
#I'm here to talk about homely things#Essay life should be like a lotus, the first blue is like a canopy, the flowers are like a crown;

author:Heaven is like a dragon

#I'm going to chatter about homely things#Essay

Life should be like a lotus, the beginning of the blue like a canopy, the flowers like a crown, the residual lotus like a simple stroke!

#I'm here to talk about homely things#Essay life should be like a lotus, the first blue is like a canopy, the flowers are like a crown;
#I'm here to talk about homely things#Essay life should be like a lotus, the first blue is like a canopy, the flowers are like a crown;
#I'm here to talk about homely things#Essay life should be like a lotus, the first blue is like a canopy, the flowers are like a crown;

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