
When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

author:Travel Pippi

Source of this article: Taken from readers' contributions!

In fact, the reason for coming to Denmark is quite interesting, at first I wanted to go to Berlin, I saw that the ticket was too expensive, and then I looked at the map of Europe one by one, where is cheap, and I came to Denmark to travel, I didn't have any expectations, but I didn't expect it to give me a lot of extra surprises.

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this
When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this
When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this
When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

How to go to Denmark

1: At present, Denmark in Europe, if you want to get to Denmark faster, if you don't want to trouble, if you start from the country, take the Air China plane in Beijing, you can fly directly to Denmark Kestrup Airport, no need to transfer in the middle, the whole journey is 9 hours and 45 minutes, simple and fast without dragging mud and water, if you want to save money, you can take KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Air France flights, because these two airlines are also from Beijing, but the price is much cheaper than the former, you can really save money, but the only drawback is that there is a bit of a toss on the road, you need to transfer halfway, it takes 15 hours to arrive in DenmarkFlights from the Netherlands wait for 1 and a half hours between transfers in Amsterdam, and flights from France wait for 1 and a half hours between transfers in Paris, so it's better to choose according to your needs.

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

Air China's in-flight meal, after eating, have some fruit drinks to drink, it's quite good, but the fruits are very small, a fruit cut a little bit.

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this
When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

After a 9-hour flight, I could only drink coffee on the plane, watch a small TV, and get tired of watching videos on my mobile phone, and then I almost got there after a sleep.

Local price and wage levels in Denmark

2: Denmark's price level, the first day I can't wait to know what the local prices are, take a picture of the price of various products in the supermarket, the current exchange rate is about 1:1.07, 1 yuan Danish krone = 1.07 yuan, you can convert and feel, by the way, buy something to eat and drink, my personal feeling is still: Danish food is so expensive, wine is really cheap.

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

The price of fresh milk and yogurt in the supermarket ranges from 15 to 20 crowns, which is equivalent to more than 15-20 yuan per box, but the boxes of milk are so big that I don't see any small boxes.

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

The price of chocolate biscuits in Danish supermarkets ranges from 8.9 kroner to 26.9 kroner, which is equivalent to RMB 8 pieces of 9-26 pieces of 9 yuan a box, I have bought a box of chocolates in it, and it tastes sweeter and greasy, a little sweet, and people who like sweets must like it, because it is also high in calories.

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

All kinds of juices in Danish supermarkets, including carrot juice, orange juice, strawberry juice, etc., are priced between 12 and 19 crowns per bottle, which is equivalent to more than 12 yuan to 20 yuan.

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

The price of fruit in Danish supermarkets is 3 kroner a kilogram for pineapples at the top, 25 kroner a kilogram for green apples and 18 crowns a kilogram for red apples at the bottom.

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

Danish cabbage, also called baby cabbage by Chinese, a cabbage 32 crowns, equivalent to 33.4 yuan a piece, this price I can buy at least 4-5 such dishes in China.

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

This cucumber is 8 crowns a piece, not a kilogram, and is sold according to the root, which is equivalent to 8 yuan and 3 pieces of yarn a piece.

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

All kinds of liquor sold in Danish supermarkets are really cheap, with prices ranging from 45 to 129 crowns, which is equivalent to 47 to 134 yuan.

3: The salary level of Danes, the average local salary is almost 29,800 crowns, equivalent to 30,000 yuan, scaffolding workers and bricklayers on the construction site can earn 700-1,000 crowns (731-1,045 yuan) a day, waiters, vegetable cutters, and dishwashers in restaurants can get 24,000 crowns (25,000 yuan) a month, working about 7 hours a day, 35 hours a week, in fact, only 32-33 hours a week, 2 days off on weekends to rest at home, accompany the family for the weekend, if you have to work on the weekend, you need to give double wages, because there is no overtime culture in the local area, and few people go to work overtime, and there are transportation industries such as large truck drivers, who generally drive for 1 hour and will rest for 10 minutes, if he can drive 3,500 kilometers a day, it is already very good, of course, high wages also mean that individuals pay more taxes, usually more than 50%.

