
After my parents left, I realized that the greatest meaning of life is the following three things

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

There is a famous quote in the novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude": "Parents are the curtain between us and death, you seem to be separated from death, you don't feel anything, your parents stand between you, and when your parents pass away, you will face these things......"

Life is a process, from birth to death, no one can avoid it. Our parents are gone, and then it's our turn to face life and death directly.

When we face life and death, we think about it, what is the meaning of life? Is it just to come inexplicably and walk irresistibly?

If you follow the path your parents have walked and look at your own life, you will find that the greatest meaning of life should be the following things.

After my parents left, I realized that the greatest meaning of life is the following three things


The first meaning: to build a decent home.

The movie "My Brothers and Sisters" tells the story of a family in a small town in Northeast China, where the father is a teacher, the mother is the housekeeper, and the family has four children - Yi Ku, Si Tian, Qi Tian, and Qi Miao.

The originally happy family was in trouble because his father lost his job and passed away unexpectedly. Then the mother died, and the four children were sent to the fence.

In order to survive, the four children, under the leadership of their eldest brother, went to live in different families as stepsons to other families.

Years later, the child grows up. Among them, Si Tian was seriously ill, and he hoped to meet his brothers and sisters again before leaving Hongchen, so he started the road to find his relatives.

After much hardship, they were reunited and sang the ballads of their father's church together.

A family, originally snowflakes falling from the sky, snowflakes turned into ice and then into water, and no one could do without anyone.

Yes, the blood in our veins, and the blood of our loved ones, is always similar. This is blood, which cannot be erased for a lifetime.

As ordinary people, we do our best, in fact, to have a decent family. Especially middle-aged people, they are deeply touched that if it weren't for their children and parents, they wouldn't be so desperate to make money.

The writer Emerson said, "The family is the father's kingdom, the mother's world, and the child's paradise." ”

No matter how hard and tired you are, when you get home, you will be relieved. This feeling is wonderful and indescribable, but it exists objectively.

From a practical point of view, our responsibility should be to send one generation away, manage our own generation well, and pull the next generation; from the perspective of time, we can see the upper three generations and the next three generations, and this is probably the case.

When we go a long way, the most reassuring thing is our family, and the most emotional thing is being cared for by our family.

With the fate of blood, life becomes meaningful, and it will be happy to bear pressure and responsibility.

After my parents left, I realized that the greatest meaning of life is the following three things


The second meaning: to experience the ups and downs of fate.

The Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu, when he was a teenager, was pampered by his parents, carefree, and could travel in the mountains and rivers.

When his parents died, he realized that he was not ready for how to live.

With a belly full of knowledge, he went to Chang'an for scientific examinations, but he failed again and again. He couldn't seek fame and fame, and he didn't learn how to make money, and he was very disappointed.

Then, the Anshi Rebellion came, Du Fu had no fixed residence, and his family was once so poor that he was worried about eating, drinking, and eating. A young child who died of starvation.

Du Fu went to seek refuge in Tang Suzong, but was captured by the rebels halfway, and fled after several setbacks.

Under the arrangement of Tang Suzong, Du Fu made a left pick-up, but because of the rescue of Fang Xuan, he angered the imperial court and was demoted to Huazhou.

Life was depressed, and he wrote with a pen: "The desire to stumble and turn to the side, how can this intention still take off." ”

In the future, no matter how he tosses, his life has not improved much.

After going around and around for most of his life, Du Fu suddenly understood: "The boundless falling trees are falling, and the Yangtze River is rolling in." ”

In spring, summer and autumn, the leaves are flourishing and withering, and the Yangtze River has been flowing eastward, unchanged for thousands of years.

Isn't life the same? Sinking is autumn and winter, and rising is spring and summer.

People with great wisdom naturally rise and fall, and seem to go with the flow, but in fact, they use strength to make power.

"Life and death have fate, wealth is in the sky", this is not negative energy, but accepting the impermanence of life, and still in the impermanence of fate, taking advantage of the trend.

Don't disobey fate, it's too uncomfortable. Do things in the trough, do things in the trough, do things in the high, the heart is like water, and you are at ease.

Because of the experience of loneliness, when someone loves, they will be very happy, because they have been poor, they know how good it is to be rich, and because they have been unemployed, they will work harder.

In an impermanent life, cultivating oneself with troughs, suffering, and failures, and learning to rely on oneself is the meaning.

After my parents left, I realized that the greatest meaning of life is the following three things


The third meaning: enjoy the beauty of the moment.

I have seen many parents who want their children to grow up and say, 'When you grow up, I will be happy.'" ’

There are also parents who want their children to get married, saying, "When you get married, I will be happy." ”

Looking forward to, looking forward to, parents are old and can't walk, but they are still reluctant to spend money and want to leave money to their children.

It wasn't until the death of their parents that people found out that these people had been eating coarse grains all their lives, and had been for their children all the time, and they didn't enjoy a single day of blessings.

I saw a mother who loved her two daughters so much that she worried about them every day.

On a rainy day, the mother was worried that her little daughter's sun hat would not be sold.

The weather was fine, and the mother was worried that the eldest daughter's umbrella would not be sold.

A wise man said to his mother, "You are so stupid. It's raining, I'm happy for my eldest daughter selling umbrellas, and when it's sunny, I'm happy for my youngest daughter selling sun hats......"

It turned out that my mother had always been happy, but she had reversed her life. Thinking is out of order.

Aren't we also this "mother"? We don't know how to be blessed when we are in the midst of blessings, and we are full of wealth but not happiness.

Don't think about the past, don't be afraid of the future, today is the best day, three meals a day, use it slowly, the delicious is in the belly, the sun comes, reach out and hug, it's warm, it's raining, enjoy the rain ticking, that is a unique charm.

Husbands and wives accompany each other, say a few words, make trouble, because they care about each other; if their children fall, it is not a bad thing, but it is a long lesson; this month's salary is not high, but there is more time to rest, which is a relaxation.

There is an idiom called "tentacles give birth to spring".

If you open your palm, you can touch the spring, so why don't you reach out?

To embrace today's beauty, eating is eating, sleeping is sleeping, and living is meaningful.

After my parents left, I realized that the greatest meaning of life is the following three things


Writer Yang Shuo said: "As a person, if you have not experienced the joys and sorrows of the world, and have not fought with life, it is impossible to truly understand the meaning of life." ”

Everyone's life journey is different, and their understanding of life is different, but they have the same path.

Our parents are gone, we are also very old, and we still have to toss money, houses, and hate, it's really not necessary.

A sad face is a day, a happy heart is a day, how do you choose, what is the meaning of life.

The ancients said: "Life must not be open-minded, although the life is 100 years old, it is still a premature death." ”

From now on, be positive, love your family, live the moment, and don't waste it.

Author: Cloth Clothes Coarse Food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.