
Raise the flag and gather energy to lead the direction, work hard and open a new bureau - a summary of the propaganda, ideological and cultural work of Lintan County

author:Lintan release

Raise the flag and gather strength to lead the direction, work hard and open a new game

-- A review of the propaganda, ideological and cultural work in Lintan County

Raise the flag and gather energy to lead the direction, work hard and open a new bureau - a summary of the propaganda, ideological and cultural work of Lintan County

2023 is the first year for the full implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. At the National Conference on Propaganda, Ideological and Cultural Work held in October 2023, Xi Jinping Cultural Thought was officially proposed and systematically elaborated, providing a powerful ideological weapon and scientific action guide for doing a good job in propaganda, ideological and cultural work in the new era and new journey, and undertaking a new cultural mission.

Over the past year, theories have been armed in the minds and hearts, news and propaganda have been vigorous, civilized behavior has become a common practice, and cultural inheritance has yielded fruitful results...... Rolling out the picture scroll of Lintan County's propaganda, ideological and cultural work in the new era, the highlights are shining and inspiring. The power of propaganda, ideology and culture, such as still water infiltrating the heart, such as blowing the horn and forging ahead passionately, spreads the party's voice to thousands of households, and resonates with the high-quality economic development of Lintan.

Hold high the banner of ideology The light of truth shines on the journey of forging ahead

Raise the flag and gather energy to lead the direction, work hard and open a new bureau - a summary of the propaganda, ideological and cultural work of Lintan County

Those who are rich in roots are in fact, and those who are fertile in anointing are bright. Great ideas must guide the direction of the times. Hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and make the development goals clearer and the path clearer.

The county thoroughly studyed, publicized and implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 20 Actively arm the mind with the party's new theoretical achievements, conscientiously study "Xi Jinping on Governing the Country" (Volume 4), "Selected Readings of Xi Jinping's Works" (volumes 1 and 2), "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era", "Chinese Modernization Face to Face" and other content, effectively enhance political, ideological and theoretical identity, and maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee in ideology, politics and action. Implement the long-term learning mechanism of the county party committee's theoretical study center group. formulated and issued the "2023 Study Plan of the Theoretical Study Center Group of the Lintan County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China", organized 14 study meetings of the Theoretical Center Group of the County Party Committee, and held 6 special seminars. Learning platforms such as "Learning to Strengthen the Country" and "Party Building in Gansu" were taken as important carriers for the normalization of learning theories for all party members and cadres, and 32 manuscripts were uploaded. With the county New Era Civilization Practice Center as the carrier, actively promote the diversified dissemination of theoretical preaching, relying on new media platforms such as learning to strengthen the country, Gansu party building, and charming Lintan, organize the provincial and state party committee propaganda group, the county party committee lecturer group, the "secretary lecture hall", "grassroots preaching", "flower preaching" and other people's propaganda groups and theoretical preaching volunteer service teams into enterprises, rural areas, institutions, campuses, communities, and temples, combined with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era theme education and "three grasps and three promotions" action, and carried out 157 lectures of various kinds.

Carry forward the new style and righteousness, civilization and fashion, and moisten the land of Taozhou

Raise the flag and gather energy to lead the direction, work hard and open a new bureau - a summary of the propaganda, ideological and cultural work of Lintan County

Etiquette is the way of its will, and music is harmonious with its voice. The county's propaganda, ideological and cultural front adheres to the demonstration and cultivation of people, promotes the formation of ideological concepts, spiritual outlook, civilized fashions, and behavioral norms that meet the requirements of the new era, continues to cultivate and practice the core values of socialism, and establishes a clear orientation of advocating virtue and goodness and building civilization together in the whole society.

Lintan County regards the comprehensive creation of civilized villages and communities as the basic project to promote the "8+" grassroots social governance work, and as the basic basis for evaluating the best, carefully organized and carefully deployed. Actively carry out the selection of advanced models such as civilized families, good people around you, and moral models. 39 families including Li Guimei are recommended as the "most beautiful families" in the state in 2023, 23 families such as Tan Caihong are recommended as "safe families" in Gannan Prefecture, and 56 families such as Feng Yanlin are recommended as beautiful courtyard demonstration households.

