
Unexpectedly, 53-year-old Liu Yijun taught some actors in the entertainment industry a lesson

author:Yi Fan said history

Yang Yang went from being hot to being criticized by the whole network

In 2020, Yang Yang became famous with his outstanding performance in the hit drama "You Are My Glory" and quickly became popular in the entertainment industry. At that time, the audience spoke highly of him, and both his role and acting skills were widely praised. Yang Yang is also sought after by many fans and has become the best among the new generation of students.

Unexpectedly, 53-year-old Liu Yijun taught some actors in the entertainment industry a lesson

But the times were not good, and the good times did not last long. In 2022, Yang Yang starred in another modern drama "Fireworks in My World". This time, the firefighter hero character played by Yang Yang has been violently questioned, and many viewers think that this character has failed, and there are few scenes but it cannot attract attention.

What's worse is that Yang Yang's acting problems were magnified and exposed in this drama, and the entire character was criticized for being greasy and contrived, which ran counter to the character design.

Yang Yang, who has a "clear conscience", behaved indifferently in the face of continuous criticism on the Internet, and seemed to have acquiesced to his own climate, and did not care about the audience's feedback.

This undoubtedly deepened the public's disappointment with his acting skills, and also made more people label him as a "greasy man". Yang Yang could have chosen to reflect in a low-key manner, but his reaction seemed to indicate that he had not yet realized how serious the predicament he was facing.

Unexpectedly, 53-year-old Liu Yijun taught some actors in the entertainment industry a lesson

In just two years, Yang Yang has gone from a widely sought-after niche to a "greasy man" who has been complained about by the whole network. This difference and comparison fully exposes his problems and limitations in acting skills, and it also makes people worry about his development prospects. Blindly arrogant and blind will not work, this should be a wake-up call for Yang Yang and his fans.

Liu Yijun's image counterattacked and was widely praised

In stark contrast to Yang Yang, is the 53-year-old middle-aged actor Liu Yijun. He played the leading role in the 2022 hit romance drama "Imperfect Victim", and successfully completed a counterattack, which received wide acclaim.

The male protagonist portrayed by Liu Yijun in the play is a negative Han who has cheated many times in marriage, and he is an extremely negative character. But through his delicate and rich acting skills, he made this role three-dimensional and plump, so as not to simply make the audience hate.

Unexpectedly, 53-year-old Liu Yijun taught some actors in the entertainment industry a lesson

is humble and polite in front of his wife, and he can show his wandering side when he is outside. Liu Yijun's vivid performance perfectly sets off the complex heart of this character.

What's even more commendable is that 53-year-old Liu Yijun can so accurately interpret this disloyal middle-aged man, exuding the charm of a mature man all over his body.

This allowed him to successfully attract a large number of young female audiences born in the 80s and 90s, and his popularity rose rapidly. Compared with Zhou Xun, the heroine of the same play, Liu Yijun's popularity and discussion are not lagging behind.

It can be said that Liu Yijun's successful counterattack proves that acting skills are the foundation of the entertainment industry. His respect and love for the profession of actor made him still exude a vigorous passion at the age of 50 and conquer the audience with his delicate performances.

This kind of persistent acting accomplishment is what Yang Yang currently lacks. Liu Yijun's experience is undoubtedly inspiring for many actors.

Unexpectedly, 53-year-old Liu Yijun taught some actors in the entertainment industry a lesson

Yang Yang represents the common disease of a class of "greasy men".

According to the above analysis, Yang Yang's role in "Fireworks in My World" was criticized and labeled as a "greasy man", which is actually just the tip of the iceberg, reflecting the common problems of some of the actors he represents.

The article cites a group of young and middle-aged actors like Wu Xiubo and Huang Xiaoming who like to pretend to be cool and handsome in front of the camera, and they all have similar problems to a greater or lesser extent, that is, they have insufficient understanding of their own positioning and roles, which is easy to make their performances fall into extremes. In the face of external opinions, it is difficult for them to self-reflect, and they often blindly feel confident, feeling that others are being unjustifiably critical.

This kind of blind and arrogant mentality leads to the fact that this group of actors cannot objectively look at their own shortcomings, and it is difficult to improve. When the audience expects them to create more three-dimensional and plump characters, they often stay on superficial external packaging, and it is difficult to show the inner transformation.

Unexpectedly, 53-year-old Liu Yijun taught some actors in the entertainment industry a lesson

As a result, in some works, there is a serious problem that the acting skills cannot keep up with the roles, so they are criticized as "greasy".

In contrast, actors with solid acting skills, even in negative roles, can impress the audience. Because they don't simplify, but try to explore the complexity of the characters' hearts. This difference in acting accomplishment leads to the fact that even though the two types of actors have similar resources, they have received different evaluations.

If Yang Yang wants to truly grow, he must face up to his own problems. Taking on challenging roles in your works and learning how to look at your own shortcomings objectively are all necessary stages.

Having the ability to self-reflect and make the performance closer to the real is the key to getting rid of the "greasy" label and winning the audience's approval.

Unexpectedly, 53-year-old Liu Yijun taught some actors in the entertainment industry a lesson

Huang Xiaoming's path to self-improvement

Faced with being labeled "greasy", different actors made different choices. Huang Xiaoming, mentioned in the article, chose the path of self-reflection and improvement.

