
Today, the old man said, "If the beginning of spring does not bite the spring, it will be difficult to be happy in the coming year", what does it mean?

author:CL Jun

"The east wind brings rain to the west wind, and the earth is sunny and warm." Winter goes to spring, the four seasons change, and in a blink of an eye, winter is over, and as the first solar term of spring, the beginning of spring has officially arrived.

The beginning of spring is the first of the 24 solar terms, and it is also the beginning of the year, and its "Li" is the meaning of the beginning, and "spring" is the meaning of growth and warmth, so the characteristics of the beginning of spring are that the temperature rises and everything recovers. Generally speaking, February 3-5 of the solar calendar is the time of the beginning of spring, and this year's beginning of spring is on February 4 of the solar calendar, 16:26:53, which is the 25th day of the lunar month, Sunday.

For the beginning of spring, the ancients attached great importance to it, because the beginning of spring is of great significance in the traditional farming society, and according to the old customs, there is a ceremony to welcome spring on the day of the beginning of spring, and there are often many folk activities, such as worshiping the gods and worshiping the ancestors, praying for the New Year, removing the old and clothing the new, etc.

And one of the customs that is particularly interesting is "biting spring". Because as the old saying goes, "If you don't bite the spring at the beginning of spring, it will be difficult to go well in the coming year", what does this sentence mean? What does it mean to bite spring? How to bite it? Today, let's take a look at the tradition left by our ancestors.

Today, the old man said, "If the beginning of spring does not bite the spring, it will be difficult to be happy in the coming year", what does it mean?

01. What is "biting spring"?

The so-called biting spring, in fact, is one of the customs of the beginning of spring, mainly refers to the beginning of the spring to bite some spring food, such as spring plates, spring cakes, radish, etc., and these foods are mostly seasonal vegetables or made of these vegetables. The purpose is "to bite the grass, then everything can be done", which means to pray for a better future.

Generally speaking, the most common food for biting spring is to eat spring cakes. Spring cakes, also known as cake rolls, are often made from flour and wrapped in shredded radish and other spicy vegetables. It is said that this will not only prevent diseases, but also welcome the meaning of the new year. And according to historical records, "at the beginning of spring, there is no noble and cheap chewing radish, called 'biting spring'." "It can be seen that the main vegetable eaten in the spring is radish.

In addition, there are many places that believe that eating some fresh game can not only make you feel the breath of spring, but also make yourself not sleepy throughout the spring. And the game here is mostly called camelina. Because at this time, the shepherd's cabbage is the most tender. Therefore, whenever spring begins, groups of people can always be seen digging camellia on the slopes of rural areas.

For shepherd's cabbage, there are many ways to eat, among which it is mainly eaten with sweet noodle sauce or scrambled eggs, followed by making spring rolls and dumplings. Moreover, the folk have been circulating the saying that "I would rather eat fresh shepherd's cabbage than cabbage filling", which shows how fresh the shepherd's cabbage dumplings are.

Today, the old man said, "If the beginning of spring does not bite the spring, it will be difficult to be happy in the coming year", what does it mean?

02. If you don't bite spring at the beginning of spring, it will be difficult to go well in the coming year

The meaning of this sentence actually means that if you don't do the custom of "biting spring" on the day of the beginning of spring, you may be prone to encounter unpleasant things throughout the next year. First of all, the custom of biting spring is related to health and vitality, and eating these foods can make people feel uplifted, healthy, and away from spring sleepiness.

Secondly, the meaning of biting spring is to welcome a new life, but also to express the cherishing and yearning for a new life, which belongs to a positive attitude towards life and is also positive for people.

Finally, in the eyes of the ancients, biting spring is also related to agricultural harvest, the ancients believed that respecting customs, in order to have a bumper harvest, so the beginning of spring biting spring has been passed down to the present.

Therefore, the folk also have the saying that "the beginning of spring does not bite the spring, and it will be difficult to go well in the coming year", in order to let people grasp the spring and pray for a good blessing, so that they can be smooth and smooth for a whole year.

Today, the old man said, "If the beginning of spring does not bite the spring, it will be difficult to be happy in the coming year", what does it mean?

In short, the beginning of spring is followed by spring, when the temperature rises, the countryside enters the busy farming season, and nature is full of vitality. Of course, due to the vast territory of the continent and the large span from north to south, the climate of various places is also very different, and the beginning of spring is only a prelude to spring for many regions, and people are still in winter in terms of physical feeling. Therefore, everyone should still do a good job of keeping warm and cold to avoid physical discomfort.

Well, the above is what I told you today about the beginning of spring and the bite of spring. In other words, what other customs do you know about the beginning of spring? You can leave a message, comment, and share with you the customs of the beginning of spring over there.