Raise the flag and gather energy to lead the direction, work hard and open a new bureau - a summary of the propaganda, ideological and cultural work of Lintan County

Continue to strengthen the territorial management of civilized townships (towns), civilized villages, civilized units, and civilized campuses. In strict accordance with the detailed rules for various evaluations, the evaluation of the whole social civilization index of our county has been completed. It has completed the review of the first to fifteenth batch of provincial-level advanced collectives of spiritual civilization, the first to the second batch of provincial-level civilized campuses, and the first to eleventh batch of state-level advanced collectives of spiritual civilization. Actively apply for and establish the "Good Man of Gansu" Yuan Jinlin New Era Civilization Practice Studio. Chigou Village, Yeliguan Town, was named the fourth batch of "National Rural Tourism Key Villages" and "Provincial Cultural Tourism Revitalization Rural Model Villages", Bajiao Town, Yazha Village, Xincheng Xijie Village, and Guanjie Village, Yeliguan Town, Lintan County, were named the 16th batch of provincial-level civilized villages and towns; The Honghe Community of Xincheng Town was named the 12th batch of state-level civilized communities, and the No. 2 Primary School of Chengguan and the No. 1 Middle School of Chengguan were named the second state-level civilized campuses. The 11th batch of advanced collectives and advanced workers of spiritual civilization at the county level were named and commended.

Strengthen the mainstream public opinion, and the strong voice of the times will penetrate the land of Taozhou

Raise the flag and gather energy to lead the direction, work hard and open a new bureau - a summary of the propaganda, ideological and cultural work of Lintan County

Lintan County has deepened publicity and guided innovation, formulated and implemented relevant measures, and built a matrix communication pattern to achieve a large flow of positive energy. Media workers go deep into the front line, temper the "four forces", and build a concentric heart with strong confidence and warm hearts with high-quality masterpieces with warmth, muscles and strength.

Raise the flag and gather energy to lead the direction, work hard and open a new bureau - a summary of the propaganda, ideological and cultural work of Lintan County

The county's propaganda and ideological front closely focused on the main line of learning, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the action of "three grasping and three promoting", and held a keynote speech contest and knowledge contest of "Striving for a New Journey and Contributing to a New Era", learning, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and "grasping learning and promoting improvement" poetry recitation competition, "Scholarly Campus Teachers and Students Spend Together" recitation contest, celebrating New Year's Day poetry recital and other theme series activities; The International Tug-of-War Open and the 7th Gansu Lintan Tug-of-War Festival organized the Tug-of-War Open Beijing Event Press Conference and the Lanzhou Event (Tourism) Promotion Conference, and invited 28 media at home and abroad, provinces, states and counties to participate in publicity and tourism promotion; Taking the 70th anniversary of the founding of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture as an opportunity, we will vigorously publicize the rapid changes and brilliant achievements of the whole county in the past 70 years, and replace the large billboards and slogans in the county in a timely manner to create a strong atmosphere.

Closely around the central work of the county party committee and county government, with the help of the resource advantages and communication energy gathered by the media inside and outside the province, push manuscripts at all levels and types of media and news websites, continue to strengthen contact and communication with the media inside and outside the province, and actively cooperate with the central and provincial and state-level major news media interview groups to carry out grassroots interview activities such as rural revitalization, "three grasps and three promotions" action, and the creation of 5A-level scenic spots in Yeliguan, focusing on key tasks such as rural revitalization, management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, 8+ grassroots social governance, and county-level economic developmentSo far, 34 articles have been published in various media at the central level, 169 articles in various media at the provincial level, 177 articles in various media at the state level, and 48,706 articles in the county-level media; a total of 1,662 news articles have been edited and broadcast by county television stations, 121 articles have been broadcast by state television stations, and 14 articles have been broadcast by provincial television stations.

Cohesion, inheritance, innovation, and cultural undertakings are full of vitality

Raise the flag and gather energy to lead the direction, work hard and open a new bureau - a summary of the propaganda, ideological and cultural work of Lintan County

