
Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

author:Living in Yunnan


As stated in the preview, on January 27, "Between Fiction and Reality - Yang Yun's Oil Painting Solo Exhibition" was warmly launched in Yunfang Museum. At the exhibition site, many calligraphy and painting art celebrities and oil painting lovers gathered together to congratulate Yang Yun, who expressed his gratitude to everyone with a humble smile, and his joy was beyond words.

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

This exhibition focuses on Yang Yun's rich exploration and practice in the field of abstract art in recent years. As a representative contemporary artist in Yunnan, Yang Yun has extremely high requirements for the works on display. The 54 paintings on display are carefully selected from hundreds of works in the past 30 years, and the high standard of the works presented has been unanimously affirmed by many industry celebrities and oil painting lovers at the opening ceremony. It is particularly worth mentioning that although the exhibition spans a long time, the many works are put together, but they are very harmonious and have no sense of abruptness, which shows the consistency and stability of Yang Yun's creative style in the field of abstraction over the years. For art creators, this kind of perseverance is very difficult and precious, and Yang Yun's single-mindedness and love for abstract art can also be felt.

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

At the opening ceremony of the exhibition, Yang Yun talked about the reason why he has been insisting on and loving abstract painting for many years: "Abstract art is closer to music, more free, and more poetic! When creating, you can not be confined to the external image, but fully express your inner feelings and ideals, and interpret life itself with the sense of form created by yourself! This is the reason why I like abstract art!"

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

Jiang Xun said that because of beauty, we can continue to go. The beauty of Yang Yun's abstract artworks is not only the beauty of rich colors, the beauty of love for life, but also the beauty of transcending time and space. He uses abstract brushstrokes, with notes and rhythmic lines, to poetically express his love for life and exploration of art.

01. Combination of hot and cold, expressed in abstraction

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

Abstract art, as one of the currents and genres of modernism, needs to break the traditional concept that painting must imitate nature in its creation, and form an aesthetic system relative to "figurative art" through re-deconstruction in terms of color, composition, materials, techniques, etc., which requires abstract painters to have the courage to break the routine and the ability to reconstruct thinking, and has extremely high requirements for artists in terms of creative courage and creative thinking.

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

From the late 80s of the last century to the present, Yang Yun has been engaged in artistic creation for nearly 40 years. In the early days of his creation, he was more influenced by Impressionism and Cubism, and his works were mostly realistic with large color blocks and a strong sense of decoration. In the late 90s, Yang Yun began his transformation to abstract art expression through the continuous deformation of the objects in the painting, and after more than 20 years of exploration of abstract language forms, technical polishing and continuous deepening of concepts, he gradually formed his own unique and contemporary aesthetic abstract art style.

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression
Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

Yang Yun's works are forcefully affirmative, with graceful and smooth brushstrokes, and skillful and diverse techniques, ranging from hot abstraction to cold abstraction that expresses occasional solitude and calm thinking—hot abstract is warm and romantic, while cold abstract is restrained and alienated. The vivid or vicissitudes of color in the picture, jumping or cheerful or contemplative notes, the color is delicate and vulgar, chic and unique, which can bring people a very comfortable and pleasant visual experience.

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression
Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression
Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

02. Combine the virtual and the real, and sing with the work

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

The abstract beauty of painting is the reality of painting that is relatively independent of the reproduction of concrete objects, and at the same time creates a certain image and taste from a specific form as the expressive characteristic, which is closely related to the artist's aesthetic awareness, aesthetic tendency, personal quality and cultural accomplishment. Since the second decade of this century, Yang Yun has entered the most enthusiastic and mature stage of his artistic career. Most of the works in this exhibition are from this stage - such as "Industrial Temperature Gauge", "Rational World", "The Existence That Will Disappear", "Unfinished Architecture", "Hard Edge Thinking", "Past Time", etc., his creative inspiration often comes from the subtle observation and in-depth thinking of life. Starting from a detail of an old object, from the micro to the macro, from the point to the surface, it is brewed and matured in the mind and then completed in one go. The combination of virtual and real, beautiful artistic conception.

