
A must-have for food lovers! Creamy honey toast sticks, eating it makes people cry happily!

author:Aaron Snacks

Hi foodies, today I would like to share with you a delicious dish that makes you cry - milky honey toast strips!

A must-have for food lovers! Creamy honey toast sticks, eating it makes people cry happily!

This is not ordinary toast, but it has been transformed by the magic of the air fryer, and it has become sweet and crispy, and you can't stop taking a bite at a time. Have you ever tried that feeling of eating one and never being able to stop?

A must-have for food lovers! Creamy honey toast sticks, eating it makes people cry happily!

This recipe is not only simple, but also a delicious choice with zero burden for those sisters who are losing weight and losing fat. Let's uncover the story of this taste bud carnival together!

A little toast that greatly satisfies you

First, prepare the toast, eggs, and white sesame seeds. Stir gently between two eggs, add a spoonful of fragrant white sesame seeds, and stir well. Then, cut the toast into strips and lightly dip it in the egg wash to coat every inch of the toast with a rich milky flavor.

A must-have for food lovers! Creamy honey toast sticks, eating it makes people cry happily!

Air fryer, a transformation of magic

Neatly place the toast strips coated in the egg wash into the air fryer, set to 170 degrees, and set the time for 15 minutes. Remember to turn it over so that each side is evenly heated. When the aroma waives in the fryer, you know that a delicious party is about to begin.

A must-have for food lovers! Creamy honey toast sticks, eating it makes people cry happily!

Crispy texture, one bite at a time

The crispy appearance, as soon as you bite into it, the milky fragrance overflows, as if a group of elves are dancing happily in their mouths. With the sweet infiltration of honey, it is simply a taste of happiness on the palate. And this production process is so simple that even a beginner can easily do it.

A must-have for food lovers! Creamy honey toast sticks, eating it makes people cry happily!

Adults and children are crazy about it

It's not just for adults, but kids will love this creamy honey toast. Adults and children sat around the table together, and a plate of toast sticks was eaten in a blink of an eye, and a full sense of appetite satisfaction arose.

Air fryer

If you have an air fryer on hand, it's perfect! it not only saves you complicated cooking steps, but also makes the ingredients healthier, and the fried toast sticks are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, which is the perfect combination of delicious and healthy. I can't help but feel that my air fryer is really an all-round little helper.

A must-have for food lovers! Creamy honey toast sticks, eating it makes people cry happily!

A food diary to record happy moments

This time, the milky honey toast became the highlight of the food diary. Cooking at home is not only about filling your stomach, but also about recording every moment of happiness. Every time I look back on this simple and delicious recipe, I can't help but smile, as if the taste of happiness is still on the tip of my tongue.

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