
Life and death, prosperity, success or failure in the world are affected by these four things

author:Art Scene
Life and death, prosperity, success or failure in the world are affected by these four things

Shen Fu wrote in "Six Tales of Floating Life":

The world is vast, time is limited, why bother to rush? Life is busy, competing for short and long, but there is no way to count the glory and the wither, and the gains and losses are difficult to measure.

It means that life is in the world, time is limited, why bother to be too busy? You and I are ordinary people, always calculating, calculating, calculating, what's the point. The rise and fall of prosperity has a definite number, and the gains and losses of success or failure are all providential.

The things in the world are nothing more than life and death, prosperity and glory, success or failure. After he was born, he worked too hard for the so-called "success", and cheated for the so-called "gain".

Desperately to a certain extent, you and I will cheat to the end, and you and I will eventually suddenly realize that this life and death, glory, success or failure, is not what you want to do, they can be. Nothing is beyond your control.

The following 4 things will affect the life and death, prosperity and prosperity, rise and fall, success or failure in the world, so be careful.

Life and death, prosperity, success or failure in the world are affected by these four things

1. Atmospheric transport of the environment.

People have small luck, while the environment has good luck. People, no matter how great their abilities, need to be attached to the atmosphere of the environment.

Take "Tang Xuanzong Li Longji" as an example, in the early stage, Li Longji created the famous Kaiyuan rule. In the later period, Li Longji was confused, and was fooled by An Lushan, which led to the Anshi Rebellion.

Whether it is the rule of Kaiyuan or the Anshi Rebellion, it is a problem of environmental and atmospheric luck.

First of all, the rule of Zhenguan of Tang Taizong and the rule of Wu Zetian laid the foundation for Li Longji's rule of Kaiyuan. In other words, this is the trend of the times, and Li Longji is only a witness and witness.

Secondly, the rule of Kaiyuan was the pinnacle of the Tang Dynasty, and all luck existed in the saying that "the extremes of things must be reversed", which was destined to decline in the later period of Li Longji, and the Anshi Rebellion was the most direct embodiment.

In the face of the atmospheric luck of the environment, Li Longji is both a lucky person and an unlucky one. Luckily, he met the peak of the Tang Dynasty. And the unfortunate thing is that he has encountered a period of recession in which everything must be reversed.

Life and death, prosperity, success or failure in the world are affected by these four things

Second, the competition of the right time, place and people.

What is the competition between people? Six words, the right time and place are favorable.

Here's an example. A group of people competed for a position, and 3 people passed the exam and were able to go for an interview. In the end, the interviewer asked for the person with the background, and the two people without the background were eliminated.

I believe that the vast majority of people are very angry, why is this interviewer so snobbish, tending to be inflammatory, and worshipping high and low? In fact, this is the most cruel competition in reality.

Competing strength is a part of the right time, place and people. Competing relationships, backgrounds, and family backgrounds are also part of the right time, place, and people. The conditions covered are multifaceted.

All success or failure depends on the right time, place and conditions. If you have more advantages than others, then you will win. On the other hand, if you have less advantage, you will lose.

This has been the case since ancient times, no one cares about the process of competition, everyone only pays attention to the final result. For example, we all know that Liu Bang and Zhu Yuanzhang are very powerful, but we have never understood the process of making their fortunes. And this process is a competition between the right time, place and people.

Life and death, prosperity, success or failure in the world are affected by these four things

3. What is the cause in the front, and what is the effect in the back.

Human life, in the final analysis, is a cycle of "cause and effect". What you have done in the past, what will happen to you now. What you do now, what you will encounter in the future...... This is the life of "one link after another".

There are two young people, both of whom are from ordinary families, and they have no relationship or background. One young man travels from south to north to work hard to accumulate resources and wealth, while the other young man stays in his hometown and lives a life without waves.

Many years have passed, and the first person is likely to make a lot of money and have a certain status, but he will also live a very tired life. There is both a good side and a hard side. If you want to eat meat, you need to be beaten first.

There is a high probability that the other person will not make much money, but he will live comfortably and will not feel too tired. There is a bad side and a comfortable side. Instead of eating meat, stopping to eat grass, there are good and bad.

What is sown in the front will bear fruit in the back. This "fruit" is the synthesis of trade-offs, gains and losses, success and failure, prosperity and decline.

No matter what you choose, there will be regrets. There are many things that cannot be "both".

Life and death, prosperity, success or failure in the world are affected by these four things

Fourth, what is the mission of this life?

As long as it is a human being, it must have its "mission". The mission we talk about here is something that is innate, and it must be done.

Take "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" as an example. Cao Cao's mission was to blackmail the Son of Heaven to order the princes, unify the north, and establish Cao Wei; Liu Bei's mission was to follow the "Longzhong Pair", take Jingzhou and Xichuan, and establish Shu Han;

Sun Quan's mission was to develop Jiangnan as a rich second generation of Shoucheng, and the mission of Sima Yi, his son, and grandson was to annex Cao Cao's foundation, and then annex the world, and the Three Kingdoms to Jin.

These people, having completed their mission, cannot go any further. For example, after Cao Cao unified the north, he wanted to pacify the south and unify the world, but unfortunately, he was destined to stop at Chibi.

Why? Because he didn't unify the world. There is no such mission, no matter how much you do it, no matter how reluctant you are, it is meaningless.

This is true for big people, and it is also true for ordinary people. The mission determines the upper and lower limits of this life.