
Mouthing wild words, forgetting their ancestors, and peachy news, these 7 CCTV hosts were removed from the list, and they were very happy

author:Entertainment is moving
Mouthing wild words, forgetting their ancestors, and peachy news, these 7 CCTV hosts were removed from the list, and they were very happy

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On this stage full of light, the CCTV hosts are not only the messengers of discourse, but also the representatives of the national image.

Their words and deeds are under the attention of everyone and are regarded as role models.

Some hosts ruined their brilliant future in an unexpected way and were ruthlessly removed from CCTV.

Cheng Lei, the once high-profile host, whose name has shone in countless shows.

Mouthing wild words, forgetting their ancestors, and peachy news, these 7 CCTV hosts were removed from the list, and they were very happy

Her aura is now shrouded in an untold conspiracy.

Once regarded as a star in the media industry, it has now been revealed that he is involved in undercover and espionage activities, and has leaked a series of classified information to Australia.

The revelation of all this shocked people.

Cheng Lei's betrayal is not only a betrayal of national interests, but also a betrayal of people's trust.

Mouthing wild words, forgetting their ancestors, and peachy news, these 7 CCTV hosts were removed from the list, and they were very happy

Her actions have laid bare the enormous threat of external forces infiltrating the mainland's media sector. It is undoubtedly sad that behind the surface glamour, there is such a deep conspiracy.

It was the revelation of this betrayal that quietly brought this conspiracy into our field of vision. Cheng Lei's actions have aroused strong concern about the regulation and prevention of the media industry.

We can no longer be fooled by the superficial aura, and we need tighter supervision and prevention mechanisms to protect our national interests and the healthy development of the media industry.

Mouthing wild words, forgetting their ancestors, and peachy news, these 7 CCTV hosts were removed from the list, and they were very happy

This incident is not only shocking, but also a warning to the entire industry.

We need to learn from this and strengthen the scrutiny and regulation of media professionals to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Cheng Lei's betrayal has taught us a lesson that we must look at the media industry with a more vigilant eye to ensure that it is not exploited by outside forces and does not become a loophole in national interests.

Among the CCTV hosts, "Rui Chenggang", who is known as the most talented, was once the pride of the industry.

Mouthing wild words, forgetting their ancestors, and peachy news, these 7 CCTV hosts were removed from the list, and they were very happy

With his incredible talent and good looks, he has become a bright star of CCTV's English and financial channels, and has achieved remarkable results.

He has also made his mark in the Asian Speech Contest and is known as one of the best in the field of speech.

With the accumulation of fame and fortune, Rui Chenggang gradually lost his original intention. Fame and profit made him obsessed with power and money, and coveted wealth that did not belong to him.

Mouthing wild words, forgetting their ancestors, and peachy news, these 7 CCTV hosts were removed from the list, and they were very happy

In the process of chasing vanity and wealth, this "pride of heaven" gradually lost his mind.

In 2014, he was arrested on suspicion of "economic crimes", and CCTV was also resolutely removed from the list.

This sensational scandal brought Rui Chenggang's brilliant future to an abrupt end.

His former aura was eclipsed in an instant, and his achievements and honors were wiped out overnight.

This once-highly anticipated host has paid a huge price due to personal irrationality and greed.

Mouthing wild words, forgetting their ancestors, and peachy news, these 7 CCTV hosts were removed from the list, and they were very happy

This incident not only makes people sigh that the talented Rui Chenggang has fallen into such a situation, but also sounded the alarm for the entire CCTV host group.

The temptation of fame and fortune and a greedy mentality, no matter what field you are in, can lead to an instant collapse in your career.

This story reminds us that even the best minds need to stay humble and sane and stay away from temptation in order to protect their careers and reputations.

Mouthing wild words, forgetting their ancestors, and peachy news, these 7 CCTV hosts were removed from the list, and they were very happy

Fang Hongjin was the senior host of "Focus Interview".

After leaving CCTV, he decided to start his own business and set up an advertising company. Unfortunately, a product placement contract turned out to be a huge stumbling block to his career.

