
Without Western medicine, Chinese people will live longer and healthier!

author:Mr. Zhang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

People live in this nature, and birth, old age, sickness and death are the norm. However, each of us wants to live a long life, but most of us can't, of course, for many reasons. In the medical field, there is a phenomenon: why do most old Chinese medicine doctors live a long life, while many Western doctors die young?

There are many longevity people in Chinese medicine, so what is the reason for their longevity? It turns out that the key to longevity in Chinese medicine is health preservation. Throughout history, the reason why Chinese medicine has lived a long life is because they have a way to maintain longevity, which is often seen in medical books throughout the ages.

"The Book of the Later Han Dynasty: The Biography of Fangshu" contains: Hua Tuo, a famous doctor in the Eastern Han Dynasty, was "100 years old and still magnificent"; Sun Simiao in the Tang Dynasty was 100 years old and could still write books and write the immortal medical classic "Qianjin Yifang"; Zhen Quan, who wrote "Pulse Golden Needle Fang" and "Mingtang Human Shape Diagram", lived to be 103 years old; Tan Renxian, a famous doctor in the Song Dynasty, was 108 years old; and Wu Youke, a thermologist in the Ming Dynasty, was also 100 years old.......

Without Western medicine, Chinese people will live longer and healthier!

Let's study the history of China, we can see from the poems of the ancients: I often reply to those Chinese medicine blacks like this: to look at the problem from the perspective of historical materialism, you see that the ancients had a short lifespan, don't you see that "Zhumen wine and meat stink, and there are frozen bones on the road"? Don't you see that "the white bones are exposed in the wilderness, and there is no rooster crowing for thousands of miles"? Don't you see that "hiding in the deeper mountains cannot avoid rumors"? Don't you see that "one man attaches a book to the book, and the second man dies in a new battle"? Don't you see that "one will succeed and ten thousand bones will wither"?

Du Fu is known as the "History of Poetry", and his poems reflect the real social phenomenon of "ten rooms and nine emptiness" and the tragic life of people during the Anshi Rebellion. From the last years of the Qing Dynasty, when people revolted and wars were continuous: the Boxer Rebellion, the Taiping Movement, the Eight-Nation Coalition Army into China, and then the Northern Expedition during the Republic of China, Chiang Kai-shek's Central Plains War, the encirclement and suppression of the Red Army many times, the Eight-Year War of Resistance against Japan, the Three-Year War of Liberation, and so on. Friends, you can read the history of modern China and see which year in modern China there was no war? In which year did the people work in peace and contentment? What did this war consume year after year? What consumed young and middle-aged laborers and destroyed the social productive forces! Friends, think about it, it would be good to survive in such an environment, and how could there be a long life? Therefore, the average life expectancy of thirty or forty years was already very good at that time!

Without Western medicine, Chinese people will live longer and healthier!

If we change our thinking a little more, if there had not been years of war in ancient times, what would have been the lifespan of the ancients in a relatively peaceful era? If we study the problem from this angle, we will be even more surprised by your expectations, and we will also be more likely to slap those Chinese medicine black faces!

The ancient Orient had a more advanced concept of health

Excluding those who died early, the average life expectancy of Europeans in the Middle Ages was far less than that of the Chinese in the period, why?

This is because China has a more advanced and effective TCM medical system and health concept than the West at that time, as well as an official-led health and epidemic prevention system.

The government has a dedicated disease control officer who regularly removes weeds and insects and cleans the water. In the Song Dynasty, there was a law that the public place littering should be punished with 60 boards. The cabin hospital we see today actually existed as early as the Han Dynasty, and it was called "Nunnery" at that time.

"The Book of the Later Han Dynasty: The Biography of Huangfu Gui": "The epidemic in the army, the deceased is thirteen or fourteen. The relatives entered the nunnery, inspected the soldiers, and the three armies were pleased. ”

The ancients also knew some health knowledge superficially, such as incense, ventilation, frequent bathing, drinking boiled water, isolation in the event of human-to-human transmission, and emphasis on resistance (righteousness) prevention...... TCM also realizes that "after a catastrophe there must be a pandemic", that climate change is very related to the epidemic of plague, that more exercise can strengthen the body, and so on. (Reference: Dong Wei, "Research on the Changes of Epidemic Prevention Thought in Ancient China")

Without Western medicine, Chinese people will live longer and healthier!

Although China also has large-scale infectious diseases, it has never had a Black Death-level infection, and the mainland has always been the most populous country in the world, and several of the world's most populous cities have always been in China.

The plague is not terrible, as long as the government agencies are functioning well, do a good job of epidemic prevention, and cooperate with appropriate medical prevention and control measures, it can make a big deal small. Many plagues have also been recorded in Chinese historical sources, but they were basically controlled in a small area and never developed into a situation that spread to the entire continent.

More than 1,000 years later, we are doing the same better than Westerners, which shows that the Chinese nation has always inherited the excellent culture of working together to fight the plague, and this culture itself is part of the traditional medical thought of the East.

Many scholars have argued that there was indeed no Black Death-level infection in ancient China. If you look at the way Western countries are dealing with the epidemic today, you can see why they have so many great plagues.

Without Western medicine, Chinese people will live longer and healthier!

Dr. West has a relatively short lifespan. The average life expectancy of Western medicine in the United States is 54 years, because Western medicine thinks that it is scientific, treats the symptoms but not the root cause, regards man as a machine, and falls into the quagmire of mechanical materialism. Due to wrong thinking, wrong methods, all the drugs used to kill life, digging holes in the body, cutting and cutting, are getting farther and farther away from the goal of health preservation, how can they live a long life?!

Traditional Chinese medicine is full of cranes and young faces, and eighty or ninety years old abound! Because Chinese medicine pays attention to the whole, reveres life, always pays attention to maintaining the righteousness of the human body, uses less attacking drugs, is well versed in the way of human body gasification, follows its natural situation, balances the growth and decline of yin and yang of the human body, and can not live long?

Without Western medicine, Chinese people will live longer and healthier!

Japanese medical professor Katase Inflammation once said, "Western medicine is disease-making medicine." The various new drugs developed by Western medicine have brought about various side effects, constantly reducing human resistance, and creating many unheard of new diseases, such as leukemia, seal children, death due to drug resistance, obesity, various cancers and so on. As soon as Western medicine went on strike in Europe and the United States, the mortality rate dropped by half. This is not a joke, it is a report published in the world's top medical journal, The Lancet. In 1973, there was a month-long general strike of doctors across Israel. According to Israel's Jerusalem Burial Association, the number of deaths nationwide fell by 50 percent that month. Ten years later, in 1983, Israeli doctors again went on a nationwide general strike, and the Israeli Jerusalem Burial Society made another statistic, and in these 85 days, the national mortality rate dropped by 50 percent again! Therefore, doctors in Europe and the United States no longer dared to strike, and the data was too embarrassing.

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