
These 3 types of insurance that ordinary people tend to ignore (can save lives and are cheap)

author:Navy Paula

The insurance company has 3 products, which are not only cheap and affordable for us ordinary people, but also really useful, and can really save lives at critical moments!

Especially the last one I introduced today, which seems to be chicken, but if something happens, it can really save the whole family, and it is easy to be ignored by everyone...

So what is the life-saving insurance? How to choose the product? I spent a week to help you evaluate and sort out the "conscience product list", you can directly copy the homework!

At the end, I also shared the "super cost-effective plan" customized by my friends, the monthly premium is only more than 90, almost everyone can afford it, and if you plan to buy insurance for yourself or your family this year, don't miss it, let's enter the text~

These 3 types of insurance that ordinary people tend to ignore (can save lives and are cheap)

Million Medical Insurance

First of all, the first one is the million-dollar medical insurance, which is a particularly popular Internet celebrity insurance in recent years, and almost every colleague in our company has one.

This kind of insurance, mainly to solve the problem of our can't afford to see a doctor, can reimburse the large medical expenses of hospitalization, after the medical insurance is completed, generally more than 10,000 parts, basically all can be reported.

The cost performance is also very high, people around 30 years old buy it, and it will cost two or three hundred yuan a year, which really does big things with little money:

These 3 types of insurance that ordinary people tend to ignore (can save lives and are cheap)

Even if you buy it for your parents in your fifties and sixties, it is generally more than 1,000 a year, and our ordinary families can afford it.

I suggest that it is best to have one per person, and if young people buy it, the premium is the money for us to go out to eat a hot pot meal.

But it is precisely because of its low premium and low commission that some salesmen are reluctant to introduce it, or they want to sell it in bundles with seven or eight thousand critical illness insurance, life insurance, etc., before selling it to you.

It's like if I want to eat apples, do I have to go to the supermarket and buy a big fruit basket for a few hundred dollars?

Remember, there are really too many [Insurance Mall] million medical insurance on the market that can be bought separately, don't be trapped.

However, now the products are also varied, and there are not a few people who are indiscriminately filled, and not every product is guaranteed to be so good, so it is best for everyone to do their homework before starting.

If you don't have time to research, directly refer to the list we send at the beginning of each month, which is the professional evaluation results of the Deep Blue Insurance team after studying the terms of more than 600 products.

These 3 types of insurance that ordinary people tend to ignore (can save lives and are cheap)

The conclusions of the assessment are as follows:

  • Want to be fully protected: Priority is given to the blue medical insurance of the Pacific Ocean and the Changxiangan of Ping An, both products can be guaranteed to be renewed for 20 years, and the purchased drugs within the scope of the insurance can be 100% reimbursed and written into the terms of the contract. Overall, the performance in all aspects is outstanding, and the price is not expensive, only two or three hundred yuan to buy at the age of 30, which is very cost-effective!

People on sale on Alipay take good care of medical insurance (20 years): health notice and underwriting are relatively relaxed, the protection is OK, and it is more suitable for parents who are elderly and have abnormal health, but I want to remind everyone that its purchased drugs can only be reported 90%, and if you mind, you can look at the following again

  • Buy for parents over 60 years old: focus on the medical carefree version, the insurance age is more relaxed than the above ones, the personal version can be insured up to 69 years old, and the family version can be insured up to 80 years old; it can be guaranteed to be renewed for 5 years, and there are high blood pressure, hepatitis B, etc.
  • Friends with sufficient budget and pursuit of high-end medical experience: you can buy Zhenai worry-free special needs edition, most of the medical insurance of high-end hospitals is not guaranteed to renew, if you have special needs for medical experience, it is the first choice, can reimburse the medical expenses of the general department/special needs department/VIP department/international department, designated private hospitals of secondary and above public hospitals, and also achieved a 6-year guaranteed renewal, you can freely choose the deductible of 0~20,000, the price is not expensive, it is worth ~

Considering that the terms of the million medical insurance are more complicated, if you are still unsure about the physical condition of yourself or your parents and family after reading the conclusion, which one to buy with the most complete protection and the smoothest claim, you can consult me, with the assistance of a professional planner, and the service is free:

Above, after everyone understands it, buy a body first, so that you can spend a small amount of money a year, at least a few hundred yuan, you can basically solve the problem of not being able to afford to see a doctor, and you will have more confidence in your work and life!

These 3 types of insurance that ordinary people tend to ignore (can save lives and are cheap)

Accident insurance

God is always rolling the dice, and we never know which will come first, tomorrow or the unexpected.