At first, Huang Xiaoming also faced public criticism for a time, and was considered to be artificially blunt in many of his works. But Huang Xiaoming did not avoid these comments, but listened carefully to the opinions of all walks of life and reflected on his shortcomings as an actor.

After gradually realizing the seriousness of the problem, Huang Xiaoming began to work hard to improve his acting skills, and he began to choose some challenging roles to force himself to jump out of his previous comfort zone. He also began to focus on improving the connotation literacy and enriching the life experience to better shape the inner world of the characters.

Unexpectedly, 53-year-old Liu Yijun taught some actors in the entertainment industry a lesson

After continuous efforts, Huang Xiaoming's acting skills have become more and more mature, and he has successfully stepped out of the label of "greasy man". In recent years, his performances in dramas such as "Soldier Assault" and "Bright Sword" have received wide acclaim. This proves that as long as we are willing to learn and reflect, there is no progress that is difficult to leapfrog.

Huang Xiaoming's road to self-improvement is worth learning from all actors. Because a truly good actor always maintains humility, sensitivity and enthusiasm, which is a necessary condition for growth.

At the same time, we must also have the courage to face up to our own shortcomings, and only by being aware of the gap will we generate the motivation for progress. This attitude is especially important to Yang Yang.

Liu Yijun represents the acting pursuit of professional actors

If Huang Xiaoming represents the actor's path to self-improvement, then Liu Yijun can be regarded as a model of professional actors' unremitting pursuit of acting skills.

Unexpectedly, 53-year-old Liu Yijun taught some actors in the entertainment industry a lesson

Over the past 20 years, Liu Yijun has always maintained his enthusiasm for performance, and has never slackened due to age or resources. Whether playing a leading or supporting role, he sees it as an opportunity to hone his acting skills, put his heart and soul into it, and faithfully portray each vivid character.

Because of this, Liu Yijun can vividly interpret many characters that could have been simply defined. The accumulation of his acting skills supported him to still exude vigorous passion and conquer the audience with delicacy in his fifties.

It can be felt that Liu Yijun's awe and love for the identity of an actor is precisely because he regards acting as an art that he pays so much attention to the improvement of acting skills. In the era of commercial packaging, the spirit represented by Liu Yijun is worth learning from every actor.

If Yang Yang wants to gain a long-term foothold, he needs to pay more attention to the cultivation of connotation and skills. Liu Yijun's story proves that if you don't forget your original intention and stay humble, your acting skills will surely improve with time and experience. This will also be a topic that Yang Yang must face in the future.

Unexpectedly, 53-year-old Liu Yijun taught some actors in the entertainment industry a lesson

Yang Yang should do self-reflection

Through the above analysis, we can see that Yang Yang is currently facing a very serious predicament. If you don't do self-reflection, it will be difficult to rely on popularity and appearance for a long time.

First of all, Yang Yang needs to face up to the pertinent opinions of external criticism. He can't just shy away from negative comments, but should distinguish between those that reflect his real acting problems.

Just as Huang Xiaoming chose to listen carefully to the suggestions of all parties, Yang Yang also needs to find out the blind spots of his own performance. Secondly, Yang Yang also needs to learn to choose the right role. You can't simply repeat the previous paths, but consciously choose the acting path that is more challenging. At the same time, attention should be paid to enriching life experience and improving the understanding of characters.

In addition, Yang Yang also needs to adjust his state and maintain a humble and positive attitude. Being young doesn't mean you can be careless, but you need to know how to be in awe of the profession. Only by regaining enthusiasm can the performance be taken to the next level.

Unexpectedly, 53-year-old Liu Yijun taught some actors in the entertainment industry a lesson

If Yang Yang does not reflect on improvement and blindly relies on packaging and resources, the audience will leave him sooner or later. In contrast, actors who constantly pursue breakthroughs can refine the gold of acting skills in the tempering of time. I hope that Yang Yang can absorb the spirit of Liu Yijun and start again.

The market will weed out actors who are not enterprising

Whether it is Liu Yijun's success or Yang Yang's current predicament, they are all reminding us: the showbiz is a place where complacency and stagnation cannot be tolerated. As an actor, only by constantly surpassing oneself can one gain a foothold in this highly competitive field.

The reason why Liu Yijun can shine in his 50s is because he has always maintained a self-improvement mentality. For more than 20 years, he has been in awe of the profession of performance and constantly striving for excellence. And Yang Yang's current slump is precisely because of his slackness and complexity in mentality.

At the same time, Huang Xiaoming chose to self-reflect, Chen Sicheng, Du Chun and others still went their own way, and the results were also obvious: the former was recognized, and the latter was controversial. It shows that actors with introspection and enterprising spirit can finally stand out in the tempering of time.

Unexpectedly, 53-year-old Liu Yijun taught some actors in the entertainment industry a lesson

The current environment is an era that pays attention to real materials. The glamorous packaging no longer works, and the audience values the works and acting skills more. This requires actors to have a deep concept of acting and a love for the performing arts in order to survive in the demanding market.

The showbiz will weed out all arrogant and stagnant actors, this is the reality of this circle. If Yang Yang does not change his mentality in time, I am afraid that he will not escape the fate of being abandoned by the market. Hopefully, he will learn from this and start anew.

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