This cooperation led to heavy losses for the brand owner, and the company was in a difficult situation. As the losses continued to expand, Fang Hongjin's company eventually had to declare bankruptcy.

Mouthing wild words, forgetting their ancestors, and peachy news, these 7 CCTV hosts were removed from the list, and they were very happy

This unexpected event cast a heavy shadow over his career, and he himself fell into a crisis of confidence.

Although in court, the evidence was not sufficient to prove that he was involved in the crime of fraud, his reputation and credibility had been seriously damaged.

This once highly respected CCTV host is now facing the dilemma of betraying his relatives.

The company's bankruptcy was not only devastating to him, but also to his professional and personal life.

Fang Hongjin's story of downfall is not only a failure of one person, but also a profound reflection on workplace variables and business decisions.

Qiu Menghuang, after becoming famous, fell into the moral decline after fame and fortune, and his professional success was in stark contrast to the twists and turns of his private life.

Mouthing wild words, forgetting their ancestors, and peachy news, these 7 CCTV hosts were removed from the list, and they were very happy

In just a few years of career success, he gradually got used to the life of not returning home, and quietly built another "small home" outside.

This affair was finally unveiled under the exposure of the media. Qiu Menghuang's private life has become the focus of public attention, and he has become a self-examining unemployed person on CCTV because of his personal morality.

This exposure not only dealt a serious blow to his career, but also called into question his moral image.

Mouthing wild words, forgetting their ancestors, and peachy news, these 7 CCTV hosts were removed from the list, and they were very happy

became CCTV's introspective unemployed personnel, and Qiu Menghuang's career was forced to draw a pause button. This once high-profile host paid a heavy price for his career due to moral anomie.

His story is a cautionary tale about fame and morality, reminding every practitioner that in order to succeed in their careers, they should not ignore the importance of personal morality and family.

Fame and fortune are important, but a truly sound career can only be built on the basis of morality and family.

Lang Yongchun, who used to be an elegant host, fell into a low point in his career because of a drunk driving incident.

Mouthing wild words, forgetting their ancestors, and peachy news, these 7 CCTV hosts were removed from the list, and they were very happy

He used to be a famous host and frequently showed his elegant demeanor in news broadcasts. At the peak of his career, he encountered a sudden storm.

While his career was in full swing, Lang Yongchun's wife fell seriously ill. In order to take care of his wife, he resolutely resigned from the high-profile host and chose to put his family above his career.

The twist of fate occurred during a drunk driving accident. Lang Yongchun was arrested by the police and eventually sentenced to three months in prison for drunk driving, which brought his career to a halt.

Mouthing wild words, forgetting their ancestors, and peachy news, these 7 CCTV hosts were removed from the list, and they were very happy

This drunk driving incident not only caused Lang Yongchun to pay a legal price himself, but also caused a serious blow to his image in the media and the public.

The once highly respected host is now at a low point in his career and has to face the reconstruction of his career and personal image again.

The story reflects the fact that when making difficult choices between career and family, careless mistakes can cause irreversible damage to one's future, and is also a warning of the potential risks for professionals.

Mouthing wild words, forgetting their ancestors, and peachy news, these 7 CCTV hosts were removed from the list, and they were very happy

Xu Gehui, she used to be a dazzling star of CCTV, but she went astray because she was involved in a third party.

Her behavior not only violated professional ethics, but also caused onlookers and condemnation of traditional Chinese values.

CCTV finally decided to terminate its cooperation with Xu Gehui, an incident that dealt a huge blow to her career and reputation.

In this series of CCTV hosts' downfalls, we have seen the fall of careers for a variety of different reasons.

Mouthing wild words, forgetting their ancestors, and peachy news, these 7 CCTV hosts were removed from the list, and they were very happy

Some are because of undercover rebellion, some because of fame and fortune, some because of fraud crimes, some because of moral slippage, some because of drunk driving incidents, and some because of the involvement of a third party.

These stories all reflect the loss of nature of CCTV hosts under the temptation of fame and fortune.

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