Children may suffer burns at home, adults accidentally cut their fingers while cooking, and elderly people fall and break bones while walking, these situations are very common, so don't think that accidents are small probability events, and the insurance company usually claims the most accident insurance [Insurance Mall].

I recommend that both men and women, young and old, buy a "one-year accident insurance", its protection is very simple, and a good product includes the following 3 points:

  • Accidental Death: If a person dies, they can receive compensation.
  • Accidental Dismemberment: If a disability occurs, compensation can be paid on a pro-rata basis.
  • Accidental medical treatment: Medical expenses can also be reimbursed.

The price is also very cheap, and my policy is only more than 100 per year, with an insured amount of 500,000, which is a typical "spending small money and doing big things":

These 3 types of insurance that ordinary people tend to ignore (can save lives and are cheap)

If I am unfortunately disabled or die in the future, the insurance company will directly pay a large amount of money and leave it to my parents, which is very reassuring!

Note that I am emphasizing the "one-year accident insurance" here, and the kind of accident insurance with returns, you should be careful.

Not only do you have to pay two or three thousand yuan a year, but the money returned when it expires is very small, and the protection is very general.

Here, in order to save time for everyone, I spent two weeks comparing and evaluating 492 accident insurances, and finally screened out 5 first-echelon conscience products in the market.

These 3 types of insurance that ordinary people tend to ignore (can save lives and are cheap)

Let's go straight to the conclusion:

  • If you pursue comprehensive protection: Big Armor No. 6 Flagship Edition (Premium Edition) is the first choice, not only expensive for the old large company PICC, but also has a high cost performance, recently completed a blockbuster upgrade, increase the amount without increasing the price, 1 million insurance amount, only 288 yuan per year.

The second is Little Bee No. 5, which is the first choice for 500,000 sum insured: the basic protection is relatively comprehensive, and there are many special benefits, such as ambulance expenses and fracture insurance benefits, which are very practical. If you want a high sum insured, you can directly buy the supreme version with an insurance amount of 1.5 million, and the price is more than 300 and it is particularly cost-effective~

Qinglongwei No. 2 (Supreme Edition) is also worth paying attention to, its health notice does not ask about high blood pressure, and it is more lenient than the above two. However, there are more restrictions on the insured area, and you can only buy the Supreme Edition if you live in some areas of first- and second-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, you have to pay attention to...

In addition, there is also a large armor No. 5 husband and wife version (Supreme Edition), which is very suitable for couples to insure, and the annual premium adds up to only 566 yuan, which will be cheaper than buying it alone.

The price is so cost-effective, if you are very tempted after reading it, or want to configure a copy for the elderly and children at home, you can ask me to ask a professional to recommend a suitable good product for you.

These 3 types of insurance that ordinary people tend to ignore (can save lives and are cheap)

Term life insurance

The last one is term life insurance, which is very well accepted abroad, but many people in China will feel unlucky and unnecessary, because it is a person who dies to lose money, and only people who really know how to know how good it is...

If you are the breadwinner of your family, have parents and children to take care of, and are still carrying a car loan and housing loan, it is recommended to allocate one for yourself as soon as possible.

In the event of misfortune in the future, at least a large amount of money can be left for your family to ensure a normal life and continue to repay the loan!

The key is that its price is also very cheap, 30-year-old men, 1 million insurance amount, about 1000 per year, you can get it; female friends buy it is more cost-effective, only five or six hundred yuan a year, it is very worth starting!

Recently, a new product Jingcai Nianhua (2023 Edition), produced by Beijing Life, if you happen to plan to buy term life insurance, you can focus on buying this one~

Its price is similar to similar products, but the waiting period is only 60 days more friendly, for specific protection responsibilities, you see the following evaluation table:

These 3 types of insurance that ordinary people tend to ignore (can save lives and are cheap)

As you can see, if you upload a physical examination report within the first year after applying for insurance, you will have the opportunity to obtain the health rights and interests of "Preferred Body" and "Super Superior Body", and the compensation ratio will increase by 10/20%, buy 1 million insurance amount, and pay 10/200,000 more for death/high disability, and have a greater sense of security!

Zhenai 2023 is also worth paying attention to, from Tongfang Global Life: the asset scale exceeds 26.7 billion, and more than 50 offline branches have been set up across the country, a proper large company!

If you can't buy the above two because of your physical condition, Damai Ultimate Edition A is a good alternative, and cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. also have the opportunity to buy, you try online underwriting, or contact Deep Blue Insurance planner for assistance.

