
It's not just the "fresh lights" in the market that are exiting

author:Gu Maoquan
It's not just the "fresh lights" in the market that are exiting

Red light with pure white makes pork more tender, and red light with warm white makes cooked food brighter...... Once upon a time, cooked food, fruits, vegetables, etc., under the "beauty filter" of the "fresh lamp", by adjusting the color, brightness, color temperature, etc., the fresh food (especially meat) looked brighter, brighter, and more attractive. "Fresh lights" have become a must-have "artifact" for businesses. However, the food of the "beauty filter" is suspected of being misleading, and the food will "return to its original shape" after leaving the "fresh lamp". Some agricultural products look fresh, but when they are bought back, they find that the quality is not good, and they are all playing tricks on the "fresh lights" hanging above the goods: adding "beauty filters" to the agricultural products, misleading consumers.

It's not just the "fresh lights" in the market that are exiting

Consumers have been suffering from "fresh lights" for a long time. In order to protect the rights and interests of consumers, the State Administration for Market Regulation made it clear that the use of "fresh lights" has been prohibited since December 1 last year.

It's not just the "fresh lights" in the market that are exiting

"Fresh lights" are a tool that allows some merchants to deceive consumers with shoddy quality. The abuse of "fresh lights" infringes on consumers' right to know and choose, and also destroys the fair competition environment of the market.

It's not just the "fresh lights" in the market that are exiting

"Fresh lights" also reflect a mentality and a phenomenon, which not only exists in farmers' markets and supermarkets, but also in the actual work of some units or departments. For example, when summing up the work, the achievements are exaggerated and the achievements are exaggerated, and the problems are downplayed, and even the text is exaggerated, and even the text is exaggerated...... All of these are the use of the "fresh lamp" trick to beautify the bleakness of the actual work into a bright and moist translation.

It's not just the "fresh lights" in the market that are exiting

Consumers are naturally happy to see the "no makeup" of the product. Even if it may be a little "uncomfortable" for the time being, it will eventually pay for the quality. The phenomenon that the sales of goods have decreased greatly only because of the replacement of lights, in fact, also shows that the previous "fresh lights" misled consumers is indeed not light, so it is a good thing to ban it anyway. Moreover, if the merchants used the fresh lamps "with the crowd" before, and staged the expulsion of good money from bad money, and when the surrounding merchants abandoned this "shortcut", of course, there is no reason for them to insist on it. At that point, the false proposition that "changing lights will affect sales" will be self-defeating.

It's not just the "fresh lights" in the market that are exiting

The "fresh lamp" lamps on the market should be banned, and the invisible "fresh lamps" in actual work should also be banned. It is necessary to strengthen supervision, turn off the "fresh lights", and restore the true nature of the work. When inspecting and assessing and summarizing and appraising, we should not only listen to the report and look at the materials, but also carefully check, inspect and compare the materials and ledgers, listen to more opinions, especially the opinions of the masses, "squeeze out" the moisture of the materials, and let the real work "really appear" under the sun. For those who are fraudulent and "greased and powdered", once discovered, they must be dealt with in real terms to achieve a slight effect. All in all, all kinds of "fresh lights" should be withdrawn!(2.5)

It's not just the "fresh lights" in the market that are exiting