
Eating this kind of food often, girls have sunscreen and beauty, and boys also have anti-cancer effects

author:General practitioner Shi Yingpeng

When the sun warms up on the skin, most people may just think about applying sunscreen or finding shade to avoid sunburn. But few people realize that our daily diet may be hiding the secret weapon of sun protection. Yes, certain foods are not only able to help our skin resist UV rays, but they can also give our skin a glow and even bring us unexpected health benefits.

But what is this miracle food? It's a common ingredient on everyday tables, but it's so much more than that. The specific nutrients contained in this food have significant effects not only on women's skin beauty, but also on men, and even for men, they can help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

Eating this kind of food often, girls have sunscreen and beauty, and boys also have anti-cancer effects

Food & Skin Health: The Dual Benefits of Beauty and Sun Protection

When exploring natural beauty and sun protection methods, certain foods are especially important. These foods contain key ingredients such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and other antioxidants that are essential for skin health. These nutrients play an important role in defending against UV damage and slowing down the aging process.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from harmful free radical damage. Free radicals are one of the main causes of premature skin aging. Foods such as nuts, seeds, and green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin E. Long-term intake of these foods can help maintain the elasticity and radiance of the skin.

Vitamin C is also key to skin health. Not only does it help defend against sun-induced damage, but it also boosts the synthesis of collagen, an important component in maintaining the skin's structure. Fruits such as citrus, strawberries, and kiwifruit, as well as vegetables such as tomatoes and green peppers, are excellent sources of vitamin C.

The common denominator of these foods is that they are rich in natural antioxidants that are effective against environmental factors that can damage the skin. By consuming these foods regularly, you can effectively reduce the direct damage of UV rays to the skin, thus achieving the effect of natural sun protection.

Eating this kind of food often, girls have sunscreen and beauty, and boys also have anti-cancer effects

Scientific perspective: Understanding antioxidant mechanisms in food

How antioxidants in food work in the body is a topic that deserves to be explored in depth. Antioxidants work primarily by neutralizing free radicals, a class of chemicals with unstable electrons that can damage cells and accelerate the aging process.

Imagine free radicals as thieves in the body, and antioxidants as police, quickly catching and neutralizing these thieves to protect cells from damage. For example, β-carotene and lycopene are powerful antioxidants, and they are particularly effective at defending against UV rays and environmental pollution.

In addition, certain antioxidants can also activate the body's natural defense mechanisms and improve cellular resistance to oxidative stress. This means that by consuming foods rich in these ingredients, we can not only reduce existing damage, but also strengthen our body's defenses against future threats.

For men: anti-cancer potential in food

For men, certain foods have specific anti-cancer effects in addition to providing general health benefits. Certain ingredients contained in these foods, such as lycopene and selenium, have been shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers, especially prostate cancer.

Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that is widely found in tomatoes and their products. Studies have shown that regular consumption of lycopene-rich foods can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. This is because lycopene effectively defends against oxidative damage in prostate cells, which reduces the likelihood of cancer.

Selenium is a trace mineral that is essential for maintaining good health. Its antioxidant properties can help protect the body from cell damage and reduce the risk of cancer. Nuts, seafood, and whole grains are excellent sources of selenium.

By including these foods in their diets, men can strengthen their ability to fight cancer, especially against specific types of cancer, such as prostate cancer. This is especially important for men who seek to enhance their health through natural means.

Eating this kind of food often, girls have sunscreen and beauty, and boys also have anti-cancer effects

Inclusion and balance in your daily diet

Incorporating these beauty, sunscreen, and anti-cancer foods into your daily diet is a simple and effective way to do so. It's important to keep your diet varied and balanced to ensure that your body is able to get the nutrients it needs from a variety of foods.

The cooking method is essential to retain the nutrients in the food. For example, steaming and simmering maximize the retention of nutrients in food, while frying and high-temperature cooking can lead to a significant loss of nutrients. In addition, fresh foods tend to be more nutritious than processed foods.

It's a good idea to include plenty of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains in your daily diet. Not only do these foods provide essential vitamins and minerals, but they're also rich in fiber, which helps maintain digestive health. By eating a varied diet, we can ensure that the body receives comprehensive nutritional support while enjoying delicious and healthy food.