
It's always cold and damp and low back pain, and it gets worse when you wake up in the morning, and the four flavors of medicine are here to help you.

author:Director of Traditional Chinese Medicine Sang

There is a patient who also has an old problem of back pain, which always worsens after waking up, and the pain occurs when he wakes up during the day.

It's always cold and damp and low back pain, and it gets worse when you wake up in the morning, and the four flavors of medicine are here to help you.

In fact, his low back pain is a manifestation of the dampness and heaviness of his body, and he feels as if there is a heavy thing on his waist. This is because dampness has the characteristic of tending downward, which is easy to attack the yin position, and the cold and dampness are easy to invade the lower body of the human body.

It's always cold and damp and low back pain, and it gets worse when you wake up in the morning, and the four flavors of medicine are here to help you.

When we sleep at night, the waist is below, and in the morning, the moisture is concentrated in the waist due to the action of gravity.

When you wake up during the day, get up and move a little, change the position of your body, the moisture starts to loosen and even circulate, so the pain will be reduced and transferred.

It's always cold and damp and low back pain, and it gets worse when you wake up in the morning, and the four flavors of medicine are here to help you.

But the good times don't last long, when you stand for a long time during the day, your lower limbs start to feel heavy again, and your legs and stomach feel like they are filled with lead, and they sink very much.

This is also a truth, when sleeping at night, the waist is closest to the ground, and the legs are closest to the ground when standing during the day. Just as water flows to a lower place, the lowest place closest to the earth is prone to accumulation of moisture. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, the yang energy in their bodies is insufficient, and those dampness are even more difficult to dissolve, so they will wake up during the day, feel heavy pain in the waist, usually stand for a long time, and the legs will be heavy and weak.

It's always cold and damp and low back pain, and it gets worse when you wake up in the morning, and the four flavors of medicine are here to help you.

So many times when we talk about low back pain, we use some blood-invigorating and pain-relieving medicine, which seems to work for a while, that is, the blood has been passed for a while, but in fact, the dampness has not dissolved, and it will be blocked slowly. Therefore, it is also necessary to drive away cold and dampness, and strengthen the yang energy of the internal organs.

It's always cold and damp and low back pain, and it gets worse when you wake up in the morning, and the four flavors of medicine are here to help you.

There is a recipe called "kidney soup": it can solve the situation of cold and damp low back pain very well, and it is composed of four flavors: atractylodes, poria, dry ginger, and licorice. This recipe has the function of warming the kidneys and dissipating cold, strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, and mainly treats kidney disease by replenishing soil and making water, warming cold and dampness. Kidney is the kidney is injured by cold and dampness, and the symptoms are more severe in the waist.

At the same time, we should also pay attention to staying away from cold and wet things and damp and cold environments in life to protect our waist.