Above, the three types of insurance I introduced, in fact, all are not expensive, after understanding, let's take a look at the practice: how to match a set of fully protected solutions.

These 3 types of insurance that ordinary people tend to ignore (can save lives and are cheap)

More than 1,000 yuan to get a full set of protection, super cost-effective!

I happened to be in a girlfriend friend recently, customized this set of ultra-cost-effective solutions and the above product ideas are similar, the price is only more than 1000, and it is only more than 90 yuan per month, which is quite cost-effective, you can focus on it:

These 3 types of insurance that ordinary people tend to ignore (can save lives and are cheap)

If you also want to save worry and trouble, let us directly help you customize this cheap and practical protection plan, you can make an appointment with a planner service.

Here's a quick rundown of my friend Meggie:

She works as a female programmer, a 30-year-old Chaoshan native, unmarried and childless, and has been working and living in Shenzhen since graduating from university. Although there are no children, there are parents in rural areas to support, and the pressure of staying up late and working overtime is not small, and the company has no courage to go to the free physical examination every year, and often feels a great burden on the economy, physiology and psychology...

So she found me to help her and her parents configure insurance, hoping to transfer the economic risks caused by illness and accidents, and not wanting to drag down her family because of lack of money for treatment in the future.

1. Million medical insurance

I chose the blockbuster product Changxiang'an launched by Ping An last year, and the production of large companies is very reassuring, mainly to transfer the risk of medical expenses, so that the part of the hospitalization cost of more than 10,000 yuan can be reimbursed up to 100% if you meet the conditions, and you can also guarantee the renewal of the insurance for 20 years.

In addition, the details of Changxiang'an's protection are also very well done: for example, if there is no claim in the previous year, the deductible in the next year can be reduced by 1,000 yuan, and the minimum is 5,000 yuan;

2. Accident insurance

I bought the new big armor No. 6 flagship version (Supreme Edition), produced by PICC, considering that she works and lives in first-tier cities, she directly configures a high insurance product of 1 million, which is more than 200 yuan per year, which is very cost-effective!

This product also comes with a sudden death insurance of 500,000 yuan, an accidental medical insurance amount of 100,000 yuan, and no social security limit, which is particularly powerful.

3. Term life insurance

It is also equipped with the first echelon of products in the market: Jingcai Nianhua (2023 Edition), underwritten by Beijing Life, with an insured amount of 1 million, and the price is less than 600 yuan, which is cost-effective~

Above, the whole set of programs provides a more comprehensive protection against illness, accident and death, my programmer friend is very satisfied, and the confidence to go to the hospital for physical examination is also more sufficient, friends who are about 25~35 years old can focus on reference ~ If you still have questions about the product, feel free to send us a message.


But I want to make a special note that my friend Meggie's plan lacked critical illness insurance protection, mainly considering the current situation of her tight budget, because she also had to configure medical insurance for her parents in her hometown, etc., so she had no extra budget to buy critical illness insurance for herself...

Here I also suggested that she could buy a "one-year critical illness insurance" as a temporary transition plan.

For friends who can't afford a budget of a few thousand for the time being and come to buy long-term critical illness insurance, you can go to Alipay and WeChat Webao to take a look, there are several good one-year products to choose from, and the price is only a few hundred yuan.

For example, Alipay's Health Blessing Critical Illness Insurance (1 year insured), the basic protection is good, 0~65 years old can be bought, in terms of price, 30-year-old men, as long as 400 yuan a year, can get 500,000 critical illness protection, the vast majority of people can afford it.

When your income increases in the future, you can consider configuring critical illness insurance with an insurance amount of more than 300,000 yuan, covering the age of 70 or even for life, and the overall protection will be more comprehensive.

In short, what we pay attention to when buying insurance is to do what we can, how to buy with less money, and how to buy with more money.

But no matter whether you have money or not, we have to find a way to transfer the risk, and we must not run naked!

For fans who have been insured through Deep Blue Insurance, once the insurance occurs, we will assist in the whole process of claiming.

Because as a small individual, we are vulnerable when we encounter diseases and accidents, and only by holding on to the big tree can we not be easily shaken, what do you think?

Pay attention to Deep Blue Insurance, reply to [Benefits], and you can receive it for free:

"Social Security Handbook", "Medical Insurance Strategy", "Insurance Plan", "Pit Prevention Strategy" and other super dry materials.

If you have any insurance questions, please come to me, I will use 6 years of experience to give you appropriate advice;

For fans who have been insured through Deep Blue Insurance, once the insurance occurs, we will assist in the whole process of claiming.

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