
The heart replies --- sends warm winter

author:Muguang psychology

Mind Diary---- Dancing with Winter


Original creator: Xiaguang

The heart replies --- sends warm winter

A sudden cooling accelerates the pace of winter, a leaf knows autumn, a hundred trees know winter, and the leaves blown off by the cold wind are like dancers or free slides, or jump and flip, showing the last beauty of this season. Among the bare branches, the birds are busy building their nests, not knowing if their nests are as warm as spring. They also understand that their current diligence will ensure the whole winter. "It is difficult to leave leaves for the boundless falling trees, busy with the branches and branches to know the cold, don't sigh 'the cold to the bone, how to return to spring if you don't accumulate strength in winter." Winter contains the power to make people quiet, solemn and solemn, gentle and simple. Teacher Yimu once said: "There are four seasons in nature, and life also has spring, summer, autumn and winter", here whether our life state is in spring, summer, or autumn, winter warm, one step of awareness, ten steps of exploration, one step of self-knowledge...... Eventually, you will move towards a familiar and unfamiliar self, and you will live the style you expect.

In the last class, I was introduced to music therapy for the first time, and I learned that it is unconsciously healing, and like words, it can touch our emotions, release inhibitions, and relieve pain. When I heard "kiss the rain" played by Juan, I also had a lot of memories in my heart, and as the notes jumped, my emotions also fluctuated, and finally I gained a sense of strength that I no longer worried and feared. So, before going to bed, I casually searched for this piece on the Internet, but found that the player was very fast, only one note jumped into the eardrum quickly, and there was no connection between the notes, just like hitting the keyboard, and the heartbeat speed also accelerated. Even if you are relaxed, it is also knowledgeable to choose the right music.

In the prelude to this class, "I hope that in the next colder days, we will still have each other's warm companionship", which made me grateful to every sister in this group who influenced each other and helped each other. Teacher Yimu has always had a belief that what is worth doing must be done seriously. She has indeed devoted herself to doing what she believes is right and meaningful, and uses her personality charm to express her attitude of doing things and being a person. Warm and inspire each of our hearts, in fact, everyone's growth is not a simple thing, when we can't take responsibility for ourselves, when we encounter a very poor state, when we encounter confusion in life, "meet on Tuesday, come to a spiritual date", she is waiting there as promised, with the most real and powerful hug, to give us understanding and support.

Haydn said in the prelude to the introductory lesson: "The true meaning of art is to make people happy and inspired." I was very touched, and the recent ear disease was good and bad, which made her feel tormented in her heart, and she deeply realized that she could relax and listen, and she was more likely to recognize that "music can play a role in hitting people's hearts more than words, can nourish the soul, stimulate emotions, and bring indescribable joy", I think her quiet and flexible temperament exudes from the inside out, and likes classical music has an inseparable connection.

Today's theme revolves around how music can help us heal our pain and rebuild our physical and mental health. Three basic approaches open up our perspectives on professional music therapy, the first is receptive music therapy, which is characterized by passive receptivity with the intervention and guidance of a therapist. It reminds me of the healing effects of music for the first time last week with the cooperation of Yimu and Juan. In fact, from ancient times to the present, there are many famous examples of the influence of music on people's mentality and psychology, but they have not attracted our attention, the allusions of "Embattled", the war drums during the ancient war, and the charge horn that inspires the soldiers can be fully explained.

The second is creative music therapy, which is characterized by the participation of the healees, and the teacher uses the rhythmic song "Melbourne Autumn" to let each of us participate in the co-production, and I watched each sister use their own way, from the beginning of the overwhelm to the end of the free bloom, all played their own characteristics, happy among us," Music can liberate nature and release inner pressure, we Oriental people will be restrained and unable to let go because of the influence of culture and traditional education, but today I found that such happiness can be so simple", Tu Gang expressed heartily, truly speaking the voice of our hearts.

The third is improvisational music therapy, which is characterized by the improvisation of instrumental music according to the patient's own inner feelings, and generally rhythmic instruments such as drums, bells, xylophones, triangles, etc. can become tools for cooperation, and find harmonious cognition in the harmonious sound of music. I quickly responded to the rhythm of my companions with the rhythm of my tongue, the next person patted the legs, the next stomped, the next shoulder, everyone responded easily and happily, I found that I let go of the standards or judgments in my heart, and the voice and expression expressed were more relaxed and rhythmic.

From the perspective of music types, it is divided into classical, light music, pop, folk, natural sound, etc., and instrumental music is mainly based on specific ones, such as piano, guitar, violin, etc., which will be applied to different scenes according to the emotional needs of the treated person. In my understanding, this is a very systematic and professional way of healing, and the leader has professional knowledge and strong psychological quality to help the person being treated.

Guojing said: "In "Melbourne's Autumn", the busy body and mind are soothed, as if I have found autumn, and I have found myself, watching other people's performances seem to have become a part of myself, very harmonious", Juan expressed: "Everyone's cooperation forms an energy field, which makes people enjoy it", Fei'e has the strongest sense of rhythm, and feels her musical talent, she said: "As I get older, the style of music I like is also changing, but it has always been dissolved in life, because I am born to like it" Through observation, Yanli realized that everyone hears their own voice differently than others hear, which also reminds me to pay attention to my own cognition, many times what we can hear is the sound we want to hear, and it is not comprehensive.

Today's meditation time, Teacher Yimu used a bowl and an ethereal music to let me experience a special journey, with the clear sense of picture with the percussion sound of "ding, ding", spread from near to far, with the guidance, I also seem to push out the layers of fog in my mind, colorful colors appear in front of me, mainly orange, and the bad feelings in the subconscious also surface and disperse. When I open my eyes, I feel very satisfied and comfortable. The experience of the border because of the ear disease was very painful, the sound of this frequency stimulated the eardrum very uncomfortable, Ling Na and Fei'e were very relaxed, as if entering another space, the door of the subconscious did not seem to be fully opened, and it came to an abrupt end.

Teacher Yimu said: "Relaxation and concentration actually need to master the balance point, relaxation is not the same as slackness, there is concentration in controlled relaxation, learning and mastering the balance point will learn to be truly relaxed." And what we hear is a projection of a different inner world, as we see, not the truth", this passage brought me to think, let me see that there are many unclear judgments and choices in life, and it is often easy to take my own understanding as a fact, and there is no intention to figure out whether the original intention of others is so, these paranoid cognitions gradually fix our minds and form the cause of many troubles in life.

What touched me the most in this class was that Lina said: "I pay too much attention to other people's voices in life, and I can also learn the ability to extract, and I can not accept it." Give yourself a moderate amount of inner relaxation", I realized that Lina is often prone to self-attack, because she cares more about the opinions of others, sways her own judgment, and does not set limits or fight back, so it forms a lot of internal pressure. Now her awareness led her to clear the clouds, to discern the direction, to find the right way out, and it was a great awareness. Perhaps how to set boundaries and discern whether other people's suggestions are beneficial or not requires more thinking about her, but it is not easy to be brave enough to speak up for herself and listen to her own inner voice more. Come on, dear.

"Winter is cold, but a porridge and a meal are warm, the pen is cold, but every word is real. Just like Lina wants to give her daughter the freedom, let her dance freely with music, dance out of her inner emotions, and dance out of real relaxation, which may be the best realm for dancers.