
#阿麦从军#又是一部被名字耽误的网剧, I thought it was similar to Mulan before I watched it, but I couldn't stop at all after watching it, and the last time I watched Zhang Tianai's costume drama was the crown princess

author:Laughing Yuebao

#阿麦从军#又是一部被名字耽误的网剧, I thought it was similar to Mulan before I watched it, but I couldn't stop at all after watching it, the last time I watched Zhang Tianai's costume drama was the promotion of the crown princess, although the male and female protagonists are not big names, but the storyline is still relatively compact!

Amai, who wants to avenge her family, disguises herself as a man and accidentally saves the princess's son (actually the son of the former prince), and the male protagonist is also tragic As soon as he appeared, he was chased and killed by the suspicious emperor.,But the aura of the male and female protagonists can't die so quickly.,The so-called fate is that the son of the world has met the witty Amai several times.,Although the identity of the heroine of the emotional drama without ink was discovered by the male protagonist at the beginning.,But get along all the way and be crushed by the female owner.,The male and female protagonists' personalities are also complementary.,After joining the army because I knew that my childhood sweetheart enemy was the marshal of the enemy army.,See how she wins more with less with her intelligence on the battlefield.。

#阿麦从军#又是一部被名字耽误的网剧, I thought it was similar to Mulan before I watched it, but I couldn't stop at all after watching it, and the last time I watched Zhang Tianai's costume drama was the crown princess
#阿麦从军#又是一部被名字耽误的网剧, I thought it was similar to Mulan before I watched it, but I couldn't stop at all after watching it, and the last time I watched Zhang Tianai's costume drama was the crown princess
#阿麦从军#又是一部被名字耽误的网剧, I thought it was similar to Mulan before I watched it, but I couldn't stop at all after watching it, and the last time I watched Zhang Tianai's costume drama was the crown princess
#阿麦从军#又是一部被名字耽误的网剧, I thought it was similar to Mulan before I watched it, but I couldn't stop at all after watching it, and the last time I watched Zhang Tianai's costume drama was the crown princess
#阿麦从军#又是一部被名字耽误的网剧, I thought it was similar to Mulan before I watched it, but I couldn't stop at all after watching it, and the last time I watched Zhang Tianai's costume drama was the crown princess
#阿麦从军#又是一部被名字耽误的网剧, I thought it was similar to Mulan before I watched it, but I couldn't stop at all after watching it, and the last time I watched Zhang Tianai's costume drama was the crown princess

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