
The sweet and sour of "reciprocity", the art of "utilization" of life!

author:Fanghua 360

Isn't life just a big show? On this stage, we are all actors and audiences. Everybody wants to be the center of attention, but you know what? The real focus is on people who know how to use others and be used by others.

The sweet and sour of "reciprocity", the art of "utilization" of life!

Hey, don't think crookedly! When I say "utilization" here, I don't have the slightest derogatory connotation. It's more like an art, a kind of wisdom. You see, who doesn't like to deal with people of value? You are useful, and people will naturally want to come near you. On the contrary, if you are good for nothing, even your parents will not bother to pay attention to you.

But then again, there's no shame in being taken advantage of. After all, life is a mutually beneficial process. You help others, and others will help you. You use the power of others, and others will use your strength. In this way, everyone is benefited, so why not do it?

The sweet and sour of "reciprocity", the art of "utilization" of life!

Of course, there are some tricks along the way. You have to learn to read people, to know who can be used and who can be trusted. In this way, you can be like a fish in water on this big stage.

So, don't be afraid to be taken advantage of. I'm afraid that you'll be useless and become a forgotten corner. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you should work hard to improve yourself and make yourself more valuable. That way, you'll be able to shine on this big stage and be the center of attention.

The sweet and sour of "reciprocity", the art of "utilization" of life!

Finally, I would like to say: life is not easy, do it and cherish it. Let's work together to become a capable person who knows how to use others and can be used by others!



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