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

Pay slips for Danish riders

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

Danish female rider

4: I contacted a Danish female rider in the local area who can get 41,000 crowns (42,000 yuan) a month, at first I was skeptical of this statement, because in China, a rider can run a good run of more than 10,000 yuan, almost 5,6000, but when people showed me the salary slip, I had nothing to say, after deducting taxes: 27,000 crowns (28,000 yuan), a total of 826 orders were run, an average of 49 crowns (51 yuan) for a single takeaway, 49 hours a week, 7 hours a day for takeaway, Saturdays and Sundays without rest, There are several hundred crowns in the 40,000 salary that customers give her tips, and there is also money subsidized by the platform (after running more than 24 kilometers a day, each order of takeaway is subsidized by an additional 2.19 crowns), do you think it is cost-effective to run takeaway in Denmark?

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

5: Danish locals generally speak Danish, but I found that when I communicate with them in English, whether it is eating or asking for directions, young people speak English very fluently, and there is no feeling of stumbling, but middle-aged and elderly people may not be able to speak English very well, and they can't understand Danish when they exit it, so the local English penetration rate is still relatively high in my opinion.

The problem of unemployed pension in Denmark

6: Danes are unemployed, and can generally receive 80-90% of their original wages when they went to work In order to ensure that your basic life is not affected, especially for families with children without a source of income from work is very difficult, after receiving unemployment benefits, until you find a job again, and see a doctor in a Danish hospital, there are several situations, the first is to go to the hospital to register and see an outpatient doctor, and then the doctor prescribes some medicine to you, the money for outpatient and medicine needs to be paid by yourself, the second situation is in a public hospital, hospitalization, surgery is free, no need to pay for yourself, all expenses including food expenses during hospitalization are exempt, and even the ingredients are organic, no wonder when you first came to Denmark, you feel that there is an ambulance ringing all night, because emergency ambulance is also free of charge.

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

Eye charts in Danish community hospitals

To see a doctor in Denmark, you need to make an appointment, you can do it via the app (the doctor will respond within 5 working days) or you can call (it is automatically connected, but only in Danish).

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

Danish Community Hospital

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

Danish Community Hospital Rest Area

7: Denmark's pension problem, you can retire after the age of 65, the pension is usually 5,500 crowns per capita a month, equivalent to 5,748 yuan, of course, it also depends on how much tax you pay, according to the proportion of tax will also be issued a part of the pension, the two add up to more than 10,000 crowns (11,000 yuan).

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

8: Danish education from childhood, junior high school, high school, university has always been free, children can study very well, local children are also free, including all the expenses incurred during the birth of children do not have to pay for themselves, in addition to the birth of children to adulthood, there will be a variety of welfare subsidies.

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

9: Renting a house in Denmark, a small single room costs 3500-4500 kroner (3600-4700 yuan), this is still a shared house, you can only have a small room in it, you have other roommates, some friends say that a shared room is still so expensive? If you don't want to rent a house and want to buy a house locally, we take Copenhagen, Denmark, for example, a house costs millions of yuan, so the house price is not very cheap.

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

10: "hygge" was the first word I learned when I came to Denmark, and it represents the Danish way of life, which can only be understood in an ineffable meaning - to create "intimacy and comfort of the soul".

In fact, it is very simple, you only need to sit quietly on a chair in the park in a daze on a sunny afternoon, and you will understand everything, but this kind of Danish philosophy of life cannot be 100% applied to us East Asians, after all, they have already reached the realm of "full score of human beings": abundant resources, strong productivity, high social welfare, gender equality...

When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this
When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this
When Denmark comes back from tourism, it's hard to believe that Denmark, with a population of only 5.9 million, has developed into this

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