
The lights of the way home

author:Charming new Hunan
The lights of the way home

The footsteps at the end of the year are urging, and the bell of the Spring Festival has sounded gently in the distance. The market is bustling, but the wanderer's heart is full of nostalgia. No matter where you are, the familiar sound of firecrackers and children's laughter always echoes in your dreams. Looking at the direction of home, there is always a light in my heart, which is the warmth of home and the longing gaze of my mother.

In the days of wandering, there have been storms and hardships, but every time the year passes, the strong homesickness turns into an endless longing: to return to the original place and reunite with relatives. The fatigue and hardships of the journey seem to have melted away in the warmth of home.

Ferry tickets, train tickets, and plane tickets, each of which carries the expectations and bitterness of the wanderer. Some braved the cold to queue up, while others gave up comfortable sleepers just for a ticket home. The road home may be long or bumpy, but everyone's face is full of determination and expectation.

The lights of the way home

The road to my hometown, the familiar and unfamiliar path. The scenery on the road has changed, the old tree is gone, but the feeling in my heart is still the same. Whenever I pass by that rice field, I always have the joy of my childhood in my heart, and whenever I see the gurgling of the stream, I remember playing with my friends.

The appearance of home has also changed, the former tiled house has become a high-rise building, but the family affection and warmth have never changed. The familiar faces, the cordial greetings, are so touching.

On the night of the Spring Festival, families sit together to watch the fireworks and listen to the firecrackers. The stories of those long journeys and the hardships of the past have all turned into a deep happiness at this moment.

The annual Great Migration is not only for going home for the New Year, but also for the love and obsession in my heart. And the wanderers know in their hearts that no matter how far they go, the direction of home will never change.

The lights of the way home

——Gao Fei wrote on the eve of the Spring Festival, Zhiyuan wanderer in a foreign land, I wish you happiness and peace!