
85 Chinese universities have been included in Canada's sensitive list, and the study abroad circle is sweating~

author:Jingwei Yibai study abroad

Recently, a series of restrictions imposed by the United States on Chinese students are still making a fuss. However, another wave of unsettled waves has emerged, and Canada, another popular destination for studying abroad, has also followed the footsteps of the United States. Canada has released a "Sensitive Schools & Majors List", with 85 Chinese universities on the list......

On January 16, local time, the Canadian federal government's Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (Innovation, Science and Economic Development) issued a policy on sensitive technology research and related subsidiaries related to military and national defense, including a list of sensitive technology research areas and a list of designated institutions.

85 Chinese universities have been included in Canada's sensitive list, and the study abroad circle is sweating~

The list of notified bodies consists of two parts:

Part I: Named Research Organizations, which designates sensitive schools and institutions in Russia, China, and Iran.

第二部分:Sensitive Technology Research Areas,包括近100个敏感技术研究领域。

The list includes a number of universities and institutions from Russia, China, and Iran, but China accounts for the vast majority of them, with 85 Chinese universities and institutions, accounting for 90% of the total number designated.

Canada's "official statement" said: "The list is made up of research organizations and institutions that have direct or indirect links to military, defense and national security entities that pose the highest risk to Canada's national security." ”

Anyone associated with these institutions will not be able to receive funding from Canada's major research councils, which include the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Each researcher in the project must remain unaffiliated with the banned institution or be removed from the project.

Netizens said: This is the Canadian version of 10043~ Some netizens have made a summary for everyone to understand

85 Chinese universities have been included in Canada's sensitive list, and the study abroad circle is sweating~

List of sensitive universities

For China, Beihang University, Beijing Computational Science Research Center, Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Harbin Institute of Technology, Sichuan University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (Chengdu), Xi'an University of Technology, Hefei National Institute of Microsized Materials, Tianjin University, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, etc. are all included.

List of research areas of sensitive technologies

The Sensitive Technology Research Area includes 11 areas of expertise: Digital Infrastructure Technology, Energy Technology, Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technology, Perception and Surveillance Technology, Advanced Weapons, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Human-Machine Integration, Quantum Science Technology, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Specific Life Science Research (e.g., Biotechnology and Healthcare Technology), Aerospace and Satellite Research.

The Canadian government also said that the list will also be reviewed and updated regularly to address evolving threats to Canada's national security, which can come from anywhere in the world.

Students who plan to study in Canada need to mitigate the risks associated with partnerships in sensitive technical research areas.

85 Chinese universities have been included in Canada's sensitive list, and the study abroad circle is sweating~

The new policy came into effect in September this year, and if you are a graduate or employee of an institution on the list, it may be more difficult to apply for study or immigration in Canada, and you may encounter:

Refusal of work or study visa

For sensitive schools and institutions, if the background or the circumstances are complex, there will be a high probability of direct rejection of the work permit or study permit.

A long ann tune

Even if it is not denied a visa anytime soon, it will definitely enter a long period of time, and it may take at least 1.5-2 years to start. If you are in a hurry to study, or if you are a friend who has immigrated to work on a work permit, you need to consider the time cost of the long wait.

In today's ever-changing international situation, students and parents need to pay attention to the policy trends of the countries where they study abroad, and hope that everyone's visa application and study abroad can go smoothly!

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