
Sore throat and swollen throat, what's going on? The doctor will teach you 5 ways to relieve →

author:Zheng Yuan Flux

Recently, there have been more people with sore throats all of a sudden, and related topics have also appeared on the hot search, causing widespread attention.

Many netizens posted that their throats were so swollen that they couldn't even swallow water, swallowing saliva was like a "pinprick" pain, and they had no strength all over.

Sore throat and swollen throat, what's going on? The doctor will teach you 5 ways to relieve →

The pharynx and larynx are actually two parts, the larynx is located in the front and lower part of the pharynx, they are close to each other, and they often appear together when they are inflamed.

What is sore throat, how to relieve it, what is the need to seek medical attention?

What is laryngitis?

Laryngitis is a common throat disease that refers to an inflammatory response that occurs in the mucosa of the throat and the surrounding lymphatic tissues.

70%~80% of laryngitis is caused by viruses, such as influenza, new coronavirus infection, Epstein-Barr virus infection, streptococcal infection, etc.

In addition to viruses, laryngitis can also be caused by irritation by bacteria, dust, smoke, etc., or allergic rhinitis or sinusitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, etc.

Regardless of the cause, most patients with laryngitis have a dry throat, itchy throat, and burning pharynx as the main symptoms in the early stages. When the inflammation invades the larynx, cough and hoarseness, vocal labor, and even loss of voice appear, followed by symptoms such as sore throat, which are exacerbated when swallowing.

In addition, sore throat is often accompanied by neck pain or swelling, as well as discomfort such as fever, headache, and fatigue.

On the whole, acute pharyngitis generally has mild systemic symptoms, mainly local symptoms, most of which can be healed within 7~10 days, as long as you rest more, drink more water, pay attention to protect your throat, such as not eating rough or spicy food.

Sore throat and swollen throat, what's going on? The doctor will teach you 5 ways to relieve →

These 5 methods are effective in relieving sore throat

Many patients with laryngitis have a more severe sore throat, and they can't stand the pain when they swallow a mouthful of saliva, is there any way to relieve it?

1. Oral painkillers

Oral pain relievers are very effective in reducing the pain of acute laryngitis in adults, with acetaminophen and ibuprofen being the most commonly used and safest pain relievers.

The drug usually takes effect within 1~2 hours, and in addition to relieving the symptoms of sore throat, it can also relieve the symptoms that may accompany sore throat, such as fever or headache.

However, when using medication for pain relief, it is important to pay attention to a few points:

2. Try to choose something warm to eat

People with a sore throat are more likely to tolerate warm liquids and foods, such as warm water, tea, chicken broth, porridge, etc., than irritating foods and liquids at room temperature.

Be careful, it is warm, not scalded, and excessively hot food or liquids may burn our throat and exacerbate the pain.

3. Eat something to moisten your throat

Honey and hard candies can also relieve sore throats to a certain extent, especially throat lozenges that contain mint.

At present, the common throat lozenges on the market usually contain mint, which has an anesthetic effect, and it feels cool after eating, which can make people forget the pain in their throat for a while.

However, it should be noted that this mint candy should be used with caution in children under 6 years of age, as it may have a neurostatic effect.

4. Drink plenty of water

Patients with sore throat are advised to drink plenty of fluids, which is beneficial for the recovery of the disease.

Choose room temperature water, cold water, and warm water, as long as it avoids overheating.

5. Improve air humidity and stay away from second-hand smoke

If the air is too dry and air pollution can exacerbate sore throats, you can use a humidifier to improve the humidity of the environment to help relieve the symptoms of sore throat.

It should be noted that when using a humidifier, try to choose purified water or boiled cold water, or choose a humidifier with sterilization function. After each use of the humidifier, clean it according to the instructions.

Also take care to stay away from secondhand smoke and avoid exposure to tobacco smoke to prevent smoke irritation and worsening sore throat.

Severe pharyngitis, which can be life-threatening

In these 6 cases, you must seek medical attention in time

Severe laryngitis is rare, but it carries a risk of airway obstruction and can be life-threatening in severe cases. Therefore, it is very important to learn to recognize red flags and seek medical attention in time.

When the following 6 conditions occur, it means that there may be some risks for the condition causing the sore throat and you need to seek medical attention promptly:

Sore throat and swollen throat, what's going on? The doctor will teach you 5 ways to relieve →

Source: Popular Science China