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression
Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

Yang Yun said that abstract art has a soul fit with himself, so in his nearly 40 years of creative career, he has spent most of his time focusing on abstract art. He gains a total freedom in the sense of order he has created, which seems to contradict the freewheeling and uninhibited, in his words, not disorder, similar to the wild grass in calligraphy, more like "singing a song in your own language".

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression
Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression
Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

The door of culture is always in the direction of magnificence and carving, and the more noisy it is at the level of civilization, the more simple and pure it is in the world of art. Although Yang Yun's works are influenced by Western artistic ideas, such as the works of the Spanish painter Tabies, the representative of German Neo-Expressionism Anselm Kiefer and the American artist Robert Rauschenberg, he is more likely to integrate Chinese elements, especially Yunnan elements. Therefore, in his paintings, there are not only traces of Mayan culture, but also element symbols with Chinese and Yunnan characteristics, such as the Bronze Age, Kedu, Xiaomoyu, and Bijiguan.

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression
Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

Bright colors have the charm of making temperature into emotions. Another major feature of Yang Yun's works is that the colors are rich and full, including bright red, purple and green, as well as yellow, orange and very high-grade dark gray and Morandi colors that represent autumn, through the harmonious use of a large number of different colors, as well as rhythmic notes and expressive lines and other forms of cooperation, so that each painting is like a cheerful or low song, expressing the painter's rich and colorful emotional world of real life, with a kind of uplifting power comparable to music. As Yang Yun said, for the appreciation of an abstract work, a hundred people have a hundred different interpretations, and the benevolent and the wise have their own wisdom - this is the charm of abstract art.

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression
Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

03. Combine time and space, and persist with love

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

What stimulates the imagination the most is the distance between time and space. In the past 40 years of artistic creation, Yang Yun has used his profound artistic skills, in-depth research on ancient Dian culture, as well as his love for life and abstract art, to adhere to his deep pursuit of painting art and his own unique artistic style, which is rare in Yunnan.

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression
Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

Curator Dong Li said at the opening ceremony of Yang Yun's painting exhibition that there must be an interface between abstraction and abstract art, that is, the love of life. Yang Yun himself said frankly that the love of life is the driving force of all art, and all art is the booster and nourishment of life, and good art can add beauty and happiness to ordinary life.

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression
Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

Whether in the East or the West, no matter in which country, all the old artists who have painted all their lives and gone through the long road of human growth have the same quality in their weathered faces, that is, the kind of ease and calmness that are particularly attractive. In his daily life, Yang Yun likes to be adventurous, casual and free, and has always had a strong curiosity about the universe, extraterrestrial objects and surreal things. When he encounters a creative bottleneck, he will go on a trip, go fishing, or see exhibitions, and deal with those days in a "low period" in a way that is comfortable with him.

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

Talking about the future art planning, Yang Yun said that he wants to devote more energy to the research and creation of Dunhuang murals, and use the brush to express the mottled beauty of these murals full of traces of time after the baptism of time.

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression
Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression
Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

People have nothing to ask for and are self-exalted. Being able to concentrate on one thing without distractions and reach the peak without being confused by the outside world is the most difficult thing in life. Yang Yun said that he could not follow the crowd and paint those paintings that were easily accepted by the public but went against his own wishes, and also sent a message to young artists, hoping that they could accumulate their own knowledge and understanding of beauty in their lives, have more of their own persistence on the road of creation, follow their inner feelings to create, and sublimate their understanding of life in their creation, so as to create excellent works.

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

It is life that is constrained, and what is not constrained is mood. Why give the heart wings? It is so that our heart can fly, let the heart bathe in purity. Life continues, the exhibition continues, and so does Yang Yun's artistic creation. The phenomenal world in front of us is like a flowing feast, ever-changing and fleeting, and artists are happy to capture the essence or appearance of this world, which requires us to "feel" and "realize" with our hearts, to comprehend the "meaning outside the image" above the flowing reality.

Interview with Yang Yun: Abstract brushstrokes and poetic expression

Time is still there, and we are flying. In this regard, the 40th anniversary of Yang Yun's artistic creation and the opening of "Between Fiction and Reality - Yang Yun's Oil Painting Solo Exhibition".

Source: Nianhua Lane public account

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