Ye Jianying. But Ye Jianying saw his old friend again, but he didn't explain too much, he didn't want to talk about it.

Ye Jianying just asked Bo Yibo to act impartially, and after understanding the situation in detail, he reported it to the central government.

In 1979, when he and Bo Yibo saw each other again after a 12-year absence, Marshal Ye Jianying was in tears: he suffered

Thin wave

The two of them also met and smiled at the restaurant table, they were confidants. Just because they are confidants, they also know each other and know each other's personality.

It is precisely because they are confidants that they all know that the other party is a person who puts public affairs before private interests, attaches importance to national interests, and lives of the people, and is a person who puts the overall situation first.

After Bo Yibo returned to Beijing, Chairman Mao Zedong also had a conversation with Bo Yibo, and Chairman Mao asked, "What do you think about the matter of localism?"

Bo Yibo replied, "It's like Mizuoda." The water flows into the fields, and at the end of the day, there is not enough water. The water is gone, but the fields are still fertile, and the farmers still have to grow crops. Nature needs new sources of water.

Before Marshal Ye Jianying left Beijing for Guangzhou, he also told you the same thing: The cadres from the central government to various localities are like a spring flowing out of the spring.

In 1979, when he and Bo Yibo saw each other again after a 12-year absence, Marshal Ye Jianying was in tears: he suffered

Ye Jianying

However, no matter how many cadres go south, they will inevitably not be enough under the distribution. Just like Mizuoda, it will eventually disappear when it reaches Guangzhou.

Therefore, in this context, Marshal Ye Jianying had to use local cadres, the combination of cadres trained by the central government with local cadres, and the combination of foreign and local cadres, which is also to make the best use of people.

You can't exaggerate Marshal Ye Jianying's use of local cadres as localism, right?"

Chairman Mao agreed with Bo Yibo's view. The central government also conducted an investigation on this basis, and found that the theory of localism in Guangzhou was indeed exaggerated. In the end, the tendency to characterize things as excessive exaggeration, simplification, and one-sidedness of the problem is actually nothing.

Accordingly, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee conducted a new review and submitted a report, and the Central Committee also made amendments after adopting the opinions of the Central Guangdong Provincial Party Committee.

In 1979, when he and Bo Yibo saw each other again after a 12-year absence, Marshal Ye Jianying was in tears: he suffered

Talk about the past and the present

In 1954, Ye Jianying was reassigned back to Beijing, and the opportunities for Ye Jianying and Bo Yibo, two pairs of friends, to meet also increased.

Later, at a meeting in Beidaihe, there was a three-person conversation.

At this meeting, Bo Yibo first talked about Wang Zuo's loyalty to the country and his busy life.

And Chairman Mao interjected with a smile: "I think Zhuge Liang is doing his best, and Lu Duan is not confused when he does big things." ”

When he said this, Chairman Mao's eyes were clearly looking at Ye Jianying.

In 1979, when he and Bo Yibo saw each other again after a 12-year absence, Marshal Ye Jianying was in tears: he suffered

Chairman Mao

Afterwards, Bo Yibo was also puzzled by this conversation, because Chairman Mao's words obviously had a deep meaning, but Bo Yibo did not know the ins and outs of it, and he couldn't figure it out.

Later, Bo Yibo and several colleagues got together to discuss the matter, and finally everyone guessed the mystery together. It turns out that Chairman Mao's so-called Lu Duan is not confused when he does big things, which is an allusion to Ye Jianying's lack of confusion when he does big things.

When Zhang Guotao wanted to go south and split the activities of the Party Central Committee, it was Ye Jianying who passed on the information that Zhang Guotao wanted to go south to Chairman Mao at the first time, thus ensuring that the Party Central Committee could go north smoothly.

In 1979, when he and Bo Yibo saw each other again after a 12-year absence, Marshal Ye Jianying was in tears: he suffered

Zhang Guotao

Chairman Mao's so-called Ye Jianying is not confused about doing big things, but he refers to this point. At critical moments and critical moments for the Party Central Committee, they can make correct judgments and decisions to safeguard the Party, the country, and the people.

In fact, at the Zunyi Conference, Ye Jianying also chose to vigorously support Chairman Mao at that time, and in the perspective of judging major events, Ye Jianying was similar to Lu Duan, the prime minister of the Northern Song Dynasty, and he was not confused in doing big things.

In 1979, when he and Bo Yibo saw each other again after a 12-year absence, Marshal Ye Jianying was in tears: he suffered

Fate with prison

Bo Yibo has a lot of fate with prison. Bo Yibo's normal school in Shanxi was influenced by the advanced Marxist-Leninist ideology of the May Fourth Movement.

He participated in the patriotic student movement at that time, and later supported the May Day Movement during his school years. In 1925, he became a member of the Communist Party of China.

He also served as deputy secretary of the district party committee, leading the local struggle work. organizing propaganda and mobilizing the masses, etc.

In 1979, when he and Bo Yibo saw each other again after a 12-year absence, Marshal Ye Jianying was in tears: he suffered

Originally, things went very smoothly, but later Bo Yibo was arrested four times and imprisoned twice because he worked in the white area, and the working environment in the white area was extremely dangerous.

In 1931, Bo Yibo was sentenced to eight years in prison, and he was imprisoned in Caolanzi Prison. Long-term work struggles and difficult living conditions are the most overwhelming people's will.

In the face of daily torture and constant interrogation, many people could not bear it, but in the prison at that time, Bo Yibo fought against the Kuomintang with a positive and optimistic attitude and lofty integrity.

In 1979, when he and Bo Yibo saw each other again after a 12-year absence, Marshal Ye Jianying was in tears: he suffered

Thin wave

They formed a strong leadership collective in prison, waged a stubborn struggle against the enemy, and displayed the noble integrity of our party.

Later, he was almost sentenced to death for this. Later, under the rescue of the party, Bo Yibo and others were released from prison, and in the sixties, Bo Yibo also faced the dilemma of imprisonment again, and was imprisoned for 12 years. He was released from prison again in 1979 and met his friend Ye Jianying.