
Exaggerating the pressure of 380 yuan of rural medical insurance on farmers will only ignore the real problems in rural areas!

author:Extraordinary small fish

Recently, a report on rural health insurance has sparked heated discussions. The report claims that rural medical insurance needs to pay 380 yuan a year, which adds huge economic pressure to farmers. However, it has been pointed out that this argument exaggerates the impact of rural health insurance on farmers and ignores the real problems in many rural areas.

Exaggerating the pressure of 380 yuan of rural medical insurance on farmers will only ignore the real problems in rural areas!

Recently, reports about the annual payment of 380 yuan for rural medical insurance have attracted widespread attention on the Internet. This is indeed a large number, but we cannot just look at this and ignore the actual situation and problems in rural areas.

Exaggerating the pressure of 380 yuan of rural medical insurance on farmers will only ignore the real problems in rural areas!

First of all, rural health insurance is not a burden for farmers. Compared with the high medical expenses that urban residents need to pay, the amount of rural medical insurance contributions can be said to be insignificant. Moreover, rural medical insurance can indeed help farmers obtain a certain degree of medical protection in the face of diseases. Therefore, it is obviously one-sided and exaggerated to exaggerate the amount of rural medical insurance contributions into huge economic pressure.

Exaggerating the pressure of 380 yuan of rural medical insurance on farmers will only ignore the real problems in rural areas!

Second, we should pay more attention to the real problems in rural areas. Problems such as lack of medical resources, low level of medical services, and insufficient medical facilities in rural areas have always plagued the vast number of farmers. These problems have led to a situation in which it is difficult and expensive for rural residents to see a doctor. The neglect of these issues has made rural health insurance the focus. We should focus on how to improve health care and service levels in rural areas, rather than focusing too much on the amount of health insurance contributions.

Exaggerating the pressure of 380 yuan of rural medical insurance on farmers will only ignore the real problems in rural areas!

In addition, we cannot ignore the rural-urban disparities that exist in rural areas. Due to historical reasons and unbalanced economic development, there is a big gap between rural areas and cities in terms of infrastructure construction, educational resources, and employment opportunities. And these disparities are precisely the ones that have brought more pressure and distress to farmers. In this case, the overemphasis on the amount of rural medical insurance contributions undoubtedly ignores the real problems in rural areas.

Exaggerating the pressure of 380 yuan of rural medical insurance on farmers will only ignore the real problems in rural areas!

To sum up, exaggerating the pressure of 380 yuan of rural medical insurance on farmers will only ignore the real problems in rural areas. We should focus on solving the substantive problems of insufficient medical resources in rural areas, such as the difficulty and high cost of medical treatment, and truly improve the quality of life and happiness of farmers by improving rural medical conditions and improving medical services.