
Over 5.9 billion yuan, an increase of 32%!

author:Yulin News Network
Over 5.9 billion yuan, an increase of 32%!

On January 29, the reporter learned from the Yulin Municipal Bureau of Commerce that according to the feedback from the Department of Commerce of the Autonomous Region, the big data of e-commerce shows that in 2023, the online retail sales of Yulin City will be 5.91 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 32.0%, ranking fifth in the region, 0.3 percentage points higher than the growth rate of the whole region. Among them, Yulin City's online retail sales of agricultural products, rural online retail sales, and the number and increment of e-commerce enterprises ranked second in Guangxi.

Vigorously promote the integrated development of online and offline to help economic recovery. Since 2023, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce has actively organized Yulin e-commerce enterprises to participate in the "Online New Year's Festival", the 2023 Guangxi "33 Consumption Festival" - "Zhuang March 3 e-Net Xi Tesco" live broadcast activities, Guangxi e-commerce good things joint exhibition activities, and jointly with the Beiliu Municipal Government to hold a series of activities of "Digital Merchants Xingnong Guipin (Passion Fruit) Online Travel", and broaden sales channels through various themed promotional activities.

Over 5.9 billion yuan, an increase of 32%!

The anchor brings passion fruit. (File photo)

Help enterprises develop live broadcast e-commerce. The Municipal Bureau of Commerce and the Cyberspace Administration of the Municipal Party Committee will launch the 2023 Guangxi Talent Plan for Improving the Digital Literacy of the Whole People, E-commerce Benefiting Enterprises and Benefiting Rural Talents, in the form of "live broadcast + recorded class + practical task + topic list" to cultivate local live broadcast e-commerce talents.

Over 5.9 billion yuan, an increase of 32%!

Yulin Fuda International Spice Logistics Port has full trucks coming in and out from time to time, a thriving scene. (File photo)

Make good use of policies to help become stronger and bigger. The Municipal Bureau of Commerce actively publicized the "Notice of the General Office of the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Issuing Several Policies and Measures to Promote the High-quality Development of E-commerce", and guided Fuda Spice Co., Ltd. to create an autonomous region-level e-commerce demonstration base as the starting point, and to make the market environment for the development of spice e-commerce bigger, stronger and better from the overall environment. In May 2023, enterprises such as Fuda International Spice Logistics Port and Guangxi Xingye Tao Rural E-commerce Co., Ltd. were organized to apply to the Department of Commerce of the Autonomous Region for autonomous region-level e-commerce demonstration bases or e-commerce demonstration enterprises. At the same time, the autonomous region rewarded 500,000 yuan of e-commerce demonstration base funds in a timely manner. The mid-term evaluation of the Rongxian e-commerce into the rural comprehensive demonstration project was excellent, and the follow-up second phase of the fund was 5 million yuan, and the overall scale of the city's e-commerce into the rural comprehensive demonstration project reached 75 million yuan.

Written | Yulin Daily all-media reporter Zou Jiang correspondent Huang Ji

Editor-in-charge | Weng Xiaoju

Proofreading | Tuo Yunping

Audit | Wei Qinglin

Executive Producer | Yuan Changsong

Produced by | Yulin Daily All Media

Over 5.9 billion yuan, an increase of 32%!
Over 5.9 billion yuan, an increase of 32%!
Over 5.9 billion yuan, an increase of 32%!

Yulin Daily New Media Matrix

Over 5.9 billion yuan, an increase of 32%!