
Coming back from a trip to Greece and telling the truth, it's not quite what I imagined

author:Aiwang Tower
Coming back from a trip to Greece and telling the truth, it's not quite what I imagined

What is the level of 4,500 yuan pension in Fuyang, Anhui Province, Aunt Xia told the truth

Fuyang, a city full of simplicity and historical heritage, the streets and alleys here are filled with the atmosphere of time. And in this city, there is a group of retired elderly people, who are receiving their own pensions, struggling to cope with the pressure of life. Among them, Aunt Xia is one of them, and she receives a pension of 4,500 yuan. This number seems ordinary, but it contains the bitterness and anger of countless old people.

Aunt Xia, a retired teacher I know, was deeply affected by her rich life experience and deep affection for the city of Fuyang. In the eyes of Aunt Xia, 4,500 yuan is not a simple number, but carries her expectations for life and a look back at the past years. While listening to the story of Aunt Xia, I couldn't help but have a strong interest in the city's humanistic customs and elderly life.

First of all, Aunt Xia described to me some of the special attractions in Fuyang. She talked about the ancient city of Fuyang, where there are ancient city walls, traditional buildings, and every stone records the changes of time. Aunt Xia said affectionately: "Every time I walk in the ancient city, I can feel the precipitation of history, as if I saw my young self playing here. Some of the attractions she mentioned were something I had heard of before, and some of them were new to me. Through Mrs. Xia's narration, I felt as if I had personally experienced a trip to Fuyang, and my heart was full of unique emotions for the city.

Coming back from a trip to Greece and telling the truth, it's not quite what I imagined

At the same time, Aunt Xia also shared her feelings about the 4,500 yuan pension. She said: "For me, this number is a guarantee to support my family, although I am not rich, but I can live a simple and stable life." Aunt Xia said frankly that she does not seek a luxurious life, but pays more attention to the family and friendship around her. She has formed a close bond with her neighbors, taking care of each other and sharing the ups and downs of life. The ordinary and warm old life described by Mrs. Xia made me feel a sincere happiness, and also made me think about whether we are too materialistic and ignore the wealth of the soul in modern society.

At Aunt Xia's side, I also met a retired farmer named Uncle Li. Uncle Li is hardworking and simple, and he told me that in the countryside of Fuyang, 4,500 yuan is already a pretty good pension in their eyes. They spend most of their time living a quiet rural life, cultivating their fields and enjoying the gifts of nature. Uncle Li said with a smile: "Although life is simple, there is time and freedom, which many people in the city cannot experience. "Through Uncle Li's story, I saw another kind of old age, simple and comfortable, as if it was a state of harmonious coexistence with nature.

Not only that, but Aunt Xia also introduced me to Aunt Wang, the owner of a small restaurant in Fuyang. Aunt Wang had worked hard in the city for many years, and finally chose to return to her hometown in Fuyang and opened a small restaurant. She said: "For me, 4,500 yuan is not all about making a living, but an extra embellishment to my life. Although Aunt Wang's restaurant is not big, it attracts many diners every day because she cooks with heart and inherits the food culture of her hometown. Through Aunt Wang's story, I have experienced the love of Fuyang people for their hometown and the inheritance of traditional culture, and also made me think new about starting my favorite business after retirement.

Aunt Xia, Uncle Li, and Aunt Wang, they are the representatives of ordinary people in Fuyang City, and they are also the vivid story characters of the city. Through their eyes, I saw the beauty of the city and the reality of ordinary people's lives. In Fuyang, 4,500 yuan is not a simple number, but a bond connecting emotions between people, an attitude towards life and the pursuit of happiness.

In the communication with Mrs. Xia, I deeply felt how important the emotional bond between people is. The deep friendship between her and her neighbors made her full of warmth and companionship in her later years. In the eyes of Aunt Xia, the city of Fuyang is like a big family, everyone cares about each other and shares the ups and downs of life. This tacit understanding and warmth may be the reason why 4,500 yuan has become extraordinarily rich here.

The beauty of Fuyang lies not only in its ancient city walls and beautiful mountains, but also in the ordinary and real life stories here. In this city, everyone is a part of the city and adds to the city. A pension of 4,500 yuan may not be a symbol of affluence here, but it is a symbol of stability and contentment. The city is not only beautiful, but also has the beautiful expectation that ordinary people can live a happy life.

Through the story of Aunt Xia, I praise the people of Fuyang from the bottom of my heart. In this seemingly ordinary city, there is a rich humanistic connotation and profound cultural heritage. Every ordinary old man is an indispensable part of the city, and their stories are like the pulse of the city, flowing with the temperature of the years.

After the exchange with Aunt Xia, I went back and thought about my life. Perhaps, 4,500 yuan is not the only standard of happiness, but an attitude towards life. Through this in-depth experience in Fuyang, I have a deeper understanding of life. Perhaps, we can all find happiness in the ordinary and feel the beauty in the simple. As Mrs. Xia said: "4,500 yuan is enough, because I have this city, the people here, and my story." ”

In this small city of Fuyang, every ordinary person is telling their own story. The pension of 4,500 yuan is not a burden here, but the beginning of a kind of happiness. Everyone is part of the city's story and is all adding to the city's color. Through the communication with Aunt Xia, I saw the ordinary and real side of Fuyang, and also found my place in the city. Perhaps, true happiness lies in cherishing the people in front of you and feeling the extraordinary in the ordinary.

Coming back from a trip to Greece and telling the truth, it's not quite what I imagined

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