
Argentina's trip to China may be canceled because of Messi, and the mainland and Hong Kong compatriots stand together

Argentina's trip to China may be canceled because of Messi, and the mainland and Hong Kong compatriots stand together

Argentina's trip to China may be canceled because of Messi, and the mainland and Hong Kong compatriots stand together

Because he refused to play in Hong Kong, China, but played in Japan for more than 30 minutes, the "football king" Messi will eventually pay a serious price for his double standard. It is known that Messi refused to play in the match between the Hong Kong team and Miami International, citing a "groin injury". However, this excuse has been officially debunked, because Messi showed no signs of "injury" in the game against Vissel Kobe a few days later, which also put him in the limelight again.

Argentina's trip to China may be canceled because of Messi, and the mainland and Hong Kong compatriots stand together

It is worth mentioning that there were a total of 6 games in the Miami International preseason this time, and only Messi did not appear in Hong Kong, which shows the degree of lack of attention. As things continue to ferment, not only the sports world, but also more other non-sports bloggers have also begun to speak out, the most famous of which is the former "Global Times" editor-in-chief Hu Xijin, he believes that Messi's comprehensive quality is relatively average, and the stain has been left!

I have to say that Messi is finally "out of the circle". Now the trend of public opinion is extremely unfavorable to Messi, and some people even think that Messi's position is problematic, and they want to use this trip to Hong Kong to "divide" the mainland and Hong Kong to achieve an ulterior secret.

Argentina's trip to China may be canceled because of Messi, and the mainland and Hong Kong compatriots stand together

It was also during this time that media person Xu Yi revealed a blockbuster news that the upcoming "Argentina China Tour" to be held in March may be canceled due to Messi, calling on fans not to go to Hangzhou to watch the game. Although this matter has not been 100% proven, there are more and more signs that Messi is gradually being "blocked" by the Chinese market, and offending Hong Kong is offending the whole of China!

Argentina's trip to China may be canceled because of Messi, and the mainland and Hong Kong compatriots stand together

Once the vast Chinese market is lost, it is the loss of hundreds of millions of fans and the box office, for this consequence, the team behind Messi will definitely not be able to afford it, so it will definitely attach great importance to it, and it can no longer be as perfunctory as before.

As a superstar in football, Messi's behavior is not only about his personal image, but also represents an attitude and position. On this sensitive issue, the mainland must stand with Hong Kong compatriots and jointly safeguard national interests and national dignity. We should mobilize all our forces to get Messi to admit their mistakes and take the initiative to apologize, so that Hong Kong can save face in the international world, which is also our bounden duty.

Argentina's trip to China may be canceled because of Messi, and the mainland and Hong Kong compatriots stand together

Even though Messi's football skills are excellent and his personal honors are many, in the face of national righteousness and national dignity, idolatry is not worth mentioning, and finally I hope that Messi will make a statement as soon as possible, reply to all questions from the outside world, and apologize to the Hong Kong government and fans.

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