The Chinese Contemporary Writers Calligraphy and Painting Museum was completed and opened, the hometown of Chinese poetry was officially awarded, and the charm of Lintan continued to enhance its external influence. Cultural activities to benefit the people have been impressive, such as "Our Chinese Dream and Culture Enters Ten Thousand Homes" and "Four Rural Villages" and "Thousands of Great Operas to the Countryside" and other activities such as "Our Chinese Dream and Culture Entering Ten Thousand Homes" and "Sending Thousands of Great Operas to the Countryside"; cultural and entertainment activities adapted to local regional characteristics have been carried out, and folk cultural and artistic groups have been established to carry out cultural and sports activities that are popular with the masses, such as Qin dialect performances, singing and dancing performances, Guozhuang dance competitions, tug-of-war, and "Taozhou Flowers" competitions. The first Rural Cultural Tourism Art Festival and Peasant Song and Dance Grand Prix were held; the 12th Taozhou Folk Culture Festival and the 20th "Taozhou Flowers" Grand Prix were held during the Dragon Boat Festival; the 6th Folk Culture Games with the theme of "Cultivating a New Style of Civilization and Building a Beautiful Rizha and Sharing a Better Life" were held in Zhuoluo Township; a 262-member Lintan delegation was formed to actively prepare for the 2nd Gannan Prefecture Games, and won the team championship of the mass group square dance and fitness qigong competition in the 2nd Gannan Prefecture Games. The second place in the mass group chess competition; taking the rule of law publicity month as an opportunity, it carried out theme activities such as "sending the law to ten thousand homes", "sending the law to the village community", "Hanmo Taozhou Poetry Lintan" and "Intangible Cultural Heritage Lintan" to send culture to the campus, and actively carried out publicity activities such as "5.18 International Museum Day", "6.10 Cultural and Natural Heritage Day", and "12.4 National Constitution Day".

Raise the flag and gather energy to lead the direction, work hard and open a new bureau - a summary of the propaganda, ideological and cultural work of Lintan County

Organize bronze casting, Tao Yan production, Tao embroidery and other enterprises to participate in various domestic achievement exhibitions, promote intangible cultural heritage inheritors to participate in cultural events, Tao Yan Association won 1 gold medal, 2 silver awards, 3 bronze awards in the National Golden Phoenix Grand Prix, Zhang Meiying, the inheritor of "Taozhou Flowers", won the gold medal of the Western Folk Song Competition; Lintan Taoyan Association has guided the establishment of 1 cultural compound and 129 private cultural associations.

Promote the construction of the center and help revitalize everywhere

Raise the flag and gather energy to lead the direction, work hard and open a new bureau - a summary of the propaganda, ideological and cultural work of Lintan County

In 2023, Lintan County will use 166,000 yuan of east-west cooperation and assistance funds to train propagandists, online commentators, commentators and volunteer backbones in the county. Continue to promote the transformation and upgrading of civilized practice centers (stations) and bases in the new era. Actively strive for county financial support funds, to build Lintan County family style family training hall for the county's new era of civilization practice base, family education family style family training hall covers an area of 200 square meters, a total of Xi Jinping's "classic" on family style, into the blood of the family style, the family motto passed down through the ages, parent-child reading room, psychological counseling room and other 5 parts. Strive for the support of 10,000 yuan from the hanging point contact unit of the Provincial Department of Transportation for the transformation and upgrading of the New Era Civilization Practice Institute of Wangqi Town. Accelerate the construction and operation of the cloud platform for the practice of civilization in the new era. Up to now, the construction of the cloud platform of the New Era Civilization Practice Center has been completed, the content of the "News Release" section has been continuously updated, filled and maintained, and the content of volunteer organization registration and volunteer activity recruitment has been continuously updated.

Raise the flag and gather energy to lead the direction, work hard and open a new bureau - a summary of the propaganda, ideological and cultural work of Lintan County

Organize volunteers to carry out volunteer service activities such as theoretical preaching, health publicity, law popularization publicity, environmental protection publicity, changing customs and customs, care and care, etc.; hold a series of lectures on family education and family style of "Practicing the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Inheriting Good Family Style", and carry out a family education public welfare lecture tour of "Family Style Moistens Longyuan and Cooperatively Educates Newcomers"; carries out the theme activity of "Sign and Make an Appointment to Share Health"; carries out the theme practice of "Practicing the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Volunteer Me First" to learn from Lei Feng and the "10th Legal Publicity and Education Month" concentrated publicity activities; and carries out the "Warm Chongyang Accompany Me". "Five Ones" Respecting the Elderly and Helping the Elderly Theme Practice Activities. Give full play to the active role of volunteers in various key tasks of the New Era Civilization Practice Institute (Station) and various volunteer service detachments and practice bases, and carry out 71 volunteer service activities for civilized practice, with 15,000 volunteers participating and a total of 76,000 people served.

Standing at a new starting point, the Lintan propaganda, ideological and cultural front will always strengthen the party's overall leadership, firmly grasp the correct political direction, better undertake the new cultural mission, move forward with high spirits and high spirits, embark on an expedition full of glory and dreams, and strive to create a new situation in the county's propaganda, ideological and cultural work!

Special correspondent Min Haitong

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